
Ch 29 Owl Days

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Although she had been quiet the night before, the next morning Marigold's inevitable lecture came.

"Lily, I have to ask: what were you thinking?" said Marigold the moment they all sat down for a late breakfast. "After everything I told you and everything we discussed, how could you back out at the last minute?"

"James fancies...or fancied me anyway. It wouldn't have been right to go with him," said Lily. Indeed, if she had, she really would have been leading him on like Sirius said.

"But at the last minute? Lily, they probably wasted hundreds of pounds on hotels and inns for you to stay in."

Lily slapped the table, tired of being blamed for something she had been pressured into in the first place. "Hey! I tried canceling it ahead of time, but you wouldn't let me."

Over in the corner, Petunia had a smirk on her face as she consumed her eggs and toast. This was probably her version of vacation in the Bahamas, watching her mother and sister fight.

Marigold let out a deep sigh. "Regardless of whose fault it is, the main question is what are you going to do now? I calculated the total cost of the portion you owe the Potters. It adds up to almost five-hundred pounds!"

"I...I don't know. I can pay it back once I get a job, I suppose," said Lily with a wince. Five hundred pounds? That would take months to pay off.

"Indeed you will, young lady," said Marigold, narrowing her eyes. "It's too late to get one for this summer, but as soon as you leave Hogwarts, I expect you to have one and start paying this off. Understood?"

Lily nodded rapidly, eager to end the discussion.

As such, she was particularly grateful for the distraction when a snow-white owl knocked at the kitchen window.

Opening the letter it carried, Lily's eyes went wide as she saw it was from Evelyn Matthews.

Dear Evans,

As a favor to Severus, I am sending you the address to the Matthews Family Home.

It's at 411 Albertson Street, Thurso, Scotland. Apparating here should be no difficulty if you give it a few stops.

Yes, there is the possibility of splinching yourself, but Severus informed me that you did an excellent job on your apparition tests, so you can probably manage it.

Father will have him working most days from dawn until dusk, of course, but even so, you are permitted to visit, provided that you cause no disruption to the work. If you do, he has informed me that you will be banned from the premises, so do be careful.

Apart from that, Severus has informed me that the two of you have officially entered into a romantic relationship...


Hurt him, and I'll let my father use your body as potion ingredients.


Evelyn Matthews

Lily bit her lip, wondering just how serious Evelyn was. However, at least she had provided her a chance to see Severus, as well as avoid some of the tension in the house right now.

So, after gaining her mother's reluctant permission, Lily apparated away.

She wondered if she'd ever get used to apparition. Although convenient, it was uncomfortable, like being squeezed through a tube multiple times over.

Still, although jumbled up and out of breath, she soon arrived on the front lawn of the Matthews Family home.

Patting herself down, making sure nothing had flown up or was otherwise out of place, she turned to the house.

Her mouth dropped open.

Two stories tall, and half the size of a Quidditch pitch, the Matthews Family Home was easily the size of a mansion...and was the most absurd building she'd ever seen.

It was made of a mixture of at least fifteen different architectural styles, everything from Medieval European to the Wild West of the United States to...was that a piece of a skyscraper?

It all clashed horribly, modern steel walkways growing off of ancient stone a log cabin climbing atop a shingle roof. It looked like a child had thrown all his toys together and called it a house.

Staring about in wonderment, Lily made her way to the only entrance: a stone door half again as tall as she was. Half-afraid of what might come out of if, she knocked.

A piercing whistle echoed through the yard.

For a moment, nothing happened, then she heard the sound of pounding footsteps.

With a grinding roar, the door slid to the side, revealing...the face of Katrina Gort, with a perfectly normal living room set behind her.

For several seconds, Lily could do little more than open and close her mouth.

Stepping aside, Katrina gently led her in. "First time here for you, isn't it? Don't worry, the house is probably just bored today."

"Bored?" said Lily, finding her voice strangely high-pitched. "The house is...bored?"

Katrina nodded, a subtle grin blossoming on her face. "You should see it during Halloween. It really likes to get into the spirit of the season then. It's normal inside though...unless you're a trespasser. It doesn't like trespassers."

"I..." Lily licked her dry lips, making a note to avoid Halloweens here. Being a Gryffindor meant bravery, but still. "...I'll keep that in mind."

