
Light Devil Fruit in Tales Of Demons And Gods

Stealing devil fruit from a world noble. Hunted by thousands of marines. Finally, died at the hands of admiral. A single mistake, costs him his very life. Despair fills his thought as he closes his eyes. But then, Ye Xinghan found himself woke up in the world of cultivation. The world he is very familiar with, Tales of Demons and Gods. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This fanfic mainly for TDG X ONEPIECE. But i will add a few characters from other anime to help the plot's development. (Nah, i wont throw all anime girls in this novel. Thats just wish fulfillment) I've been wondering lately, what will Rokushiki & Haki do in the world of cultivation. But so far, there's no novel that satisfy my curiousity, so i make one myself. *Please kindly leave a comment and review to motivate me

Rashta · 漫画同人
39 Chs

First Battle

-Glory City, Middle of the Night-

In the deep dark forest, beneath the southernwest wall of the training ground, a patch of soil slightly moved indicating that something was inside.

It was Ye Xinghan who slowly climbed up from it.

"Phew, it is really dark here. It would be very dangerous if the one who sneak in was ordinary peope. He wouldn't even notice if he was being preyed on by some beasts." muttered Ye Xinghan.

He brought his right palm forward and channeling his energy towards the hand. Light suddenly flashed and illuminating the whole area in front of him, creating an impression just like when using a flashlight.

This is the very basic form of Pika-Pika no Mi.

Ye Xinghan adjusted the intensity of the light because he didn't want to startle the demon beasts inside this forest and to save as many energy as he could.

Although logia devil fruit fully allows the user to control attributes at will, there is a limitation enforced to the bearer. The power generated from the devil fruit is closely depends on the stamina or for some vicious devil fruits, they will drain the life force of its host.

Ye Xinghan understand this as well, so he wasted no time when he found news regarding how to enter this place. He wanted to test his current limit as well as practicing various form of tricks he knew from the earth.


After walking through the forest for 10 minutes, Ye Xinghan arrived at a very wide plain. He spotted a goat-like creature that has glowing red eyes, eating the grass relaxedly beside a river. It seemingly didn't notice the presence of stranger.

Ye Xinghan immediately knew that this is the very first demon beasts showed in the manhua or the novel. The Horned Sheep.

This is a 1 star bronze rank demon beast with very aggresive nature. It has territorial behaviour, meaning every single organism that has entered its territory without warning, will be chased to the very end of earth.

And horned sheeps were demonized creature, so their reaction speed is extremely fast and their strength is the same as two bronze fighters combined.

If Ye Xinghan still has the strength of when he was in One Piece world, this creature will be destroyed in a single punch. But right now, he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, because a single mistake might made him lost a limb or two.

Ye Xinghan draws the sword he brought. It was just a decent sword, one he could find in a hurry. But he didn't worry too much because his swordmanship knowledge will make up for it.

He slowly moved his feet to feel the surface of the soil. He was searching for a decently hard surface of soils. When he found it, he took a deep breath and use the movement skill he was already familiar with


As he immediately launched himself forward, the Horned Sheep took notice of him. But, before it managed to react, he sliced the right thigh of it, spilling some blood in the air.

"BAAAAH" (Is this a goat's sound? Idk honestly lol.)

Knowing that his suprised attack succeed. Ye Xinghan, who was still in the air, kicked the body of the sheep, drawing some distances between them. His purposes has been achieved, limiting the sheep's movement and proving that the 'SORU' worked.

Well, it was not a full version of Soru. He just used the basic principle behind it.

When Ye Xinghan was kicking the soils ten times, he imbued the power of Pika Pika no Mi. The role of Pika-Pika no Mi earlier was to help him to achieve the kicking speed as well as to mitigate the damage done to his body.

If Ye Xinghan was to fully use the power from his body, he could fracture his own bone. That was because his body wasn't strong enough to bear the burden of full powered Rokushikis.

"Phew, its fur is harder than i predicted. I felt like slicing through a wood. If i didn't adjust my sword several degree lower, maybe what it takes would only just a skin trauma." Ye Xinghan muttered as he inwardly shocked. The Horned Sheep is one, if not the weakest demonized beast in the series. But in terms of defensive alone, this thing can run rampant on earth if there was no gun or other firearms.

"Hehe, i wonder if its meat will be as delicious as a lamb." Ye Xinghan laughed as he drew his sword again and step forward, planning to finish off the beast.

The Horned Sheep that was still limping because its tendon was cut, knew that its life was in danger. Ye Xinghan suddenly felt energy around his surrounding flow towards the sheep.

As the red auras gather, the sheep aura increasing at alarming pace. Before long, it finally entered 'Berserker Mode'. The sheep slowly stand up as if it was okay.

Ye Xinghan noticed that the thigh didn't recover or healed, it was just like the sheep didn't care anymore about the wound. Yet, when he was planning to use 'SORU' again to catch the sheep again by surprise, he suddenly felt a strong sense of danger.

The sheep was charging without any warning at all, it didn't do a stance or anything like normal animal do before charging. The speed was extremely fast and managed to reached Ye Xinghan in an instant.

"Huh, just in time. There's also a move i want to show." Ye Xinghan calmly said, he didn't seems to be bothered by the thought of sheep ramming towards him.

He brought his hands close to the center of his face with the fingers spread toward his eyes. An iconic move any veteran weebs would know..

"Solar FLARE"

a white light to fire out, the sheep that was charging towards him stunned and drifted away from its original track.

Ye Xinghan didn't waste the chance as he brandished his sword and finally decapitating the beast, ending the battle with cool pose.

"Not bad for a mob beast. It even has the berserk state, maybe it is a variant or something." Ye Xinghan nodded. Then, he collected the parts that can be sold, and removing the meat from the carcass.

After setting up a simple firepit, he immediately divided the meat for several piece. Each one was seasoned with different herbs & seasons, he wanted to know the end result of it by experimenting. After all, this is gonna be his future income.

" 'Eating demon beast meat is very beneficial to the body, as it has been refined by spiritual energy and obviously very helpful to the cultivation' That was written in the book.

Maybe i can beat Sage Emperor after eating his six deities one by one, if i go by this logic.

Forget it, that was very random of me.

Now, let's celebrate this successful day."

This is my first time writing a novel.

Feel free to share some of your thought.

What should i improve, or any suggestion maybe?

Rashtacreators' thoughts