
Limitless: The Evergreen System

The event known as "The Quake" changed the world forever. Rifts, inter-dimensional gateways, opened and let loose magic upon the Earth. Soon followed monsters, mutated animals and fantasy beasts! People imbued with magic, wielding powers akin to mythical heroes, rose up to fight back the stream of horrors, creating a new world order in the process. Many years later, a young man named Alberto Ferantelli will stumble upon an ancient and powerful artifact that could be tied to the origin of the Quake. Now connected to a cosmic force, Alberto has been given a System that allows him to "Level Up" and constantly become stronger! He has the power to become anything, choose any path. What will he do with all the power in the world? What will he become? The possibilities are Limitless!

IP2 · 奇幻
23 Chs


The halls of the abandoned subaquatic facility, echoed with battle cries, clanking of metal and the distinct crunch of carapace caving in after an intense impact. Berto kicked a crab to dislodge it from his spear and immediately engaged the next closest creature. The facility was completely overun! Hateful Hermits ruled every hall and destroyed laboratory.

The newborn survivor was getting more than his share of action. Thankfully his companion Manolo the Hermit, was there to watch his back, picking off any strays that tried to flank Berto. The young engineer was quite frustrated however and was trying to keep his emotions in check.

He wound his arm back, muscles tensing up like a bowstring ready to to fire an arrow. He threw the spear forward with an explosion of motion and it rocketed towards a low level Hermit. The speartip made contact with a *CRUNCH*, splintering the creature's tough exterior and sinking in almost halfway through the shaft.

Mariah: Critical Hit! 14 points of damage dealt! Hateful Hermit Lv.2 deafeted, 35xp awarded.

Berto awaited expectantly. One moment passed. Two.. Nothing happened. "Oh come on!! Still nothing?" he complained as he retrieved his spear. Attack skills.. He was frustrated in his inability to obtain skills that either enhanced martial prowess or gave access to a special technique.

Having a high Intellect meant that he was good at getting skills and besides that, he was getting used to fighting. In a few days of surviving the harsh environment of the Rift, he had gained mastery over his heart drumming against the inside of his ears. But.. he was not a fighter.. never was. Mariah had already explained to him that, though valiant, his improvement in combat was a feat of sheer desperation and a strong will to survive. Berto, although gifted, had almost no affinity for combat oriented skills.

Life had given him the means to become an actual badass, like the main characters of his favourite videogames and novels. He had all the power of change and magic flowing through his being, which was now informing him that the perfect version of him was a bizarre cross between Bob the builder and Aquaman!? No.. Berto planned on fighting this to the end. The Evergreen was capable of bestowing so many great powers and magics upon him! It seemed so unfair if he simply transformed into a more athletic version of himself although he had to admit, even that was astounding!

His mind kept racking itself for answers and new ways to experiment as he jumped on a crab's head and then kicked off the nearest wall with the proficiency of an experienced free runner. He came down hard on an unsuspecting crab, waiting its turn to take a swing at the invader. His spear passed almost unresisted through its body and the fledgling warrior didn't bother yanking it loose. He drew his knife instead and after blocking an incoming attack, bashed the attacker's claw away and stabbed it twice in its eyes, which were less protected.

Manolo picked up his slack by disposing of any remaining foes Berto had either avoided or missed. Even with one claw he was much stronger than his average kin due to him exceeding their level by a margin of 4, most of the time. The pair scavenged through the bodies of their defeated foes for resources or monster hearts and were mostly successful in both fronts. One small Monster Heart amongst crab meat and pieces of carapace.

This Rift was beyond stingy with the level of difficulty it had.. was Berto's exact thought in that moment. He had heard of heroes coming out of Rifts like this with treasures, magical equipment and rare stones that granted them even more power. The best thing he was able to find was a weird looking pebble which he had unfortunately mistaken for a pearl. Berto tromped ahead angrily with a zealous Manolo at his back, carrying severed crab legs. Suddenly with a small pneumatic *POP* a door on his left, crafted to seamlessly blend in with the wall, inched forward on its hinges and revealed a small electronic panel.

