
Light and Dark Magician

Reinn Vessalius was an ordinary-boy who had a dream of becoming the so-called Ascender. With the earth divided into two sides, facing invasion, mythical creatures, would he remain alive in the midst of chaos? Witness the adventure of Reinn from being ordinary into a somewhat mighty existence as he faced with many difficult enemies throughout his journey.

Avrilean_ · 奇幻
8 Chs


While Reinn watched Lucas intently from the side, Sylvia yell came from her room, "How is it, bro Reinn? I'm going to call the police if you're not answering me in five seconds."

Lucas turned his head and said to Reinn, "Tell your sister to be quiet."

"It's okay, Syl. They're not bad guys." Reinn paused before adding hesitantly after looking at the burned creature, "But, I prefer you're not leaving your room."

"Why? Is it because you were currently being held captive by them that you don't want me to see it?" Sylvia shouted back panicky.

Receiving another glare from Lucas, Reinn sighed helplessly, "It's not like that. Alright, you can come out, but don't fret out from whatever you're about to see."

The next second, Reinn sees the door that belonged to Sylvia's room creaked slowly before a little head popped out from it. With wariness, Sylvia's eyes scanned the living room before she spotted Reinn, who was standing covering the dead creature's body, "Bro Reinn."

"Hey, come here." Reinn beckoned her over.

Since Reinn's body blocked Sylvia's sight, she still hasn't yet witnessed the dead body and walked calmly to Reinn, "What's up with the commotion just now?" then, before Reinn able to react, Sylvia shifted her body, and her eyes fell upon the dead creature body. Widening her eyes in horror, she about to let out a scream when Reinn blocked her mouth immediately.

Placing his finger upon his mouth with another hand, Reinn gestured her to stay quiet. Staring at Reinn's assured face, Sylvia hesitated for a moment before eventually nodded her head.

Withdrawing his palm from her mouth, Reinn cleared her doubt, "The carcasses you've seen belonged to a monster." Watching her face turned pale, Reinn quickly assured her as he stroke her back, "It's fine, the monster already killed by these two people."

Nodding her head blankly, Sylvia didn't know what to say, and Reinn as a brother who's lived with her for a long time, knew what's inside her head, "Okay, let's go to your room. Let me accompany you."

Escorting Sylvia to her room, Reinn tucked her under her blanket and lullabied her with a song. He knew that she must be shocked and probably got a trauma by looking at the bloody creature. Hence, he chooses to divert her attention by singing her a song to calming her state down.

Observing her eyes gently closing, Reinn continued humming a song until he noticed Sylvia's chest rising up and down, already deep in sleep. Kissing her forehead, Reinn whispered, "Sweet dream."

Coming out from her room, Reinn saw the two people who previously busy examining the corpse were now standing on opposite sides. Lucas, who noticed Reinn's arrival, turned to him, "I'm going to cleanse this monster, so you better keep your distance."

Upon saying that, Lucas directed his palm over the dead monster, while his arms veins start glowing in red as if something about to burst out. Bizarrely, the redness on the veins seems moving and finally stopped advancing after reaching the palm area. With Lucas's palm crowded by much somewhat red-roots, the temperature around him slightly increased.

"Burn..." Lucas chanted as a magical flame emerged from his palm, enveloping the dead monster carcass completely.

Half-closing his eyes, Reinn eyes get slightly hurt by the appearance of sudden fire. But the view of magic was excited him as well. Thus, he persistently watched the scene unfolded before his eyes, ignoring the pain he felt.

This continued until the monster carcass turned into ash. The moment Reinn realized it was finished, his eyes stung badly, and he had to shed a few tears before able to see normally. Wiping the remaining tears on the corner of his eyes, Reinn said admirably, "Woah, that's a pretty amazing performance."

"You didn't felt disgusted by it?" Lucas said in surprise.

"Why should I?" Reinn questioned back with a chuckle. However, the main reason he didn't feel too scared nor disgusted because back then his father shows him plenty of magic tricks. Now seeing another magic were executed, he couldn't help reminiscence the past and thus tempted to watch it until the end.

"You're unbelievable," Lucas said before turned to the woman in front of him, "Let's go. Our mission is done."

The woman already packed all her things and about to nod her head when her eyes fell on the pile of ash before her, "What should we do about the ash?"

Knitting his eyebrows at her, Lucas replied, "Didn't you can just blow them away with your ability?"

"Oh, right!" As the realization hit her, she then proceeded to walk to the nearest windows and opened them. With the outside night sky exposed, she inhaled deeply before breathed out from behind the ash, aiming them into the window's direction.

"Rest in peace." She muttered under her breath before turned to Lucas, "I've finished my job."

"Good." Lucas then turned to Reinn, "Thanks for your cooperation earlier."

"Hahaha, it's nothing," Reinn replied embarrassedly since he didn't do anything, and yet he got praise.

They talked for a while before Lucas bid his farewell, considering they need to report the matter they have resolved. Witnessing their figure gradually disappear, Reinn heaved a sigh of relief and closed the windows.

Just then, his eyes caught the scorching mark where the monster previously burned alive.

'This'll be a really long night.' Reinn thought to himself.