
Live? Or Leave?

Kyran sat crossed-legged and leaned back while he studied the girl's reaction.

However, he did not find any pretense from the girl's answer and her expression. It was as if she already knew the truth and accepted it. Yet, she did not want to lose hope that she could survive her predicament. Her hope might have even come from Kyran's sudden appearance.

Kyran contemplated how to proceed.

He only wanted to help the girl by taking her to a nearby town. But after hearing the girl's story, he could not shake off the feeling that there was a bigger reason why her uncle wanted her dead. And that reason might be related to how she could see arrays even when she could not see.

He had to tread carefully when dealing with this girl, or he might end up getting the short end of the stick. What if the girl was actually a very dangerous person?