Indeed, in spite of the haphazard exterior, the inside of the house was practically Muggle. There were a couple of beige sofas that looked as if they could have come right out of a homemaker magazine, while hanging on the wall was a plastic Muggle clock.

"Now, while you're here, you need to make sure to not touch any of the potions, especially while they're being brewed," said Katrina while leading the still-frazzled Lily through the house. "Mr. Matthews gets very displeased when that happens. Trust me, don't do it."

"Alright, fair enough," said Lily, raising an eyebrow. She was fairly certain she knew her way around a cauldron. "So, you're a potioneer too, right?"

"No!" Katrina looked as if she had been slapped. "I am an alchemical engineer. I craft the tools a potioneer uses, but I do not follow some recipe like...like a monkey grinding an organ. A potioneer? Hmmph!"

"I'm sorry," said Lily, wondering what had the woman so angry about a simple mistake. Deciding it was best to change the subject lest she provoke her glowering host, she said, "Speaking of Severus, where can I find him?"

Katrina's glare remained unaffected. Nonetheless, she said, "Severus spends most of the day brewing with Mr. Matthews. So, save for meals or when he retires for the night, you're almost certain to find him in the potions room." She pointed down a hall. "Head all the way to the end, that's where you can find it."

"Uh, I thought you said that I'm not supposed to disturb them," said Lily

"If being in the room meant you were disturbing them, I wouldn't be allowed in," said Katrina. "Now, speaking of being places, we didn't expect you to be coming here so soon. Severus said something about Europe."

"The plans fell through, one could say," said Lily. She didn't really want to explain it right then. "So we can go see them now?"

"Certainly." Katrina glanced at the clock. "Now should be a good time to see how the new alloys in the stirring rods are holding up anyway. Let's go."

As Katrina opened the door though, Lily realized the the woman was a mistress of understatement. When she'd said 'Potions Room', Lily had gotten somewhat an image of a small room with a cauldron or two.

Instead, in a room that must have been half the size of the house, three rows of cauldrons were filled with various potions. Some were smooth and silvery, others coming in a rainbow of color, with one even a bright, merry gold.

Walking amongst the endless cauldrons was a middle-aged man who had the physique of a sailor and a squinting face. With the same blond hair as Evelyn, it was evident that this was Mr. Matthews.

Beside him though, was Severus, who had changed greatly in the few days since they'd last seen one another. He had tied his hair back into a rough ponytail, his robes billowing behind him with every step. He seemed almost transfigured in this place, standing tall and straight, his demeanor exuding confidence in a way that left her weak in the knees.

How different he was from the scared, worried young man of even a few months ago.

He went from cauldron to cauldron, stirring one and adding a pinch of an ingredient to the other, all with a methodical precision that brooked no error.

Whatever her quarrels with Evelyn, she would have to thank her for the opportunity she had brought Severus.

Then Katrina coughed, causing Severus' gaze to turn first to her, then fall upon Lily.

She could sense the very moment he spotted her. His eyes fastened upon her, drinking in the sight of her as if he was starving in the desert and she was his oasis.

Lily grinned. It hadn't even been a week since they'd last seen each other, yet it had been far too long.

"Severus," said Mr. Matthews, his voice a deep-throated rumbling.

Immediately, Severus composed himself, inclining his head respectfully. "Yes, sir?"

Mr. Matthews nodded in Lily's direction. "You have ten minutes."

"Thank you, sir." Severus hurried over to her. Somewhat pink in the face, he said, "Ah...hello, Lily."

"Hey, Sev. It looks like your apprenticeship is going well," said Lily, giving him a quick hug. Surreptitiously, she breathed in his scent-a seductive medley of herbs and spices.

No wonder she loved him.

"Indeed. Not only is it good for the future, but there is so much I am learning," said Severus. "The Matthews family has been quite decent, too."

"I certainly would hope that we've been decent. I wouldn't want us to seem poor hosts," said Evelyn, striding into the room, wearing little more than a tight t-shirt and shorts.

Lily mentally rolled her eyes as she noticed Evelyn's lack of a bra. Still, she remained polite. "I don't know about Severus, but I've felt quite welcome."

"Don't worry about Severus. This dashing young man has done a particularly good job as apprentice. My father's quite pleased...well, I think he is, anyway. He's rather quiet," said Evelyn, grinning at Severus as if sharing a private joke.

"Indeed, he is. He hasn't said more than a dozen words today," said Severus with a smirk. "So, are you done with Mortimer for the day?"

