
Chapter 16

"You sure you're ok with it Jungkook? I know this is short notice, I can probably think of something else."

"Hyung, what are you talking about? I like hanging out with Tae. Plus I owe you one."

"Ok, thanks kid. I really appreciate it."

"No problem Hyung, see you when you get here." Jungkook hung up the phone as he made his way out to the living room, Jimin seated on the couch chewing on his teething ring while watching cartoons.

"Hey baby love" Jungkook called, smiling when Jimin waved to him cutely. He sat on the couch and kissed one of Jimin's chubby cheeks, loving the cute giggle he got in return. "Guess what prince?"

Jimin gave him a wide eye curious look, still content with chewing on his teething ring.

"TaeTae is coming over to play" Jungkook saw the whoop of excitement coming, chuckling as Jimin jumped up and cheered. He was so happy that his best friend and boyfriend got along so well. He was thankful for Taehyung and Yoongi, for helping him not only with his headspace, but to help Jimin feel comfortable with his little side.

Though he has never looked after Taehyung while he was little, at least not without Yoongi being around, so he was a bit nervous about that. But all nervousness aside, he was happy to be seeing his friend soon.

"Ok Baby, calm down" Jungkook said amusedly, taking Jimin's smaller hand in his and leading them to the bedroom. "We gotta get you dressed."

He placed the teething ring aside, then dressed Jimin in cute blue shorts and a grey shirt that had a big print of one of the minions on it, he clipped one of Jimin's pacifiers to his shirt so it was there whenever he needed it. "Do you want to get some of your toys ready for you and Tae to play with?"

"Yes pwese Daddy" Jimin nodded happily, Jungkook adored his slurred words when he was feeling really little.

"Such a polite boy" He bent down to pull out Jimin's toy box from under the bed, carrying it the living room to place on the floor.

Jimin sat down and immediately started pulling out a few car toys and dolls. Jungkook ruffled his hair affectionately, sitting down to watch tv but also keeping an eye on the little.

Nearly an hour later, the doorbell rang. Jungkook got up to go answer it, Jimin teetering right behind him.

Before he could barely open the door, Taehyung pushed it open nearly knocking Jungkook out and running into the house with a shout. "Minnie!" he squeezed Jimin tight in his hold. He could barely breath, but Jimin just giggled as he hugged back.

But the sound of someone clearing their throat got Taehyung to stop all movement, looking over to the sharp glare of his boyfriend.

"That's not how we greet someone in their own home, now is it Taehyung?" Yoongi raised his eyebrow.

Taehyung let go of Jimin as he pouted, shaking his head 'no'. He bowed slightly towards Jungkook, "Sorry Uncle Kookie."

Jungkook just waved it off as he chuckled. "It's ok TaeTae, it's good to see you" he ruffled the older's hair, Taehyung's smile back in place before long.

Yoongi sighed before handing a green backpack with stars on it that was hanging from his shoulder to Jungkook. "Here's Taehyung's necessities, I put his sippy cup, a few toys, and a extra change of clothes in there just in case."

"Got it Hyung" Jungkook replied, taking the bag.

Yoongi turned to Jimin with a warm smile, patting his head lightly. "Hey ChimChim, you and TaeTae play nicely ok?"

Jimin nodded and smiled cutely. "Yes uncle Yoongi!"

Yoongi ruffled his hair before turning to his little boy. "You be good for Jungkookie ok?" he kissed Taehyung's forehead, the younger nuzzled into the crock of his neck as he nodded. Yoongi gently cradled his face, kissing his forehead again before kissing his lips.

"I should be back before 8. Hopefully they won't try to keep me too long at the studio." Yoongi said as he turned to Jungkook. "Again, I really appreciate this Kookie."

"Really, it's no problem at all Hyung" Jungkook reassured, as he smiled at the older.

Yoongi nodded before turning to head out the door, the three waving him off. "Bye Daddy! I love you!" Taehyung shouted, blowing the older a kiss.

"Love you too puppy" Yoongi chuckled, pretending that he caught the kiss and put it in his pocket for safekeeping. He waved at them all, Jungkook closing the door once he was gone.

"Right" Jungkook clapped his hands. "How about you two go play, while I fix you guys something to eat." He glanced at his wristwatch. "It's nearly snack time."

The two littles nodded as they ran excitedly into the living room. Jungkook sighed "How many times do I have to say no running in the house?" Jungkook said more to himself.

He placed Taehyung's bag beside the couch, watching as the two took out toys and started playing, making cute car sounds and voices with their mouths as they played. Jungkook smiled.

