
Legends Reborn Online

“Some stories are known as myths or legends, while some are called history. But, what happens when those very same stories you thought were mere legends, were a part of our history all along?” The narrator started in a deep voice. “The world is in terrible danger, and the only ones with the powers to stop it are the characters from myths and legends, but they are long gone.” “Find the lost bloodlines of the progenitors and revive their species from extinction and you will have the power to accomplish what they can’t, in their absence.” The video then faded to a black screen before showing the words, “Legends Reborn Online” in big gold letters. The narrator then continued, “Find the lost bloodlines and save the world. Legends Reborn Online launches on June 1st, 2073 at 12 am.” This trailer made Enzo Knight and his friend Ivan extremely excited. They both love playing video games, so getting the new DIVR headgear to play Legends Reborn Online wasn’t even a question. —————————— Thank you to anyone who decides to support the novel.

Ramirys · 游戏
92 Chs

Dungeon of the Vengeful (6)

Enzo stood up after he realized his arm would slowly be getting better and made his way to the piles of bones that used to be skeleton warriors.

Enzo stopped in front of one of the piles and started scratching the back of his head.

"How do I loot these things?" He mumbled to himself.

The bone piles weren't like normal beast corpses that were all in one part, so it confused Enzo for a second.

He then just decided to test it and bent down to touch one of the bones.

[+1 Skeleton Warrior Bone]

[+1 Dungeon Key]

The dungeon key greatly surprised Enzo. He assumed he would only be able to get them from the dungeon bosses.

He started looting the skeleton piles with even more vigor after realizing he could get the dungeon keys from any monster in the dungeon.

However, Enzo only ended up getting four more skeleton warrior bones and no other dungeon keys.

He wasn't exactly sure what the dungeon keys might grant him, but he assumed they had the opportunity to give him something great.

Enzo sat back down to rest and regain some of his energy and allow his arm to fully heal. While he waited, he pulled up the forums and started browsing them again.

Enzo didn't find much of anything new, just players talking about how a dungeon had popped up around every single kingdom and players were now trying to clear them. This led to a big discussion of dungeons in the game as many people were confused. There seemed to be many dungeons already in the game, so players were confused about why it was such a big deal. However, a few players found some knowledge through questions with NPCs. Apparently, dungeons only started appearing frequently a few days before players came into the world. There were only a few event dungeons and regular dungeons in the world before players appeared, hence why the NPCs were so surprised that some players were searching for those dungeons specifically. Enzo realized that the dungeons that recently appeared were most likely dungeons that bloodline chasers needed. There were a total of 24 preexisting dungeons, giving Enzo valuable information about how many clan leaders there would be once all bloodlines were found and revived.

Through Rhea, he knew about five different vampire bloodlines, so there were 19 others that he needed to gain information on.

The thing that confused Enzo was about the dungeon he needed to conquer. Why was his dungeon an event dungeon that seemed to be in the LRO world already for a while, but the other bloodline dungeons just recently appeared?

He couldn't find the answer to this question in the forums, and by then his arm seemed to be healed already, so Enzo just closed the forums and stood up.

He moved his arm around in circles and extended it as far as he could to test if it was indeed fully healed. After he assured himself it was okay, Enzo went to pick up his dagger from the ground and then made his way to the next corridor.

On the way Enzo decided to check the leaderboards out of curiosity.

[1. Predator]

[2. Queen]

[3. Prometheus]

[4. Renesmee]

[5. Hephaestus]

[6. Parcival]

[7. Ivar]

[8. Pepper]

[9. No Risk No Reward]

[10. Moonwalker]

[49. Atlas]

Juliet's change in placement was the only one Enzo could point out in the top ten. She was at spot number nine when he last checked, but now she sat at number eight.

Enzo himself had a large change in placement since he stopped making health potions. He was at place 69, but was now in the top 50. That was a large jump, so it reassured Enzo that he was doing very well. To be able to jump more than 20 places ahead while in the top 100 players out of tens of millions is an accomplishment anyone should be proud of.

However he wasn't delusional, Enzo fully understood that it was because of the dungeon he was currently in. Not only did he get to fight a lot of enemies back to back, but he also got a large bonus for killing a boss monster.

Enzo then stopped to message the rest of his friends for the first time.

He put them all into a group chat in the game and messaged them all at once.


Hey guys, just curious. What level and experience points are you all at? Also how is your quest going?]

He assumed they would take a while to respond because they might be busy, but surprisingly he immediately got a response from everyone.

Ivan's response came in first.


I'm level 10, but I only need a few hundred experience points until level 11, and I found the dungeon I just need to reach level 15 before I can enter.]

'Damn, so if Ivan hasn't even hit level 11 yet then that means there's actually not that big a difference between the top 100 in the game.

Next came Juliet's message.


I need around 1,000 experience points until level 11 and my quest has gone the same as Ivan's.]

Lastly, Vincent sent his response as well.


I need slightly less than 1,000 experience points until level 11, and my quest is going the same as Juliet's and Ivan's.]


Okay, good. I'm glad you all are doing so well, keep it up.]


Thanks Enzo, how is it going on your side?]


Pretty good actually. I currently have over 140 gold coins right now after opening up a shop.]


Holy shit congrats buddy!]


That's amazing bro!]


Nice! You're going to be rich Enzo!]

Enzo smiled at the reactions of his friends. He didn't expect them to react that way, but thinking about it their reactions were definitely normal because it was a lot of money.

Enzo thanked them and then continued through the corridor and into the next boss room.


Hope you all enjoy this chapter! Also, I forgot to say it yesterday but thank you for the power stones support during the WPC contest. It ended yesterday and this novel landed in 6th place in power stones ranking. The results wont be out for another few weeks, but I'm confident that the novel has the potential to get at least 3rd place.


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