
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

Fatty_is_cute · 奇幻
254 Chs

Brutal, Wild, Arrogant!

By the time the carriage arrived, the tension in the Air could be felt and almost be seen.

Thus the carriage stopped, causing the coachman to step down to open the door and after this a childish voice came from the carriage.

"Helena, why do we have to come to the palace today?"

"Hehe, Miss Britt and I are meeting to play today!"

The other voice showed disgust and said, "Aren't you too old for that?"

"Hmph, I'm not old, I'm still a girl!"

So a couple of children came out of the carriage just to see a group of people, On the other side of the street were thousands of plebeians of the kingdom, many had expectant faces as if they were going to see a good show.

While in front of the palace there were a few guards guarding the entrance of the royal palace and behind them, there was a group of finely dressed people obviously the nobles of the kingdom.

At the end of them, There was a middle-aged man with a beautiful mature woman, Making it so that in front of all the people at the entrance to the palace was a middle-aged man with a child over the age of ten.

Alexander recognized most people, but he was confused.

And at this moment everyone was seeing him, At this moment he could only talk to Helena and said: "Is today a holiday or what?"

Helena also felt a little uncomfortable and shook her head: "It's not".

"Then what will it be?" Alexander said in a dubious tone, Shortly afterward he shrugged and said, "Well, I don't think I have a candle in this burial!"

So the children moved forward and they all made their way, No one dared to stop him, but soon a couple of shadows emerged from nowhere.

One of them focused his hand against Alexander and the other devoted her attention to Helena.

The shadows directed their hands towards the necks of the children but when they were about to reach their necks they were stopped by one hand.

This hand moved very fast, much faster than the shadows and the most surprising thing was that this was not the hands of an adult but of a child!

The shadows stopped or rather that under the children's grip they could not move, no matter how hard they tried they could not get out of the grip!

This is how a couple of old people in Sea Palace uniforms showed up!

The two elders had an ugly expression on their faces, both were Great Elders and their power was ninth level Gathering qi, They were sent by the Supreme Elder to care for her disciple until he returns to the Sea Palace.

When they saw the pair of unprotected children, they saw them as easy prey and tried to kidnap them as revenge for everything their mother had done to them against the Sea Palace!

But they never thought that this child could stop them and now they were in front of everyone with their exposed identities trying to kidnap a couple of children, This was a great shame for the Sea Palace.

As they thought a cold voice was heard: "Old farts, Apparently my mother hasn't treated Sea Palace too harshly for its fucking elders to dare show their faces in the capital".

So Alexander increased the strength of his grip until a "Clac" sounded.

And the old man could only exclaim in pain: "Aghh"

His wrist had been broken!

Besides he could feel that it was not a normal fracture but that his bones had been fractured into thousands of pieces making him suffer, Alexander didn't expect much and pulled his arm making the old man lose his balance and what he felt was a fist on his face!

It made him bleed and lose all his teeth,

While this was happening the second old man was being held by Helena without being able to help his companion.

When he was hit in the face the old man came back in his steps staggering but soon he felt a blow in his knees which made him fall on them, while he felt a foot in his calves sounding a "Clac".


At this moment, everyone was stunned, they weren't even breathing, they were afraid to get angry with the sound of breathing.

The third prince was too cruel, he just broke a person's legs as if nothing had happened.

Only then Alexander calmed down and stood in front of the old man, and said coldly, "Who gave you the courage to touch me?"

So he looked coldly at the old man Before he put his hand against the old man's chest.

So his palm crushed his chest and soon the body of the Elder began to make a "Pop" and when the first came followed the second, third...

Only after a few breaths, the sounds calmed down and the old man fell to the ground like a dead dog.

Just seeing this, most people took a breath.

And so Alexander saw the other old man, Before such a view the old partner, He was about to speak but Alexander did not give him a chance.

he ran towards him, Helena released the old man and Alexander hit his fist against his chest breaking his meridians!

So the old man spat blood and fainted.

Seeing the fallen elders, Alexander showed no emotion and said to the guards: "Take them to the prisons, prepare a public execution!"

The guards were stunned and one asked: "Under what crimes?"

Alexander said indifferently: "Attempted murder".

So the stunned guards took the bodies and took them to the dungeons, but soon a child said: "Stop, how dare you treat the elders of the Sea Palace like this! Aren't you afraid of them for their lives?"

When Alexander heard that he saw the boy and immediately recognized him and mocked: "Oh but if he is my older brother, what are you doing here? Didn't my grandparents expel you?"

The crowd seeing Alexander only one idea could shine in their mind: "Brutal, Wild, Arrogant!"