He headed back into the kitchen, taking out fruit from the fridge. He decided a nice fruit salad would be good. He took out a couple of cookie cutters from the draw, making flower and heart shaped pineapples and melons. He then cut up an apple into slices, then cut the slices to shape like bunnies. Jimin was more enthusiastic about eating his fruit & veg when they looked cute. He cut some grapes and strawberries in half so they were easier to eat, then took a banana and sliced it into pieces. Jungkook pulled out two of Jimin's bowls, one with Pororo the other with Spongebob on it, putting the cut up fruit in each and placing a plastic fork in one bowl. He carried the bowls of fruit out to the two littles who were still playing and placed a bowl in front of each of them, giving Taehyung the bowl with the fork.

"Here you go, little fruit for the little babies" Jungkook sing songed.

He chuckled at Taehyung aweing at the bunny shaped apples. "It's so cute! Thank you uncle Kookie!" he said before placing one in his mouth.

"You're welcome" Jungkook smiled, "You can eat with your hands baby, if you want" he encouraged Jimin. He knew Jimin preferred eating with his hands when he felt this little. Jimin nodded, so he went to grab sanitary wipes to cleanse his hands, cleaning Taehyung's also just to be safe.

"Tank you Daddy" Jimin giggled, mashing a banana piece between his fingers then putting it in his mouth.

Jungkook kissed his cheek, ruffling both their heads, then he went to get his own bowl of fruit before coming back to watch tv.

Taehyung watched as Jimin picked up a strawberry, squeezing it, causing juice to run down his palm before practically shoving most of his fingers in his mouth.

Taehyung's heart swelled at how carefree and happy Jimin looked, remembering how unsure he was when he tried to come to terms with his little side. But, he also noticed how little Jimin seemed to be.

"Tae Oppa!" Taehyung's attention was brought back to the present, Jimin's sticky hand that held a grape in it extended to him in offer. Normally, big Taehyung would probably find it gross, but right now he was more than happy to lean forward with his mouth open. Jimin plopped the grape in his mouth, giggling as Taehyung chewed happily.

"Aww look at you, sharing like a good boy" Jungkook praised as he watched on, Jimin blushed. Jungkook was so happy they could get along like this.

Once they were all done, Jungkook took away the bowls, quickly washing them, before getting wet wipes to clean the boys mouths and Jimin's fingers.

The boys continued to play, Jungkook occasionally watching fondly as Jimin giggled and clapped when Taehyung made stories with the toys, creating voices and noises for each of them. Jimin would babble excitedly, words not completely coherent. Although Taehyung didn't really understand, he still continued to play.

Jungkook got up once he took notice of the time. He took milk out of the fridge and poured some in a small pot, heating it up gently. He walked over to where he left Taehyung's bag, searching through it before he found what he was looking for. He went to pour apple juice in Taehyung's sippy cup, then turned of the fire and poured the warm milk in one of Jimin's bottles.

"Ok Jiminnie, it's nearly your nap time" Jungkook announced as he walked back into the room. Jimin whined at that, but stopped once he took notice of the bottle, making grabby hands towards it. Jungkook smiled.

"Here TaeTae, you can have some apple juice" he gave Taehyung his sippy cup. Taehyung chirped out a 'Thank you uncle Kookie' and Jungkook ruffled his haired affectionately.

Taehyung watched as Jungkook picked Jimin up with practiced ease, carrying him to the couch and cradling him comfortable in his arms. He brought the bottle up to Jimin's mouth, Jimin suckling happily. The scene was quite intimate, Jimin looked up at Jungkook the whole time, almost in awe. Jungkook looking down at Jimin with so much love, cuddling him close. Jimin raised a hand up, stroking over the younger's cheek, before holding onto the lobe of his ear, comforted.

Taehyung felt like he was intruding on something, so he looked down at his sippy cup, then looked back up to the bottle Jimin was feeding from before looking back at his cup. Taehyung was more of a middle than a little. He could feed and clothe himself, mostly clean up after himself, and he didn't take naps unless Yoongi deemed it necessary. He never once used a bottle, just his sippy cup, but Taehyung felt something flutter in his chest as he watched Jimin suckle on the bottle.

Jimin was dozing off, Jungkook gently moving the bottle away when Jimin finished the milk, placing it on the table. Then he got up, a sleepy Jimin in his arms. "I'll be right back TaeTae, I'm going to put Jimin down for a nap" he called as he made his way to the bedroom.

Taehyung nodded absently, still looking down at his sippy cup, confused about the weird feeling in his chest. He was so lost in thought he didn't hear when Jungkook came back in the room.

"What's wrong TaeTae? Don't you like the apple juice?" Jungkook asked in slight concern, taking notice of the still full sippy cup.

Taehyung chewed his lip nervously before answering "Uncle Kookie...can TaeTae have a bottle?"

