
Kinktober: Mirandy One-Shots

Every day of October kinky one-shots for Mirandy

silkenobedience · 电影同人
9 Chs

Day 3: Prostitution/Undercover

Day 3: Prostitution/Undercover

Andrea's heart pounded in her chest as she stepped into the dimly lit hotel suite, her high heels clicking against the polished marble floor. The room was lavish, with floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the shimmering lights of the city below. Everything about it screamed luxury, from the plush furniture to the expensive champagne chilling on ice by the bar. But none of it could distract her from the real reason she was here—the assignment that had led her down a path she never thought she would take.

After leaving Runway and joining The Mirror, Andrea had been tasked with a challenging, immersive assignment—going undercover as a high-class prostitute to investigate and expose the secret world of elite escorts. It wasn't something she had ever imagined herself doing, but the story intrigued her, and she had wanted to prove herself at her new job.

What she hadn't expected was that one of her clients, the first she'd been assigned tonight, would be none other than Miranda Priestly.

The moment Andrea saw Miranda's name on the list, her heart nearly stopped. After months of being out of Miranda's orbit, of finding her own way outside the glamorous yet suffocating world of Runway, the idea of seeing her former boss in such an intimate, vulnerable context sent a wave of conflicting emotions through her.

It had been years since Miranda's divorce, and Andrea had heard rumors of her loneliness, of the walls Miranda had built around herself, growing thicker after each failed relationship. But she never imagined this—never thought she would be the one to see Miranda in this way, to touch that part of her life that was so deeply hidden.

She took a deep breath, her nerves on edge as she moved deeper into the room, her body buzzing with anticipation and anxiety. She wore a sleek black dress, simple yet elegant, the perfect choice for her new "role." But as she stood there, waiting for Miranda to arrive, she felt more exposed than she ever had before. She wasn't just here as a journalist. She was here as someone playing a dangerous game with her past, her feelings, and with Miranda herself.

The door clicked open, and Andrea's breath hitched as she turned to face the one person she thought she had left behind.

Miranda stepped into the suite, her presence as commanding as ever, despite the understated outfit she wore—a tailored, black silk blouse and slacks, perfectly fitted to her still-elegant frame. Her silver hair was swept back, her makeup flawless as always, but there was something different about her tonight. She looked tired, worn down in a way that Andrea hadn't seen before. And yet, as soon as their eyes met, Andrea could see that familiar sharpness in Miranda's gaze, though it was tinged with something else—loneliness.

Miranda's eyes widened slightly when she saw Andrea, her expression flickering with shock for only a moment before her usual mask of composure slid back into place. But Andrea knew Miranda well enough to catch the brief, vulnerable emotion that crossed her face.

"Andrea," Miranda said softly, her voice even, though Andrea could hear the faint tremor beneath it. "I didn't expect to see you here."

Andrea swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest as she forced herself to hold Miranda's gaze. "I… I'm working undercover," she admitted, her voice trembling slightly. "For The Mirror. It's part of an investigative piece."

Miranda raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a faint, humorless smile. "Undercover as an escort?" she asked, her voice dripping with amusement and something darker—something Andrea couldn't quite place. "How… enterprising of you."

Andrea swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest as she stood before Miranda, unsure of how to respond to the subtle venom in her voice. She had expected surprise, maybe even confusion, but this? This biting tone, laced with something more dangerous—this was not what she had prepared for.

Miranda took a step closer, her eyes narrowing as she studied Andrea, her posture rigid and unyielding. "Tell me, Andrea," she continued, her voice low and cutting. "Is this part of your exposé? Are you planning to write about this… encounter? To ruin me with a scandal even when we did nothing?"

Andrea blinked, taken aback by the accusation, her body buzzing with a mixture of shock and frustration. "Did nothing?" she echoed, her voice trembling slightly as she took a step forward, her eyes locking onto Miranda's. "Miranda, we're here in this suite… you hired an escort."

Miranda's lips tightened, her expression unreadable as she tilted her head slightly, her gaze cold and calculating. "I doubt you were planning to follow through," she said softly, her words dripping with disdain. "You're not here to sleep with me, are you? You're just here for your story, for your byline at The Mirror."

Andrea's heart raced, her pulse thundering in her ears as she stared at Miranda, the weight of her words sinking in. Miranda thought this was just a game—just part of Andrea's assignment, something she could walk away from unscathed. But that wasn't what this was. Not at all.

"You think I'm here for the story?" Andrea whispered, her voice thick with disbelief as she took another step closer, her breath shallow as her frustration boiled over. "You specifically asked for someone with my hair color, my measurements. Did you want to pretend whoever showed up here was me?"

Miranda's eyes flickered with something—guilt?—but her expression remained impassive, her lips pressed into a thin line as she remained silent.

"Would you have called her Andrea?" Andrea pressed, her voice trembling with emotion as she stood just inches from Miranda now, her heart pounding in her chest. "Would you have pretended she was me while you sat here, in this suite, lonely after your divorce?"

