

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · 武侠
85 Chs

CHAPTER 32: A green light


"We need to get out of this....forest...somehow..." Zahhak said as he struggled for breath. They had been running for quite a while and though they might be immune to exhaustion , the environment itself was doing a toll on them.

"This air...its hard to breath..." Jun said as he took support from a nearby tree.

"That woman .... the longer we stay here....she will definitely find us..." Zahhak sat down and looked around the endless forest , "....It feels as if she is in the soil itself."

"The way she just threw everything in the forest right to our faces.....she might aswell have grown this forest..."

"Whatever it is...this forest is in her heart....and she probably already knows where we are....come on Jun ..we can't stop."

"Why...are we no match for them?" Jun said as he struggled to stand straight.

"The Yosei have a strong affinity to their environment....we couldn't have chosen a worst place to land..."

"How were we even able to come here...?" Jun asked as they started to move again, holding his gun in his hand.

"Aranea....she seems to have teleportation prowess....I don't know much details though."

"Do you think she will be able to find Josh...?"

"She might already have ..her senses are beyond powerful...that is.. if we were successful in drawing those Yoseis away from her. Her stealth is her number one talent..as you killers call it.."

"Ugh...its as if this land is sucking out my energy." Jun stumbled but kept moving.

"We need to find the border from where we can escape..." Zahhak said as he kept an eye on his surroundings.



Aranea , still in spider form , finally stopped at a tree branch.

"This should be enough..." she thought to herself and stayed silent. As her senses grew sharper , the forest was replaced by darkness and sprites of energy. Golden energy was located at seperate sites.

"Too many..." she thought to herself and kept searching until she sensed an energy , markedly different from the rest. A red glow.....

"There he is...luckily enough he is not too far...."

she said to herself as she stared ahead towards a mountain, the cave of which held Josh captive.



"So he IS a Yosei...." Samuel said , looking satisfied as Zakiyye spilled all the information he could possibly obtain from Noel's mind.

"He is the one who put Lute in the hospital ..... He was the one Ethan met today after our meeting with the principal"

"There was no student by the name of Lute in the hospital records Zak." Zakiyye , Noir and Samuel turned to look at Batuhan and Bow who had just entered the room.

"But there is a memory.....of him...wait a second...what..." Zakiyye eyes glowed blood red as his book flipped its pages quickly, " The memories ..don't match up.... why is he in the hospital then....wait he...two people....a girl and a boy.....a boy named Noel!!! DAMMIT WE HAVE BEEN TRICKED!" Zakiyye's book shut itself forcefully as anger was visible on his face.

"What do you mean ?" Noir asked in a calm but worried tone.

"This is the REAL LUTE, he DID get admitted in the hospital....he went missing from there because of Noel!!."


"The Yosei we have been chasing after this whole time! He has been controlling Lute's body , the actual person is in the HOSPITAL!!"

"We have to get there before he escapes!!!" Bow ran towards the door and the rest of them followed. Samuel stopped for a second and looked at Lute's bleeding neck...he had a grim look and then took a deep breath.

"Man that was a close one..." he said with a sigh of relief as he had nearly chopped off the neck of a fellow student.

" Samuel you stay behind and take Lute to Dr.Jackal !" Zak said as he left the room with the rest.

"Uh..wait....yeah...I should..shouldn't I..." Samuel looked at Lute...horrified by what could have happened.



"So now you know the whole story.....I am sorry I had to be so rough with you miss."

Noel said as he stood infront of Aleena , who was barely standing , holding her head in the palm of her hands.

"Ugh!" Her knees finally gave away and she fell.

"I would like to use you as my next puppet .... I hope that's okay with you..." Noel asked with a gentlemanly smile.

Noel sat down infront of Aleena who was groveling, in severe pain.

"Why are all of you Killers so stubborn...Ethan was so much easier."

Noel put his hand on Aleena's head and rubbed it , as if to soothe her pain.

"You guys resisted and ended up losing your memories last night too....I was just trying to gain some more people...tch...it must be hurting alot isn't it..please..give up..."

Noel said with a worried look on his face

"There is....something...ugh..seriously wrong.... with you." Aleena mumbled as she grabbed Noel's collar with a shaking hand.

"Hmm?" The look had changed from worried to an extremely annoyed one.

"Stop...playing...with people's minds...like its N..NOTHING!!!" her voice echoed across the room as she stared at Noel with neon green eyes.

"A BlackWi-" before Noel could finish, Aleena grabbed his collar tighter and threw him out crashing through the glass, with strength she never held before. In the moment he was in air, Aleena appeared above him with shadows of wings growing out her back . She spinkicked Noel and he crashed into the ground.

"What was that!?" Batuhan said as they reached the hospital gate.

"There!" Bow pointed towards the dust flying near the building .

They ran up to it but the dust covered everything when all of a sudden ,

They saw a girl's shadow standing in the dust and green neon light shone from her eyes.

Noir caught on to it but it immediately disappeared as the shadow fell to the ground and the dust finally cleared.

"ALEENA!!" Bow shouted as she finally recognized her friend's body lying right next to her victim..

"Noel...." Zakiyye said as he looked at his limp body completely out from shock.

"Well....what a day...." Noir said as he stood next to Zak, just as dumbfounded.
