
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

Fatty_is_cute · 奇幻
254 Chs

I want to see

Two days later

Six figures approached the Alba Kingdom at full speed from different places, They were the representatives of the six sects of the Southern region, here to carry out the recruitment of the new disciples for their respective sects.

Of the six individuals from the sects one drew attention among all, Of the six three were elderly while the other two were middle-aged women, and only one of them was a young man If one were asked about the age of the young man he would say he was not more than twenty-five years old.

He is the core disciple of the James Clan and Anna's brother.

Joseph Webber

Meanwhile, in the capital, Everyone was very excited, Many people had traveled from their cities or hometown to the capital to participate in the recruitment. The inns were full, the taverns cheerful full of drunks, For now, it was a peaceful city, due to the bloody purge induced by the king nobody dared to commit a crime. So it was peaceful all over the kingdom.

Many small merchants were taking advantage of the situation, Because many of the great merchants were killed in the last few days, they had the hope of becoming big fish thanks to the sudden changes. Deals were raining everywhere, the life of commoners was never so cheap. Many believed that it was the beginning of a golden age for the Alba kingdom.

On the outskirts of the capital

The first to arrive was an old man in golden armor, he is the representative from the Sail empire representing The royal palace, This old man was only an external Elder but his strength was already in the fourth level of Qi Gathering, he could easily defeat anyone in the Alba Kingdom. he stood there with his hands crossed over his chest and eyes closed waiting for the others to arrive. They had agreed on this meeting point to prevent others from seeking talents before the tests. So he had no choice but to wait.

A few minutes later the second one arrived.

The second to arrive was an Elder with white silk clothing. This was the representative of the Martial City. His strength was comparable to that of the Elder with Golden Armor. He just smiled "Hi, buddy" but there was no response from the other side, the old man who spoke did not get angry but he just started to laugh softly.

The last Four almost arrived at the same time leaving only a few seconds between there arrivals, These were a lady dressed in a navy blue dress, another lady who wore a mustard yellow dress, another Elder with a black armor and a young man with gray silk clothes. These were the representatives of Sea Palace, Gray Clan, Iron Castle, and the James Clan.

These were equal in strength all were in the fourth level of Qi Gathering, except for the young man in gray clothes, he was in the sixth level of Qi Gathering, When the other five realized who the young man next to them, they were confused, because the James Clan would not send a core disciple only to perform a recruitment test? Although they had their doubts, they did not ask, they only exchanged a few words of courtesy before going to the city gates.

There was a newly appointed chief knight standing there waiting to receive them.

The golden-armored Elder was very dissatisfied with this arrangement and asked: "why has the king not attended to received us personally?"

The chief knight was a little scared at the sight of this old man, He was just a martial artist at the seventh level of body refinement seeing the dissatisfied elder he replied "Dear sir, You must know what has happened these past few days in the kingdom, it's not that the king is not willing to receive you personally but he went into seclusion two days ago, leaving the Prime Minister in charge of everything, I was ordered to personally escort the representatives to the palace, where the Prime Minister awaits for your presence and will to give an explanation which satisfies everyone."

It was not only the old man in golden armor who was dissatisfied with the king's treatment, but the rest felt the same, only the old man from the royal palace expressed his thoughts before them, But when they heard the chief knight words, They gave him an opportunity to explain everything, if they did not give them a reasonable explanation, they did not care to kill a few people, to be respected and not to underestimate their respective sects.

The knight, seeing that they agreed to follow him to the palace, could not help sighing in relief. Then he guided them on the most direct path to the palace.

Thanks to their speed they arrived after a few minutes at the palace, where they directly entered and reached the throne hall, but instead of the king, there was the prime minister waiting for their reception.

Upon seeing them enter, Frey made a small bow towards them. "He apologizes for the lack of hospitality that the kingdom has given them also asked for their forgiveness as in these past few days the kingdom has been through many changes that are difficult to solve."

The woman dressed in Blue asked: "What changes?"

Frey did not get angry at that attitude but only smiled" I imagine that those present here know about the purge which took place in the past few days"

When he said that the others in the room nodded, they knew what had happened, but they did mind it because all the dead were criminals or corrupt. So they silently accepted the king's actions.

"But I imagine that many do not know what caused that series of actions"

Again they nodded, for them, this was too sudden, it was as if it had not even been planned.

"To tell the truth this was not planned, two weeks ago the queen was kidnapped along with the first prince, because of that the king began to search every nook and cranny of kingdom, we can say that what happened was only collateral damage, but later we found out that The whole family of the queen was kidnapped, So the king has entered seclusion to cultivate and gain strength all to rescue his wife and son "

That was the official story being told, but the real story was that the wife abandoned her husband and when he found out he locked himself in his room, started crying, drinking alcohol and singing songs of spite, Frey could not tell the truth, he did not have the face to do it, so he said a little lie.

The six representatives did not believe anything the prime minister said, they could see through his lies easily and guess what really happened, that created an uncomfortable atmosphere, Frey did not speak and neither did the representatives. Until finally the woman dressed in yellow spoke, praising the king's courage to train hard to rescue his wife.

After that the atmosphere relaxed a lot, they started to talk about the recruitment, they decided it would be tomorrow at dawn, if the interested parties were late, they will not have the right to take the tests. With that, Frey told some servants to prepare the best rooms in the palace for the guests, so they finished the meeting, but at that moment the only young representative said: "Excuse me Prime Minister, would it be ok if make a request"

The other five representatives and Frey were somewhat curious about what this young man would ask, will he ask a young woman to warm his bed?

"Of course, you can make any request, and if it's possible to comply, we will fulfill it." Frey did not think much, as even if he asked for a woman, he could easily fulfill that request.

But the words he spoke were an eye-opener for everyone: "This, I just want to spend some time with my sister, I do not know if it is possible, What do you think? Prime Minister" asked Joseph

Edited by Asce1993

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