
Level Infinity Weakest King

"My Level in this world is Infinity?" An old man dies and gets reincarnated in a world filled with magic. He was shocked at first as his dream had been realized but it was only later he understood that the world was none other than the Gaming World in which he had adventured earlier. Though it seems like many thousands of years have passed by. Will he have some fun or will he just be bored yet again? Join me in this amazing journey! [ I'm so sorry guys, the chapters from 1- 40 are in weird dialect. It's rubbish, to be honest, I hope you forgive me for that. Those chapters contain only 500-800 words! ] [ Chapters after 53 is locked so they are of 1000+ words. Incidentaly, from chapter 60 onwards, chapter contains 1500-2000 words ] [ The sounding might be different and there might be lot of errors, ( English is not my native language )but those errors won't be repeated again from chapter 165 that is ] [ Read at your own risk, if the chapters anger you or upset you, you may quit but don't lave hate comments or reviews that demotivate behind! ] [ Last edited on 05/24/2021 ]

1st_Manga_KING · 奇幻
262 Chs


"So you are saying me that I had to extract the mana instead of donating it?"

"Yes master, I'm extremely Sorry! Because of my old age the information got mixed up! I apologize!"

"It's fine! But now we need to extract the mana right?", was what Rex told after understanding the situation a little.

"Yes master.... But we need to do it quick, before Zormugand fully awakens.", was what the old man said.

"Very well then." Rex started reversing the process and the mana which was being sent was stopped. Instead he started extracting the mana that was already inside Zormugand's core crystal.

Rex continued to extract it.

After 1 Hour...

Rex was still extracting mana from the core.

"How much more.... Unbelievable! I have already extracted the mana that would be equal to many dragons but still it hasn't depleted..." was what Rex said after being exhausted due to continuous extraction. But what was much more surprising was that his own vessel was able to hold such large amount. However there was a lot of work left!

Another hour passed by...

And now the mana extraction was decreasing. Rex said,"Is this much enough? Or should I extract more?"

To this the old man replied,"Master... you had to extract only for 2 minutes and 30 seconds in your old Warlord state, but now since your form has weakened, you would require another 30 minutes. What I mean is 2 hours has already passed and you require another 30 minutes to finish the extraction!"

"Aaaa! Another half an hour? Oof! I am already tired! Never mind, let me continue." And then Rex continued to extract and soon 10 minutes passed and then 20. And now finally 29 minutes had passed...

"1 more minute.... Just one more!", was what Rex mumbling as he wanted to rest since he had accumulated a lot of tiredness.'

"Yes master! Just one more minute...! Ha ha ha! Master, you look like you really want to rest. Ha ha ha", the old man said this as if trying to cheer Rex but it had the opposite effect. Rex started to glare at the old man for this useless joke!


The old man felt a chill running down his spin as if he had awakened a sleeping lion. He then quickly said, "Sorry master... I was just...."

And suddenly the ground started shaking....

Both Rex and the old man was shocked of this sudden tremor that was caused. The old man immediately felt the tremor and it's power and came to know that this tremor was from a powerful beast! A beast that was Grade 5 or above!

In this world beasts are divided by Grades too. Ranking and Grading, both are different and what I mean by that? Well it's simple! The ranking are as follows- A, B, C, D, E and S. And the Grading are nothing but the numbers assigned to them. For more clarity let us take an example- 2 Dragons that have been Ranked as S rank fight each other and only one of them wins. Then the winner is given a higher grade! If the loser dragon got a Grade 1 then the winner get's a Grade 2! That's how it is decided!

Hence Grade 4 or above are very rare and are found in only very few regions!

And now a tremor was caused and the old man immediately came to knew that this powerful tremor could be caused by beasts which have a higher grade and a higher ranking too!


Well that's all for now! Let's see what happens in the next Episode!

Thanks all, and please read my 2 new work- Dark Love and My Sad Happiness. Do give it a try and support me in those too!

And please comment and tell if you want me to update daily and how many Episodes cause I am free for next 3 days. I'm not sure how many people sincerely like this and thus I don't usually update much. Do comment so that I come to know the people who are waiting so that I can think of some amazing plots!


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