

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 33: Sunset


"The forest looks quite majestic in the red moonlight..." Krystallo said as he and Laila continued to follow the two runaway infiltrators.

" It does but when you realize that this color is the color of all the people we have lost....." Laila stopped as she found herself incapable of completing her sentence.

"We already know where they are and...." Krystallo caught Laila from falling and put her arm around his shoulder for support , " its not like they can escape this forest ...so maybe we should rest...you are in need of it Laila." Krystallo said as he helped her sit down next to a tree.

"It's not impossible...they CAN escape..." Laila said rubbing her hand on the grass and picking a flower.

"How so..?" Krystallo said as he sat down next to her.

"They can ... if someone else helps them find the border... my forest doesnot extend near it .."

"Why would a Yosei help them..."

"You know everyone doesnot share our views...they say we should forget the past...but how can we forget the past if we keep losing our friends despite all these useless boundaries...."

"But that boy we got from the Killers...he says he doesn't know who attacked us ...maybe it wasn't the Killers..."

"KRYSTALLO!!" Laila made a fist and crushed the flower in her hand. Krystallo was taken aback but Laila soon realized what she did and collected herself again.

"I am sorry ..." Laila apologized to Krystallo who smiled in return.

"It is alright.."

"It is not a matter of whether that boy was himself a part of it or not...but I see no other way of gaining the information we-" before she could finish her sentence , Josh's plea made a flashback in her mind in which he asked her to trust him.

"Laila..?" Krystallo called out to a seemingly lost Laila. His call brought her back.

"Life would be so much easier...if hypocrisy didnot exist.." She said as she stared at the broken flower in her hand. Darkness surrounded her as she closed her eyes, she fell asleep and her head shifted to a side.

Krystallo smiled at her and patted her head,

"Sleep tight , Leader."

Krystallo's smile turned into a serious look as he stood up and turned around.

"You....can come out now...." He said facing a tree, from behind of which two figures of Zahhak and Jun appeared.


Aranea finally made it to the base of the cave.

"No sign...of ..anyone...that's odd...oh wait there is one..but she is hiding her presence..how adorable.." Aranea moved with her little spider legs and quickly but cautiously entered the cave.

It was dark in the cave with only the moonlight reflecting off the surface , however the darkness didnot bother Aranea as her spider retinas were fully capable of navigating her through .

"There you are..." She saw Josh , who was fast asleep from tiredness.

She walked on to his hand and a green light emanated.

"Let's take you home"

Michelle , who was outside guarding , had not sensed anything until she saw the green light from inside the cave.

"What is that!" She rushed up to the cave but it was too late.


"Krystallo!!!" Michelle came in running towards Krystallo who was standing next to a fast asleep Laila.

"Michelle?" Krystallo turned back to face Michelle who was gasping for breath.

"He is gone.....the..the Killer Academy student...."

"Wha...uh..oh...so the last one escaped to that area..."

"What ...do you mean..?"

"I just lost two of them myself.....Laila is not going to be happy when she wakes up.." Krystallo smiled embarassingly rubbing his hand on the back of his head.



As Zahhak and Jun walked into the ground of the academy..

"Okay...I guess...it's ok now.." Zahhak said as he fell and collapsed on the ground.

"Yeah...good job today..." Jun mumbled and then followed suite.


And so finally, the long day ... finally came to an end.


How about we end this chapter here?

Kind of looks nice no?

Dont worry the next chapter will come the next day :)

RedHeart_Lioncreators' thoughts