
Leonard Stark

[If you want more and wish to support me for the story head over to my groups pat-reon- pat-reon.com/IdleSect] Harem Seeker's F*CK Off System Seeker's F*CK Off Incest Seeker's F*CK Off MC never uses his System] There was once a man whose entire life was a legend, he was so powerful that each stroke of his fingers caused fractures in every reality and each punch retconned entire multiverses while entire Omniverses laid within his palms as both the sun and moon cowered in his wake... This person's aura radiated outwards from his body as it caused untold storms and tidal waves to form, this person was called Leonard Stark- Leon the Adamantium Primate of Rage. Everyone: "I want your babies?!!" With one step he killed buddha and with the other he killed the devil... None dared to provoke him as this was the Mortal with the Adamantium Body of Rage, Ever evolving and with unlimited potential his story was only just beginning...

Idle_Daoist_ · 电影同人
54 Chs

Life 54: "You Slick Surfer Dude..."

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The aftermath was terrible in all honesty there were no words to mince it at all.

The amount of destruction this land had faced was horrible- though evacuation procedures were followed a wide range of people had died.

Just like Loki had said- as ants under the heels of people- some deaths too gore-filled to even talk about.

The red stains of war were present as the land of concrete was now earthy in shape with torrents of red shading the ground.

It was a win and a loss-

This whole area was gone and when looked at from above the two places represented a social inequality- as if one place was fortified whilst the other was not.

"So this is irreversible damage- that we can't fix- no other option than to rebuild and Revell in our powerlessness - is that what you're trying to say-!"

Screamed the kid as he looked at the decimated area around him- his school, his friends, his family had all been killed in the attack and he could do nothing but bury their dead bodies or at least what remained of them.

He looked towards the skies and wondered just why he was unlucky, why he was fated to lose everything.

He knew not as the skies swiftly changed as Superhumans blasted off.

Leaving only destruction in their wake.

And thus Young Peter looked on in silence as his mind had become overtaken by anger and frustration, as growing resentment began to bubble up.

With Gwen Stacy's ashes and blood dried upon his frame- he screamed yet no one heard as he was left in destruction as the one girl who loved him had died like that-

He wanted to object to scream, to shout in anger yet nothing could be heard as he was left alone in the outbreak of darkness-

As he wallowed in sorrow and anger a small spider of sorts with a neon blue and a shade of maroon caught hold of his clothes as a deep bite into his neck-

Caused him to feel a sense of euphoria before a disgustingly dark aftertaste came after him as a cocoon of sorts appeared.

Almost seeping out of him like a web of darkness he was corroded right then and there.

A dark figure remained on the ground as his eyes remained firm with only the ambience of nature surrounding him.

He was alone and alone he would remain.

If those heroes couldn't do anything then he would take this into his own hands.

And then his eyes closed as his body fell into the ground with a black cocoon covering him until it gradually broke with lightning strikes being slammed straight into it.

And then the weather changed as the boy woke with his hazel eyes burning bright as strikes of dark webs seemed to cover him before he just fell into the ground.

And as he fell a floating armoured man took the boy-

"Another one- he's awakened his X-Strand it seems- Pietro arrive at my position it should be on the map I'm exerting some magnetic fields- yes in the aftermath zone-

It seems we have a new member that's gone through a whole lot, but it looks like he'll be a welcome recruit..."


-Asgard- Odin's Palace, Throne Room:-

"You foolish boy- I told you to work on that patience of yours yet you do the opposite provoking the Titan to destroy Midgard and all Nine Realms...

You too- are responsible look at me boy-

Annoying the Mad Titan and leaving contempt in every word as you speak to it-

Argghh- This baffles me beyond my wildest dreams-

If you two don't get strong enough in time then the Universe as we know it will forever be changed.

Hell, the other Pantheon leaders wanted my throat for your actions hell If I know-

They could be planning 'yer deaths at this moment with you two oh so unaware.

Listen boys- One thing that needs to happen is training and a lot for that matter.


Hearing that tone of his father- Thor's eyes widened as he gulped in shock-

'No surely not that- it's too well damaging in more ways than one-'

"The Hyperbolic Timechamber?"

Blurted out Leon as it was really the only thing he knew of and this caused Odin to stroke his beard-

"Close but, not close enough- Leon."

Interjecting Thor began to speak-

"No Leon what Father means to say is the Cavern of Time-

As the name implies - a Cavern of Time that allows one to enter a time period without affecting one's birth and creates no paradoxes.

Instead, every action you do will be regarded as a member of that time period so you and your past self will live whilst you do your own separate thing."

"So Back to the Future without affecting oneself individually separate to one's self in another Time Period."

"Pretty much Leon."

"Wait actually Thor how do you know about Back to the Future?"

Hearing that it was obvious Leon struck a chord as the oaf turned with a red hue on his cheeks he struggled to get the words out of his mouth-

Seeing this even Odin pondered in wonder-

"Well, then Thor- what's the hold-up?"

Finally, with cheeks tinted half red, he looked up and said-

"Well you know that earthling right- I told you and mother about her-"

As he said this he could be seen fiddling around a bit too much-

"Well, I courted her to the movies and an eatery father-

It was most splendid though I must say, Earth women are slightly more robust than I-!"

Leon smacked Thor in the head as he was about to finish off the sentence-

'This dumb*ss why's he talking about the in and outs like this...'

"I've heard enough Thor- it's fine, stop blushing- now Odin- I ask just when we can access the Cavern of Time- surely it is free to use for I think we really need the training else we will surely be destroyed with Thanos saying-

'Oh, you smear contempt upon my name- A Titan-killer- you say well then taste my fury for Thanos Smites THHEEEEEE!!'