The words hung in the air, heavy and charged with unspoken truths. Miranda's gaze faltered for just a moment, a flash of something vulnerable passing through her eyes before she quickly masked it with her usual icy composure.

"I…" Miranda began, her voice unsteady for the first time, but she quickly regained control, her posture stiffening as she crossed her arms over her chest. "This isn't about pretending."

Andrea's breath hitched, her body trembling with the intensity of the moment as she searched Miranda's face for answers. There it was—that vulnerability again, hidden beneath layers of control and detachment. But it was there, and Andrea could see it, feel it.

"Then what is it about?" Andrea asked softly, her voice filled with both challenge and compassion. "Why did you ask for someone who looks like me? Why did you choose this?"

Miranda's gaze softened, her eyes darkening as she stepped closer, the air between them thick with tension. "I didn't want to pretend, Andrea," she whispered, her voice low and filled with something raw. "I wanted you. But I couldn't… I didn't know how to ask."

Andrea's breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding as Miranda's words sank in. This wasn't just about loneliness or desire. This was about them—the unspoken connection they had shared for so long, the tension that had simmered between them since Andrea's time at Runway. And now, standing here in this suite, with nothing between them but their words, it all felt so clear.

"You wanted me," Andrea whispered, her voice trembling with both fear and excitement as she looked up at Miranda, her eyes searching hers for confirmation.

Miranda's lips parted, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she nodded, her gaze softening as she stepped even closer. "I wanted you," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper, filled with a vulnerability that Andrea had never heard from her before. "But I thought… I thought you'd moved on."

Andrea's heart swelled, her body trembling with the weight of what was happening between them. She had moved on—she had left Runway, left Miranda behind—but she had never really moved on from this, from the connection they shared, from the way Miranda made her feel.

"I never stopped wanting you," Andrea whispered, her voice filled with quiet conviction as she reached out, her fingers brushing lightly against Miranda's arm. "I just didn't know you felt the same."

Miranda's breath hitched, her eyes filled with a mixture of desire and longing as she reached up, her fingers lightly cupping Andrea's cheek. "I've always felt the same," she murmured softly, her voice trembling with emotion. "I just didn't know how to tell you."

For a moment, they stood there in silence, the weight of their unspoken feelings finally breaking the surface. The tension between them was thick, palpable, and the air crackled with anticipation as they stared into each other's eyes, both of them finally acknowledging what had been there all along.

"I don't want to pretend anymore," Miranda whispered, her voice filled with quiet desperation as she leaned in, her lips just inches from Andrea's. "I want you."

Andrea's breath caught in her throat, her body trembling as she closed the distance between them, her lips brushing softly against Miranda's. The kiss was tentative at first, filled with the uncertainty of new territory, but it quickly deepened, the pent-up desire between them spilling over in a rush of heat and need.

Miranda's hands slid down Andrea's body, her touch firm and possessive as she pulled her closer, her lips pressing harder against hers. Andrea's heart raced, her body responding to Miranda's touch with a desperate hunger she had been trying to suppress for far too long.

"Andrea," Miranda gasped between kisses, her voice low and filled with need as her hands gripped Andrea's waist, pulling her closer. "I need you."

Andrea moaned softly, her body trembling as she responded in kind, her hands exploring Miranda's body, tracing the curves she had long admired from afar. There was no more pretending, no more distance between them—just the raw, undeniable connection they had been denying for so long.

Miranda's hands slipped lower, her fingers teasing the waistband of Andrea's panties as she kissed her deeply, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. "Tell me you want this," she murmured, her voice thick with desire as her fingers slipped beneath the fabric, brushing lightly against Andrea's heat. "Tell me you want me."

Andrea's breath hitched, her body trembling with need as she pressed herself against Miranda, her lips brushing softly against hers as she whispered, "I want you. I've always wanted you."

Miranda's gaze darkened, her hands sliding down Andrea's body with purpose, her touch igniting every nerve beneath her skin. Without another word, Miranda gently guided Andrea toward the bed, her lips trailing over her neck, pressing heated kisses to her skin. The soft fabric of the sheets felt cool against Andrea's bare back as Miranda settled between her legs, her eyes never leaving Andrea's, her expression filled with hunger and something far deeper.

"You're beautiful," Miranda murmured softly, her voice filled with a reverence that made Andrea's heart skip a beat. Her hands smoothed over Andrea's thighs, parting them with ease, her gaze drinking in the sight of Andrea laid out before her.

Andrea trembled, her breath coming in shallow gasps as Miranda leaned down, her lips pressing soft kisses to the inside of her thigh, teasing and coaxing her until the anticipation was almost too much to bear. She let out a soft moan, her body arching off the bed as Miranda's mouth moved closer to where Andrea needed her most.

When Miranda's tongue finally flicked out, pressing softly against Andrea's clit, a sharp gasp tore from Andrea's lips, her fingers gripping the sheets as pleasure shot through her. The sensation was overwhelming, electric, and Andrea's entire body responded, her hips bucking slightly as Miranda's tongue moved in slow, deliberate circles.