Mariah: Rest Zone discovered! If you manage to enter this safe area within ten minutes you will be granted its use for the next 6 hours.

"Gods of Whining I give thanks to your benevolence!" Berto exclaimed as he approached the panel. It required either the swiping of a key card or a code input to open! The young man had neither and seeing a small clock in his vision counting down he drew out the tools he had discovered on his journey here. Since awakening to his connection to the Evergreen, he had a Bypass skill that had gone unused! This would be its time to shine! He loosened the screws and poped open the panels frame and got to work, feeling the Skill's, ever so subtle, mental hints assisting him.

Seven minutes later the young engineer was about to pop a blood vessel through raw anger. "Damnit Bypass, this was your moment!!".

Mariah: Your skill proficiency is too low for this lock! Might I suggest a change of course..

"Wow Mariah, really? Why didn't I think of that?"

Mariah: Sarcasm is unbecoming of you..

"MMMGHGH" Berto almost growled back at his guide as he poped the lid back into place. He tried his own password but got a negative buzz as the panel's screen shone red. One minute remaining! "Wait! This room! This is a maintenance crew's cabin! What's their All-Access password again..?". The young man felt cold sweat running down his back. He had only seen the password in question once or twice in the years he worked here. Less than a minute remained on the clock. His finger approached the dials involuntarily and started punching in numbers with a slow and painful pace.

Mariah: ....



Congratulations! Resting Zone unlocked. You and your companions can rest safely here for six hours. Countdown begins once you enter.

"Oof.. son of a.. Really Mary?! You thought suspense was what I needed right now? And how the hell did I even remember that?"

Mariah: Our designation is MARIAH and to answer your question.. An Intellect of 17 boosts all cognitive function, including Short-Term and Long-term memory. Your Intelligence is slowly reaching genius levels. Credit, where credit is due User Berto.

Berto let out an extended sign of relief rather than annoyance. At the same time Manolo mimicked him and released a stream of foam from his mouth.

• • •

The Resting Zone was all it should have been and then some. A bed, an actual bed! A small shower with hot water and a packaged, dehydrated meal were some of the amenities available that almost made young Ferantelli cry once he entered. The room of course had barely enough space for two people, but Berto wasn't about to let his new buddy rest outside alone. They shared a meal together and the young man vented to the oversized crab. He looked directly into its non-understanding eyes and let out a laugh, almost chocking on his meal. Manolo stood at attention whenever Berto spoke to him, even though the man knew he couldn't understand anything beyond simple commands. He patted the loyal companion on its head. "Thank you for being here.. If it weren't for you and Mariah I would be dead a few miles back in a glass coffin.. Thanks for not eating my face off, Brave Manolo.." he said smiling at the beast as he finished patting it. Manolo had raised his own level to 7 during their raid of the facility and had proven to be a valuable ally.

After a steamy shower, the young engineer shut off all lights, put his armor aside and hung his torn clothes to dry out before slipping under the warm sheets. His sleep was tense and plagued with nightmares. A gentle pinch on his hand steadied him and his muscles loosened up. Manolo kept holding his thrashing companion's hand as they slept. Almost five hours later, the hermit's claw fell to the ground lifeless and pale in colour, as its carapace cracked open and tore in half.

• • •

Waking up Berto reared in horror and reached for the closest weapon he could find. Manolo was torn asunder and now a slightly bigger Hermit was feasting on his lifeless body! He grabbed his spear and prepared to thrust forward with everything he had! This thing took his companion away and was about to find out how much that hurt him! The Hermit then raised its pincers to the sky in a celebratory fashion, as Manolo often did before or after they engaged something in combat.