And then we all die as he destroys the Nine Realms before Ragnarok even starts with Thor and Loki..."

But as Leon made this quick skit in front of the two Thor shuddered as he took in that last sentence-

And Odin well- 'How did this boy perfectly capture Thanos' essence in a simple sentence like that- No... Could it be- NO IMPOSSIBLE!!'

With beads of sweat falling from his forehead Odin sighed as he had never felt this tired since his battle with Vishnu- hell it reminded him when he clashed with Vishnu and Ahura Mazda stepped in from his Elysium...

True Immortality was a pain in the ass and he knew it as he faced a buttload of it.


- Earth, Leon's Home:-

"Well, you want a drink- Yamcha?"

Asked Natt- as she looked at the man in front of her- he had been here for a while after the aftermath and had been taking care of her due to her injuries in the Battle against Hildegard-

And he too suffered injuries but through this battle, his powers had increased exponentially and his charging Chi times increased making it easier to use his powers for more intricate tasks like healing himself-

He healed himself and learnt the art of Chi-Molding he could now make small figures with his life force and use it as weapons if he wanted and heal others.

And though Puar had sacrificed himself for his sake he suffered an incredibly deep pain- the one thing closest to a younger brother had gone like that for his sake and he lamented.

'Why did he do it- Was I worth it...'

Thoughts like these lingered in his mind yet the woman in front helped him...

He remembered what she said-

- Flashback No Jutsu:-

Standing silently in the balcony as he overlooked the skies- he connected the stars as all he could see was his brother smiling at him.

'Yamcha- why are you wallowing in sorrow- come on- Yamcha wake up from this and face the world-

It wasn't your fault I did this because I loved you and respected you- you were my friend, no my Brother- you didn't treat me as a familiar but instead as family, so cheer up- this was the most I could do for you...'

"Puar- my brother I'm sorry- I-I could've done so much better, I could've trained more and reached that level of power- I could've reached that stage of my Dragon Force if I worked harder-

I know you know this, and I'm sorry for that- I just can't understand why you had to die for me- was I worth it, I was abandoned as a child and then I met you-

Now you've abandoned me...

I don't even know what to do anymore- why was I even born..."

But as he said this to the cold air around him he sighed dejected in tone as he witnessed the stars and families from the skies in the streets hanging out, talking and just being there.

Leon his older brother was guarding the City and was going to Asgard soon- yet he was still behind, he had achieved the next form of the Iron Fist powers he had grown in strength yet his heart seemed stone cold.

He was confused- lost, what was he even here for wouldn't it be better if he just died- he had nothing here after all- and he knew if Leon heard him he'd get whooped to Jupiter but he felt worthless so what if he had strength when he had no one to share it with.

He had no motivation and no desire-

Was this what master called forgetting ones worldly possessions and attaining enlightenment.

But as he listlessly stared at the families crying as they embraced their loss and pain together he looked on callous and indifferent he no longer cared if he lived or died.

And he wondered-

I wonder what jumping off this building would feel like- I'm not gonna die but I wonder what death feels like.

But then he did it he jumped from the railings and finally fell straight down rapidly as his velocity increased exponentially-

But as he did he looked up and he saw that figure again-

That familiar armour and jet propulsion mixed with Chi-

She dived straight down and hugged him before he could fall and flew up into the stars as he and she witnessed the beauty nature had to offer.

"What's with you- Leo told me to keep an eye on you- he told me to stop you from doing stupid things and I did.

But seriously tell me why you are in a slump- When I saw you at that battle you were awe-inspiring and mighty you were happy and were ready to honour your friend Puar...

Yet look at you now- you haven't shaved in a while and you haven't slept for days you ain't no Dr Banner- you have to truly look at yourself and take care of yourself because seriously Puar gave himself up for you yet you honour him like this with such shabby clothes- an unshaven face and a smell of booze-

Weren't you a monk who was trying to attain nirvana what happened to that- because now you look like a pathetic slob of a person a former husk of that warrior I saw.

Wake UP!!"

And with that, she slapped him so hard her mechs hand broke into bits and pieces as she fractured her right arm-

Not to mention her already broken leg-

Looking up at her Yamcha he was surprised- she had told him the hard facts and hurt herself for him- why- he still wondered but then her action overlapped with Puars-

Both contained love in their essences-

His ability was something he never told anyone but he could smell emotions and this act was an act of agape love- pure unfiltered love- after a broken heart healed slowly because of him?

He was in shock yet ignored it as he lifted his hand still indifferent and serious his hands glowed gold as her arms began to heal and her body soon felt fine-

Finally, he got off from her grasp and princess carried her back home.

- Flashback No Jutsu End:-

Looking at Natt's face seriously without blinking the brunette felt a red tinge form on her face as he said-

"Am I worth it?"

"Why do you love me!"

Hearing this she was slightly taken back-

Was she that obvious- no obviously not the book she bought said that this was the right move and he wouldn't know yet he knew-

Did he have a sixth sense or something?

"Huh- no I definitely don't love you- I hate you-!!"

Hmph- pouting she turned away from him as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye and a small smile formed on the freshened up Yamcha who was almost devilish with his wild handsome look-

She couldn't bear it and blushed as she noticed he smirked at her-

"oH- yOu- SuRe, I sWeAr- I thought you loved me- Right- Right!"

She could feel her head getting hot as her cheeks reddened with clear frustration and irritation on her mind.

"Hmph- as If- I have standards and none for devilishly handsome wild mane having powerful young guys- Wait- I swear I hate you- yeah- so quick get out and head to the Branch I told you to manage - no ones going to work for you now will they-

You slick surfer dude..."