Evelyn's grin grew rather lascivious. "Hardly, I think he'll be busy for another hour or two." She winked at Lily. "Sorry to bother, just wanted to say hello. Enjoy your time with Severus."

"Thank you. It's good seeing you too," said Lily, surprising herself that her words weren't entirely false. Perhaps Evelyn was an acquired taste, like wine or Quidditch.

"Likewise. Have fun then. Don't be doing anything I would do," said Evelyn, giggling as she left.

"Who's Mortimer?" asked Lily, raising an eyebrow at Severus.

He shrugged. "Her latest...companion. He's a few years older than us and out of school. I would recommend avoiding her room for the next couple hours. She doesn't bother with silencing spells."

"I see...Wait." Lily's mouth dropped open. "She does this with her father around? Is she mad?"

"He never says anything, and rarely talks to her anyway." said Severus, grimacing. "I wonder if he even knows she's there sometimes.

"That's horrible..." She and Evelyn might not be friends, but to be ignored by her father... Lily shook her head.

Severus turned back to her. "So...what brings you out here so soon? I thought you would be in Paris by now."

"Well...I didn't tell you about it in case it failed, but I've been trying to come up with something so I wouldn't have to go. In the end, it worked. I'll have to pay back some of the cost of the trip, but I can do that over time." said Lily.

Severus looked as if someone had placed day-old vomit under his nose. "So, the trip that Potter pressured and manipulated you to go on...you're going to have to pay for. What a piece of work."

"It wasn't his fault. It was his father who made the condition. James left after he found out we were together. He was devastated." said Lily. She bit her lip as she thought of some of the things James had said. "Sev, do you think I was leading him on?"

"Come again?"

"James said...I was leading him on."

For a moment, Severus simply stared at her. Then ever so tentatively, he placed his hands on her shoulder. "Lily, Potter is wrong. You never led him on. It's no more than another bit of manipulation."

"Then why do I feel so bad about it? It feels like it's all my fault."

"Because Potter is the very worst sort of scum, the kind who breaks people and ruins lives, and does it all with a laugh on his lips and a smile in his heart." said Severus.

"Severus, you're being too harsh on him. He looked to be in real pain," said Lily, shaking her head. Severus wouldn't know. He had yet to see beyond his hatred of James.

"No, Lily, I'm not," said Severus, his voice cold and unyielding as a wall of stone. "If Potter had been merely a run-of-the-mill arse, I would have felt sorry for him. If he had been a jealous rival, I might even have comforted him. Instead, Potter spent five and a half years finding ever more creative ways of tormenting me, all to cheering applause. The thought of him in tears is sweet ambrosia to me. However..."

He sighed, seeming to deflate. "...however, I understand that you care for him, and that it hurts you to see him in pain. So for that, I will abstain from any insults or mockery, in your presence or otherwise."

Lily wrapped her arms around him, holding on tight. Her voice slightly muffled by his thick robes, she said, "Thank you, Severus. It means a lot to me." James never held back on insulting Severus, after all. "I'm really...really glad to see you again."

"I-I see." Severus frowned, but he didn't back away. Instead, his eyes fastened upon hers, drinking her in. "It is good to see you too, yes."

The air sizzled around them, and for a moment, Lily forgot there were others around. The world seemed to belong to only the two of them.

She needed to calm down, or she was...surely going to do something very stupid.

Taking a deep breath, one tinged with a mixture of sandalwood and clover, she forced herself to back a step away and change the subject. "So...what are some of the things you've learned about potion-work since you've started?"

Severus let out a little sigh. "Perhaps surprisingly, I have learned a lot. He knows far more than we were ever taught in Hogwarts." He smirked. "I'd explain it to you, but you might have difficulty understanding it."

"Hey, I'm just as capable as you when it comes to potion-making, and you'd better not forget it," said Lily, wagging her finger mock-seriously.

Severus held his head up exaggeratedly high. "Your mastery of potions might be passable, however, it will soon pale in comparison to my own. I shall learn to bottle death and brew fame, even put a stopper into glory...wait."

Lily burst into giggling laughter.

A moment later, Severus started to chuckle as well, even if it was at his own expense.

When she had regained control, Lily gave Severus a pat on the arm. "Sorry, I think your boasting got a bit lost there. Besides," She smirked. "you know perfectly well that whatever you learn, I will surely learn immediately after. I'm very intelligent...and you have a certain eagerness to show me everything you know."