The blur of sleep faded from Berto's eyes as he read Manolo Lv.7, atop the creature's head. It would appear the creature had moulded its skin after leveling up! By shedding its older carapace it had grown slightly in size and had restored its previously missing "buckler" shaped pincer.

"Oh mios dios! You scared me buddy! I didn't know crabs shed their.. skin? Shell? Well whatever it is, I'm so happy you're ok!" he said as gave the beast an awkward hug. "You smell like fish food.." he said as he pulled back from the ill conceived gesture.

What remained of our heroes' six hours of rest ended shortly after and a few moments later they were back prowling the facility for a way forward. Their was a sensation of finality to the whole thing. Maybe one only a gamer or a seasoned adventurer could identify. This whole facility seemed to serve as nothing more than a final encounter, designed to tire and injure any who would infiltrate by sending hoard after hoard of weak monsters at them. The question was, who or what they were protecting? Had IT designed the Rift's structure? Or was it simply a puppet as well? Berto peeked around a corner and inspected the giant laboratory that lay ahead.

A circular room, almost like an amphitheatre.. Same as the lab where it had all started. The mere sight sent shivers down Berto's spine and the inhabitants of the room did not help either. There were at least five Hateful Hermits, all Lv.4, surrounding a beast that was in a league of its own. A little over six feet in height, stood a tank of a crustacean! With an armor-like carapace and pincers that seemed capable of snapping a motorbike in half. It's concrete coloured carapace hid a fleshy orange and red interior from harm and its six powerful legs, lightly bent the steel platings it stepped on as it moved around, inspecting its surroundings.

[Hermit Atlas Lv.8]

Berto hid back behind his corner and started hyperventilating uncontrollably. The fear that had taken him was primordial and forgotten by humanity. The fear commonly felt by prey! Berto knew this beast.. It was definitely the same one that almost bit his head off when he first entered the Rift. Just by looking at it, the young survivor envisioned dozens ways his life could end if he were to engage the creature. *Pat* a pincer touched his forearm and Berto looked up at the expressionless face of Manolo.

Was he sensing his fear? Was he waiting for an order? No.. He was probably wondering why they weren't already attacking the enemy! Berto grabbed his claw and shook it. "Yeah.. Me too amigo.. And.. it's not like we didn't prepare for this!" he said and removed his makeshift backpack. He opened it and took out the heaviest, bulkiest item it contained, leaving it almost empty as a result. He now held a disc shaped contraption, 17 inches in diameter. Its upper half looked like a speaker and the lower was a managerie of circuits and intricate mechanisms with only two electrodes hanging loose, not connected to something.

Next the engineer took out a small egg shaped, glass container, filled with a glowing blue substance. "Condensed Mana Battery.." he murmured and smiled as he remembered thinking it would come in handy. Just a few moments ago he extracted the magnificent power source from his Resting zone, as the small battery was used for powering not only that room and its devices but also three more rooms just like it.

Mana was slowly becoming the future's clean super-fuel thanks to the Champions collecting and providing it. Berto was planning to use it to possibly power a new campsite but this took precedence. He hooked up the battery to the strange contraption and simply wrapped it in place with some duct tape. The device hummed to life and small timer appeared on its cracked screen. 10 seconds and counting down. Berto took up his shield and readied his spear by placing it on the floor next to him.

Grabbing the device like a frisbee he took a breath and blinked slowly, as if he were in pain. "Agility 14.. don't fail me now.." he prayed before flinging it towards the monster and its possy. The device bounced twice of the slick floor of the lab before skidding to a stop in front of the monster! The beast leared down at the unassuming thing and the rest of the crabs were intrigued by its ever quickening beeping sound.

The sub-aquatic railway had a very simple, yet affective way of keeping sea life away without harming it. Speakers were installed in key positions which produced high frequency blasts of sound that deterred marine life from coming too close or nesting near it. What came out of the one that Berto had meddled with however.. The word blast couldn''t do it justice. "Engineering Lv.5 bitch!!" he whispered through smirking lips.

