

Kyran made a makeshift stand to place the clay pot, where he transferred the preserved soup. The clay pot was one of the things his uncle Jared included in his pouch. He also sliced off some of the extra meat he took from the Theihorns and placed them on a stick to roast it. Of course, he already confirmed that Theihorn's flesh was not poisoned and was edible before roasting it.

He remembered that their meat was rich in nutrients that could help heal wounds faster.

Glancing at the girl at the corner who was obediently waiting for the food, Kyran could not help but frown slightly.

Now that there was enough light in the small space, he finally got a better look at the girl's condition.

Her clothes were white-now stained from all kinds of dirt- short-sleeve made in very thin material. It had small patches that seemed to come from repeated mending. Her pants were dark and also had patches here and there.