"Miranda," Andrea breathed, her voice trembling as she tried to ground herself, her hands reaching down to thread through Miranda's silver hair, gently guiding her closer. The heat between her legs was unbearable, the pleasure building inside her with every stroke of Miranda's tongue.

Miranda hummed softly, her tongue moving with practiced precision, teasing Andrea's clit with soft, languid strokes that made her entire body tremble. Andrea could feel herself losing control, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as Miranda pushed her closer and closer to the edge.

Miranda's hands gripped Andrea's thighs, holding her steady as her tongue moved faster now, flicking over Andrea's sensitive clit with just the right amount of pressure. The wet, obscene sounds of Miranda's mouth against her filled the room, mingling with Andrea's breathless moans, driving her wild.

"Please," Andrea gasped, her body trembling as she teetered on the brink, her hips rocking against Miranda's mouth. "I'm so close…"

Miranda's lips curled into a satisfied smile against Andrea's skin, her tongue pressing harder, faster, as she pushed Andrea over the edge. Andrea cried out, her entire body shuddering as her orgasm ripped through her, wave after wave of pleasure crashing over her, leaving her breathless and trembling beneath Miranda's touch.

Miranda didn't stop. She continued to work Andrea through the aftershocks of her release, her tongue still moving in slow, deliberate strokes until Andrea was completely spent, her body slumping back against the bed, her breath coming in shallow bursts.

When it was finally over, Miranda pressed a soft kiss to the inside of Andrea's thigh, her hands gently smoothing over her skin as she climbed up beside her, her eyes dark and filled with warmth. "You taste just as sweet as I imagined," Miranda murmured, her voice filled with satisfaction as she leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Andrea's lips.

Andrea's body still trembled from the intensity of her release, but the sight of Miranda beside her, still hungry, still wanting more, sent another wave of desire through her. Without hesitation, Andrea pushed Miranda gently onto her back, her lips trailing down Miranda's neck, over her collarbone, and lower still.

"I want to taste you," Andrea whispered, her voice thick with desire as she kissed her way down Miranda's body, her hands exploring every inch of skin as she moved lower, until she was nestled between Miranda's legs.

Miranda's breath hitched, her fingers tangling in Andrea's hair as she watched her with heavy-lidded eyes, her body trembling with anticipation. Andrea pressed a soft kiss to the inside of Miranda's thigh, her lips brushing against her heated skin before moving to the slick, wet heat between her legs.

The moment Andrea's tongue flicked out, teasing Miranda's folds, Miranda let out a low, breathless moan, her hips rocking forward, desperate for more. Andrea smiled against her skin, her tongue moving in slow, deliberate strokes, tasting her, savoring the way Miranda's body responded to every flick, every gentle stroke.

"Andrea," Miranda gasped, her voice rough with need as her fingers tightened in Andrea's hair, guiding her closer. "Don't stop."

Andrea didn't. Her tongue moved with purpose, exploring Miranda's core, tasting her arousal, her desire, in every slow, deliberate stroke. She flicked her tongue over Miranda's clit, eliciting a sharp gasp from the older woman, her body trembling with pleasure as Andrea worked her closer and closer to the edge.

"You're incredible," Miranda moaned, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as her hips bucked against Andrea's mouth. "I never… I never knew…"

Andrea's heart swelled at the words, and she redoubled her efforts, her tongue moving faster, more insistently, as she pushed Miranda closer to release. She could feel the tension in Miranda's body, the way her thighs trembled, the way her breath hitched with every stroke.

"Let go," Andrea whispered, her voice thick with desire as her tongue flicked over Miranda's clit, her fingers teasing her entrance. "I want to make you come, Miranda."

Miranda let out a sharp cry, her body arching off the bed as her orgasm ripped through her, her hips jerking against Andrea's mouth as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her. Andrea didn't stop, her tongue moving in perfect rhythm, drawing out every last tremor of Miranda's release until she was completely spent, her body slumping back against the bed, her chest heaving with every breath.

Andrea pressed a soft kiss to Miranda's thigh before climbing up beside her, her breath coming in short, shallow bursts as she lay beside her, her heart still racing from the intensity of what they had just shared.

Miranda turned to her, her fingers gently brushing over Andrea's cheek as she whispered, "You were perfect."

Andrea smiled, her heart swelling with love and something deeper—something that had always been there, but was only now fully coming to the surface. She reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from Miranda's face as she whispered, "I won't publish anything about this… about you."

Miranda's eyes softened, her gaze filled with a warmth Andrea had rarely seen before. "I didn't think you would," she murmured, her voice low and filled with affection. "But I appreciate you saying it."

There was a pause, a soft moment of silence between them, before Miranda's lips curled into a faint smile, her eyes glinting with something playful. "Though, I do hope," she began, her voice filled with quiet amusement, "that I don't have to go through the industry just to see you again."

Andrea laughed softly, her body relaxing as the tension between them finally melted away. "No," she whispered, her fingers tracing gentle patterns over Miranda's arm. "You don't."