"Fair enough, but you are such an apt pupil, it makes it worth it," said Severus. Then he grimaced, his eyes fastened on something over her shoulder. "Unfortunately, I think my master is trying to tell me that it is time to get back to work."

Indeed, from amongst the multicolored, luminescent clouds of steam, Mr. Matthews frowned, pointing at his pocket watch.

"Ahh, I can see that. Well...make sure you keep working hard," said Lily, wishing that they could have had more time together.

"I will," said Severus, his voice carrying the same gravity as a knight's oath as he started making his way back to the cauldrons.

"Oh, and Severus?"

He turned back to face her. "Yes?"

That's when she kissed him, her lips melding against his. Warm and hot as she imagined, she was tempted to open her mouth and feel his tongue clashing with hers.

However, she broke the kiss off after only a few seconds, as he did have to get back to work. Her voice was a husky, breathy thing as she said, "Good luck, Sev."

Part of her wanted to tell him she loved him then and there, but she reminded herself that that was something personal, private.

For a moment, Severus looked as if he couldn't tell down from up. His oft-pale face a bright pink, he licked his lips. "T-thank you."

Then he hurried back to work, Lily watching with a smile.

Mr. Matthews shook his head bemusedly, causing Lily's cheeks to heat up too.

And so, an embarrassed smile upon her face, she strode from the brewing room with Katrina behind her.

Neither ever noticed the fat rat skulking in the corner, watching everything with beady eyes.

By the following day, Marigold had calmed down and the tension in the house had cooled off, but Lily still spent the afternoon with Severus, just in case. This time, she just observed from the corner of the Potions Room as he and Mr. Matthews worked. It was intriguing, and she learned a bit herself, but at the same time, she wished she had more of an opportunity to talk to Severus.

Still, she looked forward to the next time she'd get to see him-perhaps dinner the following day.

During the evening though Lily heard a tapping at the window, signaling the arrival of her favorite bird of all. Perseus' owl had come.

Lily let in him in with a smile on her lips, offering the bird an owl treat in a long-customary greeting, taking Perseus' letter in return.

As she read the parchment though, her face began to fall.

Dear Medusa,

Your open-mindedness may be...surprising, but it is very much appreciated. And indeed, I haven't noticed any voices in my head telling me to murder my dear Musketeers.

However, as regards to Charlus Potter, I am familiar with his 'story', what little there is. He was what Muggles term a 'serial killer', murdering no less than eighteen people in a variety of gruesome ways. He killed both Muggle and Magical alike before he was caught.

You do not want to know the details.

Now, I thank you for your congratulations. However, I feel the need to ask your help in a matter. You recall the friend I discussed earlier this year, the one I have a crush on.

Well, she was determined for me and the leader of the 'musketeers', those dunderheaded toerags, to make peace.

I had little choice but to agree.

Since then, he has proceeded to insult me ceaselessly, mocking me and my family while I have held my tongue. My friend would sometimes tell him off, but most of the time ignore him. When I call him out on his poor behavior, she always has an excuse ready for him.

And now that she has denied him as a suitor, she's unhappy that I'm not taking into account how 'devastated he must be'.

I am very tired of my opinions having little regard. I don't believe she has so much as asked me one time what I wanted in this whole mess.

After everything he's done to me...shouldn't I have some say? I need to talk to her about this.

Do you have any advice on how to bring this up to her? I hate to ask, but she has a tendency to take things badly.

Thank you all the same.

Your friend,


P.S. Your words are flattering indeed. I will say this though. Whatever may come of my future, I too am glad to call you my friend, perhaps my best friend.

Her smile long since faded, Lily stared into the parchment, willing it to say something other than its damning words.


No, Severus was clearly mistaken, or exaggerating anyway. Surely, she had asked for his opinion on the matter. There was that time when...with the...


Well, maybe it had been for the best anyway. Severus really didn't understand James at all, so she had to make the decisions as Severus clearly...

There was no way she could make that sentence end in anything resembling the right thing.

"Shit, shit, shit."

As she tried to figure out what to do or say, another owl swooped in, bearing a letter with the seal of Hogwarts upon it.

With shaky hands, she opened it. It was from Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. He said that he wanted to meet with her about something important.

He would be coming in two days.