*BrrrrrrrrBOOOOM* The device bursted with an explosion of sound that shook the very walls of the dome! The air rippled and the scenery was momentarily distorted from the sonic boom! Dust and debris flew everywhere and the monsters were scattered in all directions. The Atlas' carapace cracked at the plate that protected its underside. It was flung back about five meters and lost its footing because of how smooth the floor was.

Berto and Manolo rushed into the fray like experienced hunting partners. This was the effect of his Tame skill in action! The pair attacked the weakened Hermits, trying to get rid of as many as possible before the Atlas was on its feet again. Manolo slashed and bashed his enemies until he could get at their soft insides and finish them. Their enemies were weaker than them but still stronger than their average Hermit kin, found outside the facility. Berto deafeted a crab by flipping it over with a shove from his shield and then skewering it with his spear.

He turned around to see Manolo overwhelmed by three Hermits and rushed over to help. Or at least he tried to.. A giant vice-like grip clamped down around his spear arm and yanked him back with animalistic fury! He skid across the floor and hit the wall behind him. He imagined he must have been thrown at least ten meters away to hit a wall and the idea made him panic even more!

Mariah: 9 points of damage received! -2 points resisted due to Carapace Breast Plate defense rating. 17/24 HP remaining!

His head throbbed from pain and his arm felt as if it were torn out of its socket. Before he even got up he found himself diving forward and rolling out of the way of a sweeping blow! Finally on his feet he could use his superior mobility to bob and weave his way out of steel bending blows.

The Atlas had no finesse. It needed none. Its hammering strikes were strong enough to bend the floor platings and crush the lab offices. Berto could only dodge until he could find an opening. When he finally did, his spear glanced of the thing's outer shell, leaving nothing more than a deep scratch. "Shit.." he mumbled to himself before ducking to avoid another blow. He then tried to stand up straight but ended up being pushed back by his massive opponent. He lost his balance for a split second and opened himself up for a grapple! He saw the massive claw coming for him and only had time to raise his shield!

This wouldn't do. The claw was big enough to envelop his forearm, the small buckler wouldn't protect him! This monster.. this thing.. Would break his arm, tear off his limbs and devour him. All of this would have been for nothing! Berto clenched his shield arm and put all his strength into its muscles. He steadied his footing and held his breath. With a weird feeling of confidence he pushed a small, hidden sensation, making it build up inside him before he stepped forward to intercept the incoming grip! His shield rocketed forward with an explosion of movement, knocking away the Atlas' claw and cracking its hard rock-like shell.

Mariah: Shield Bash activated! New Skill acquired! Shield Bash (C) Lv.1! This Active Skill consumes 1 Mana upon use and requires a shield or shield-like weapon equiped. The User bashes an adjacent opponent with an additional 15% force. This strike has a small chance to stun or knock an opponent off balance. Raising the Skill's level will augment all its properties.

Berto barely got the gist of everything his guide said as he took advantage of the short reprieve, putting distance between him and the Atlas crab. Short of breath and with muscles straining against greater and greater challenges, the young survivor clenched his jaw and lowered his stance. "Come get me you kaiju wannabe!" he said through grinding teeth and rushed to meet the Atlas' charge head on! "Three Mana remaining! One Mana per use.. I have three shots.. can't waste another." he thought as he slid under the beast and started dancing around it. The Atlas didn't seem to tire and kept coming after Berto relentlessly. Shield Bash couldn't have come at a better time. With its added force Berto was able to hit his opponent hard enough to crack its tough shell! And if he wasn't mistaken, the Atlas already bore a mighty wound from its close encounter with the sonic bomb. If he could break the damaged carapace completely then the mutated crab's fleshy insides would be exposed!

Ducking under a blow, Berto poked the beast's face with his spear and the Atlas raised its defence in response. After a second of not receiving any attacks it lowered its pincers to inspect its opponent but Berto had already moved closer and under its guard.

