
Dawn to Dusk

Then, came a mutant orc from the East, along with him an important news tackling the discourse of the protectors of the Land of Dawn. The moon did not shine on this land nor did its reflections even showed. The southwestern caves, home to the blood demon orcs, are truly made sinister and eerie with humongous bats flying around and werewolves crying about. No ordinary man can last a minute in this foul-odored vicinity.

Exhausted from hunting ordinary moon elves, Alice obstructed the commotion among the mutated orcs, and the Eastern orc shuddered "Your majesty, I fear that the protectors have got a clue on your plan".

"And, why does it matter?", bellowed her.

"The protectors would stop at nothing to defend the Land of Dawn. They also possess strong forms of magic. We are worried that they might–", Alice canned the chatter by her blood magic orb, arresting the orc to the ground. The rest of the blood demons hid behind the dead trees. "What a nuisance! Are you not aware that no protector nor god can stop me? I am Alice, the conqueror of tribes, and the fear of civilizations. If they use magic I will certainly and easily steal it away from them. I will not fail to turn this world into darkness as that is my fate!", she reprimanded.

From a distance, a voice echoed "Ha ha ha, Alice, how pathetic. Beating down a helpless orc again?"

"Selena, you wench! At last, you arrived. Who did you bring with you?", Alice inquired.

Not long ago in the Southern Moniyan empire, believers of the the Shadow Abyss gathered and sacrificed souls in exchange for dark energy. The Shadow Abyss followers had their own favorite sacrifices and among them were the dark elves. Dark elves are Moon elves who turned their backs away from the Moon God and embraced the darkness, hence, their name. When she was young, Selena, being a dark elf herself, had also been chosen as sacrifice. Screaming, she tried to escape the Abyss, but she faltered. As she was thrown into the bottomless pit of darkness, she gazed at her sister, begging mercy, but her sister, Karina, was anxious and petrified. Hungry for more dark energy, the believers came after her sister too. Karina was disgusted by them and slaughtered them with her twinblades one by one. Nonetheless, she was outnumbered, and, instead of being sacrificed, the followers of the Shadow Abyss chose to kill her for her act of treason. As Selena sank into the bottomless pit, and as Karina almost lay dead, both of them were enveloped by a warm, compassionate, blue light, bestowed by the Moon God. Even though they betrayed the Moon God followers, the Moon God still loved them. Both of them were enriched with magic. Selena, touched by both the Abyss God and the Moon God, became so powerful, and survived the pit of the Shadow Abyss. She was given the title, the Abyssal Witch and Warrior. The followers retreated as they feared Karina's magic-laiden twinblades. Knowing her sister would never come back, Karina stood up and vowed she will never turn to the dark side again. Selena, angered by the thought of her sister's apathy, teamed up with Alice hoping she will find Karina in the Land of Dawn and avenge herself. Until now, she is teeming with hatred for her.

Alongside the Abyssal Warrior are two other women "Ladies, why don't you go and introduce yourselves to our queen? Ha ha ha!", she chuckled in a condescending tone.

"You fool. You dare show your irreverence in my territory? You must have forgotten, young–" Selena cut Alice "Alright alright, I'm sorry. Ladies?"

A silver-haired woman appeared before Alice. Her eyes were striking blue and her aura, peculiar. The Emerald Enchantress, Eudora, is exploring her lightning magic. Ever since, that was what she lived for–to enrich her magic so strong that a single shot from the sky can perish even a god. Library after library, she searched for potions and meditations that can enhance her abilities. She grew ill and desperate and decided to join armies of the Land of Dawn, hoping to hone her already-polished skills. Her lightning magic had become remarkably uncanny. She met Selena during her conquest of the Land of Dawn and joined her.

"Kovnik, come here at once. I want to know what our new friend is capable of", commanded Alice. The terrified orc came, and bowed before the blood demon queen.

Eudora raised her hands. The skies above her rumbled. Enormous gray clouds gathered, and the atmosphere shifted. Alice was amused "Hit him". The orc, without hesitation, ran for his life, but... "With my lightning, one can never run. With my lightning, one is turned into..." Lightning descended from the skies and mercilessly struck the innocent orc. The lightning was too powerful even the surrounding land and nearby orcs were also affected. Eudora finished "... ashes".

"My, my...", Alice raised her brow, smirking. "And you short-haired lady?"

"My name is Kimmy, and all I ever wanted is to prove the usefulness of my creations to my father", Kimmy directed her gun to the still-rumbling sky, and after it had charged, a well-designed yellow rocket flew from its barrel into the stormy clouds. A huge explosion occurred that dissipitated the noise-bearing clouds into nothingness. The blood demon orcs fell afraid. Suddenly, the sky was cleared and silenced.

Not unlike Eudora, Kimmy also hungered for power, especially that Kimmy's father won't acknowledge her intellectual acuity and her technological dexterity. She came to the Land of Dawn to prove herself to her father and teamed up with Selena. Kimmy and Selena are both from the Moniyan empire, and they grew closer to each other as time passed by.

The four walked into the biggest cave where Alice's throne is situtated. This cave is well-adorned and ornamented unlike the other caves. Orcs lined up and bowed as they welcomed their queen back. "Your presence invigorates us, your grace", interrupted one orc. Walking elegantly towards the throne, ferocious bats exited the cave and a few stalactites fell to the ground. In a short while, Alice's throne made of golden daggers appeared before them. She sat unafraid and told her allies her motive of joining the game. Driven by her thirst for power, Alice is planning to steal the magic power of the the Femme Fatale contenders. The combined magic power of these women is enough to rip the Land of Dawn of its magic. "I am preparing for something bigger. Something I, alone, must accomplish", she proclaimed.

During the Lunarian Era, Alice and her loved best friend, Jack, ruled the Land of Dawn. Together, they conquered cities civilzation after civilization. Their thirst for power was what drove their ambition. Nevertheless, one night when Alice lay asleep in her cave, Jack, the person she trusted the most, brought with him the golden dagger of Temelechus with the intent of slaying the blood demon queen. Alice had awoken before he could strike her. She managed to teleport behind Jack and stunned him for a moment, and she stepped back. Jack unleashed a colossal amount of dark energy Alice had never seen before. Swiftly, Alice drained herself of her blood demon power and poured it all to Jack as energy-stealing magic that soon accumulated in Jack's veins poisoning his blood. Jack fell on his knees. Staring at Alice's reddened eyes, he madly cautioned her "I will come back, and surely, I will not only subdue you, but also eradicate you from this world. You will never win again ha ha ha". Before he vanished into thin air, Jack threw the dagger at Alice and hit her at the chest where an immortality emblem was engraved on her skin. Alice fell unconscious and woke up at dawn agonizing with pain. She became filled with sorrow and hatred, for she became a mortal. She now abhored the man she once loved who she never thought would betray and abandon her. From then on, she released her anger, and a scream, audible from a mile away, disturbed the once tranquile forest where she laid all night. The earth cracked open, trees turned into shreds, birds fell from the sky, mountains formed caves, and many of the orcs mutated. Her skin turned purple, and a strange blood red aura surrounded the forest. Truly, it gloomed the supposed to be bright and sunny day. She turned dawn to dusk. Absolutely, "Where there is light, there is shadow."