Jungkook blinked, surprised "A bottle? Ah, sure Tae, whatever you need." Jungkook gently took the cup from Taehyung, walking into the kitchen to take out one of Jimin's bottles, pouring the juice from the cup into it. He gave the bottle to Taehyung once he came back, watching closely as the little inspected it curiously, before bringing it to his mouth.

Taehyung gave a few experimental sucks, it felt...weird? But good, it was kinda nice.

"Why don't you come sit on the couch, huh Tae?" Jungkook guided him, Taehyung nodded, resting his head on his friend's shoulder once they were seated, still suckling on the bottle. Jungkook patted his head gently, though he was still surprised, he was more than happy to help.

Once Taehyung finished he gave the bottle to Jungkook, who placed it in the table next to the one Jimin was drinking from, making a mental note to wash them. They sat and watched tv for a while, Jungkook changing it to cartoons to keep Taehyung entertained.

Jungkook felt a little poke in his side. "Yes TaeTae?" he asked kindly.

"Uncle Kookie...can I take a nap too?" Taehyung whispered.

Jungkook blinked, twice, "A nap? Are you feeling little TaeTae?" Jungkook asked slightly taken aback. Taehyung fidgeted nervously, chewing on his lip. "Hey, hey it's okay to feel little. I was only curious." Jungkook hugged his friend, giving a reassuring squeeze. "Sure, a nap sounds good."

Jungkook guided Taehyung to the bedroom, he figured he probably wouldn't want to sleep in the guest room alone, considering how little he seemed to be. He let Taehyung sleep on his side of the bed, laying down beside a sleeping Jimin.

"Is your pacifier in your bag? I know you don't use it often but, if you want I can go get it?" Jungkook offered.

Taehyung nodded shyly. Jungkook jogged to go get said item, a white pacifier with a black star on it. He gave it to Taehyung, who timidly took it into his mouth. Jungkook patted his head encouragingly, leaving the room once Taehyung closed his eyes.

Jungkook set to tidy up a little, washing the bottles and Taehyung's cup. He set to make spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, since it was quicker. Just as he finished he could hear a little cry, turning off the fire as he hurriedly paced to the bedroom. Jimin continued to whine until he got to him.

"Hey baby love, did you wake up? Aw come here" he lifted Jimin in his arms, setting him on his hip. The noise eventually woke up Taehyung, who rubbed his eyes cutely. "Come TaeTae, let's get you little ones something to eat" he offered a hand to Taehyung, who climbed out of bed to take it.

He lead them to the kitchen, Taehyung's hand in his and Jimin clutching to him around his waist, before seating them around the table, taking Taehyung's pacifier gently. Jungkook feed all of them, including Taehyung who was quite happy with being fed. He let the two go play once they were finished, washing up the dishes before deciding to join them. He made silly sounds with the toys, Jimin and Taehyung laughing along, he noticed how Taehyung giggled a lot more than he used words.

They stopped at the sound of the doorbell, Jungkook getting up to answer it, the other two trailing behind him.

"Daddy!" Taehyung whooped once Yoongi was revealed behind the door, running into his awaiting arms.

"Hey Puppy, was you a good boy today?" Yoongi kissed the top of his head, Taehyung nodding against his chest. "Go get your bag puppy, Daddy is tired and honestly just wants to go to bed" the older sighed.

"Ok Daddy~" Taehyung skipped out to the living room.

"I honestly can't thank you enough Jungkook" Yoongi smiled at the younger.

Jungkook waved him off, "Really it's no problem Hyung, Taehyung was an angel. Though...he did seem quite little today."

"Oh?" Yoongi brow raised "How so?"

"Well" Jungkook started "He asked for a bottle." Jungkook kind of expected the look of surprise from Yoongi. "And he took a nap, which isn't that big of a deal, but still. Oh and he used his pacifier and let me feed him."

Yoongi blinked. "Well...that's interesting." Yoongi looked like he was deep in thought, but snapped out of it when Taehyung came skipping back. "Tell Jimin and uncle Jungkook bye puppy, and thank you for looking after you."

Taehyung gave Jimin a big hug, the two of them giggling, before giving Jungkook an equally warm hug. "Thank you for looking after TaeTae!"

Jungkook smiled, "You're welcome TaeTae."

"Bye TaeTae, bye Uncle Yoongi!" Jimin chirped.

Yoongi ruffled Jimin's hair, patting Jungkook on the shoulder before taking Taehyung's hand in his own. "Thanks again guys" he waved as he made his way out.

Jimin and Jungkook waved them goodbye before closing the door. Jungkook turned to Jimin, kissing his nose before his pouty lips. "Did you have fun with TaeTae today, baby love?"

Jimin nodded happily, cheeks bunching from smiling.

Jungkook chuckled, kissing his forehead before leading them to the bathroom. "Come on pumpkin, let's run you a bath."