Mariah: Shield Bash activated!

*CRRRAAACK* Berto's shield hand went numb for a second by the sheer force of the blow delivered! 15% didn't sound like a lot of added force but it sure felt like it! The fledgling warrior even feared he had broken his shield before he made sure it was intact. The Atlas was pushed back only one or two meters due to its bulk but the intended harm was done! Its already damaged face plate was a good strike away from shattering. The creature let out an echoing screech before spewing forth a stream of foam! The bubbly substance covered the floor at Berto's feet as he raised his shield instinctively. Soon he realised the error of not jumping out of the way of this strange attack. Berto found his feet glued to the floor and was unable to move. The Atlas charged in intending to body slam the young man with its full weight.

Not having any alternatives, Berto released a Shield Bash at the very last second in order to seize the oversized Hermit's assault. However with the crab's bulk and momentum, Berto ended up launching himself backwards instead! The Atlas had avoided being struck in an already damaged area and received no critical damage. It flew into a rage however and rushed towards the fallen Berto, delivering a downwards, hammering blow to the exposed man. Berto's crude breastplate shattered and the air was knocked out of his lungs.

Mariah: Critical hit received! 15 points of damage! -2 points resisted due to Carapace Breast Plate's defense rating. Carapace Breast Plate destroyed! 5/24 HP remaining! User Berto you must rise! Escape NOW!

But the young survivor could barely hear her voice through the buzzing of his ears. Pain Mitigation had reached Lv.3. This skill allowed Berto's body to better cope with pain and even numb a small percentage of it. Even with that, Berto at this moment could only see red. Blood dripping from his left eye and mouth. The Atlas loomed over him, basking in its victory! It could finally finish the meal that got away three days ago. It reached out to grab him as Berto was slowly trying to get his feet under him. Suddenly, from the other side of the lab, a stream of bubbles whizzed by and impacted the Atlas, each of the small projectiles exploding on impact!

Manolo came rushing into the fray! He kept on spraying the larger beast with its stream of exploding bubbles, pushing it away from his companion. The bubbles seemed to be doing superficial damage at best but were more than distracting. Berto got up and smiled as his valiant friend took on the Atlas Hermit with complete disregard for its own wellbeing. The large crab smacked Manolo aside, annoyed by his insolence and tried refocusing on the human it planned on devouring! It was but a second too slow..

*CRRRRAAAAACK* Berto used his last Mana to break through the Atlas' defence, completely shattering its protective carapace! The mutated beast's face was now exposed as organs and flesh were now visible and pulsing with life. Berto stabbed it dead center for all he was worth, his spear sinking in a good 15cm before coming to a halt!

The Atlas grabbed ahold of his spear's shaft and cut the weapon in two with its mighty vice-like grip! The young man now unarmed dodged the next few blows before being pushed to the ground once more. He rolled away and avoided another blow from the desperate Atlas which was clinging to life by a thread. Manolo put a stop to the giant crab's advance and locked claws with it. The Atlas began clenching its bigger, more powerful pincers, slowly crushing Manolos'.

With one jump, Berto landed atop Manolo and kicked off of him towards the monster. Leg extended, the young man kicked the end of the broken spear shaft, thrusting it completely into the Atlas' brain and nervous system. A screech, a spasm and a heavy collapse of unmoving mass.

Mariah: Atlas Hermit deafeted! 1300xp awarded! *PING* Level up! Level 5 reached! *PING* Level up! Level 6 reached! 300/1250xp required to level 7.

Manolo crawled atop the dead Atlas and raised its pincers. Berto, having collapsed to the floor saw his companion and raised his arms in the same fashion. "Hell yeah.. hell yeah amigo.." he said with a broken smile. And then... *BOOOOM*

The sea shone white with light and the waters rippled with power. Someone had just entered the Rift!!

Don't forget to show your support so I can keep this Aqua-Train going! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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