
Lo Recant, The Rise of The Dragon King

Dragons, creatures of unimaginable might; beings capable of destroying entire countries single-handedly. The apex of all creations, the strongest of all. The beings who sit at the zenith of creation itself, the gods' strongest creation. Only being beaten out by the gods' own masterpiece, humans. This story is about an outsider, a foreigner. A being who shouldn't exist, a being who has no right in the world. A person who is reincarnated as a newborn dragon in the middle of a grand forest. This story is about a man and his conquest; a conquest so grand, that the world itself quivers before it. A conquest which will, in its end, tear the sky, rupture the earth, and shatter the atmosphere. A conquest which will reshape the world, rewrite history, destroy all semblance of balance and logic. A conquest which will make all shiver in terror, be it gods or mortals, humans or goblins, dragons or slimes. A conquest which will topple over everyone, no matter their position. The conquest which shall be the rise of the dragon which shall be engraved into the world and its history, the conquest of the rise of the being who shall be known to all as the 'The Greatest Sin Of All'.

Bigdaddy_mew · 奇幻
43 Chs

Annihilation: Part Three

I cursed Lo Recant with every fiber of my being. The sheer wrath and fury which was contained in that voice was a testament to how angry I was feeling.

Who wouldn't I? He had kicked me with so much force that I couldn't even react to it until the effects had already made themselves apparent for two whole seconds. That was the sheer amount of speed and power it had. Though that wasn't the scariest; it was the control.

The level of control Lo Recant had over his kick made the feats of speed and power of the kick look pale in comparison. After all, even with all that power, I didn't even get hurt—it was like getting hit by a gentle breeze.

But I digressed; I knew why he had done that and that if I don't get my shit together I'll be turned into high-quality dragon paste.

The first thing which I'll have to do was to spread my wings as much as possible, making my surface area a lot larger. As doing so would greatly increase the drag I was feeling, it was basic black air magic—aerodynamics.

I spread my wings as wide as I could. Doing so doubled my surface area and also made the wind hitting me have a much greater impact on my body. The wind had enough strength—force—in it which made me rapidly decelerate.

'Now, I have more time,' I thought to myself. 'This will be a lot harder.... I should activate Ultra Instinct.'

I was now—more than ever—in need of Ultra Instinct. And what I meant by Ultra Instincts was the true version, not the pseudo one. As currently there were no enemies who would target me and if there were I had a god covering me.

The full activation of it took me about three seconds, two times longer than the pseudo version.

All my five basic senses were lowered by seventy percent while my instincts and intuition increased several folds and reached new extremes.

My understanding of my own body, the knowledge and mastery regarding it, and the dexterity in which I could move it all increased by many folds. The way I moved my—falling—body couldn't help but look like those of an expert martial artist, the look in my eyes looked like those of one who has experienced hundreds of wars, the aura surrounding me was that of a wise and experienced being. Just that feeling made me understand that this form was much more powerful than the simple pseudo version.

Every second I was in this form, the world started to get slower and slower.

I looked around, looking at everything; I found out many things which I had ignored, no, couldn't detect: the wind current, the wind speed, the density of the air, and so on.

'What!?' I thought to myself, surprised.

I had increased my instincts to such an extent that I could 'understand' the black magic, measure its magnitude, and knew how to use it. It was an impossible feat—for me—due to my lack of talent in black magic.

As I kept looking around the world, mesmerized by this impossible phenomenon, I then noticed something weird... something which shouldn't exist. It was such an impossible phenomenon that only gods and beings equal should've been able to do it. It was to such an extent that I hadn't even realized it for a while.

I was seeing two different values; basically:

"I am seeing the future," I said to myself shocked.

Even though it was only limited to two seconds, I could still see the future. The impossibility of such a thing happening made me shudder in absolute disbelief. Though, even more than that, I was amazed, no, mesmerized by the sights I was seeing.

I felt myself in two different places in time, the present and the future. It was a strange yet amazing sensation. It was something which I couldn't even put into words. If I had to guess, explaining this sensation would be akin to explaining how color looked like to a blind person.

But that was just the beginning, the more I looked around, the more mesmerized I got. Seeing two different values of the things which I was observing was an otherworldly sensation, something which I couldn't even imagine. It was amazing. I couldn't even begin imagine how it would be on the ground.

"Ground…ground…" I squinted my eyes as I started thinking about it, "Oh yeah! I forgot! I am falling!"

I had been so mesmerized and amazed by my surroundings that I had forgotten the fact that I forgot about my fall. Though to be fair, what I had experienced was akin to a blind person seeing. It was experiencing something which couldn't be put into words, it was experiencing the qualia of a new sensation.

Right now I was still very far from the ground, which surprised me. But then I realized that the world had been slowed down to a crawl. What I meant was that: I was thinking at hypersonic speeds.

My eyes widened as I started giggling at just how powerful of an ability I had found. Then the moment I had thought of flying, I was shown what would happen two seconds in the future. Meaning I was be able to see all the mistakes I had done, why I had failed, and so on. It was the true purpose of this ability—and if it wasn't then I was going to.

"Seems like this is going to be my form for combat," I said to myself. "See you later, Pseudo Ultra Instincts."

The implications of what I had seen made me completely immune to any surprise attacks—to an extent; and it was only going to get stronger and stronger as I grew. Meaning there will be a moment in time where I would be able to see three, four, even ten seconds into the future.

I couldn't help but smile at that thought, imagining just how powerful it would be in the future. This ability ranked a solid 8/10 in my ability score listing. It was a scoring system which I had just created. One meant non-combat abilities while ten meant abilities equal to Breath of Ouroboros. It was a good system in my eyes.

" I should probably fly," I said as I shook my head, clearing my mind of useless thoughts.

I then prepared for my first flight, I saw the future and followed everything which my future self had done. I made sure I cleaned up on 'my' mistake while trying to improve on the aspects which I was already great at. It was a cycle which went on and on until it reached a level where I couldn't improve, meaning, this ability—Prophet, a name which I had just given to it—allowed me to perfect everything single immediate actions that I took—i.e flight.

"Divine Skill go brrr"

-Bigdaddy_mew, a little worried that this chapter might seem like a bullshit chapter.

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