
Kick Nothing but your boyfriend

Living as a mysterious hacker X and the CEO of a famous organization (boyfriend-kicking). Elle was nothing but a pushover in others' eyes. Being known as a girl with glasses and brains. She also lived by the name 'Skank'. Yeah, she dated them and dumped them for a reason and that didn't bother her. Her life was simple. She was happy UNTIL one day she met that annoying man who stuck with her like super glue. At home, at school, at the shopping mall, football team, and even in the bathroom. She thought of a hundred ways to get away from him but nothing worked out. The man followed her everywhere regardless of his unwanted appearance before her. He was rich. She was rich. He was a genius. She was better than him yet she couldn't slip away from him. In this novel, you will get all the ways to kick those Scumbags and manipulative bitches who would think they would ruin your life .We are gonna kick them together me and you.

ZoeTinnah · 青春言情
6 Chs

My fucked up love life iii

Blake Niki Madison London

At the bar, I held myself a glass of whiskey and stared at it as I shook the glass with a lot running through my mind. I'm a regular at the bar so I know all kinds of people in a place like this. Bitches to hook up with fine guys with money and fuckers for a nice fuck from wasted and helpless chicks.

I stay true to myself no matter how wasted I will become, I will never let a slut have their way with me because I know too well the consequences of getting close to one. I wouldn't want my future wife to have to deal with issues of my past actions.

I could afford any place I wanted to but I chose to lay low-key, to have true friends and a wife. I wouldn't want anyone to be friends or marry me because of my money. Growing up I was surrounded by fake people, fake smiles, singing fake praises of how good I was and the most annoying thing was them pretending that they knew me better than I knew myself.

I stared at the glass as I recalled the past. A week ago when came across my dream girl. The only girl who puts my body on fire. It was so stupid of me to pretend to be chased only to bump into her and steal her kiss. I had no idea if it was her fast but she took my first.

Like a fool, I smiled as I tapped my lips with my other hand.

I gulped the glass down my throat ready to call it a day when I saw her reflection through the glass.

At first, I thought it was just my illusion since she had occupied my mind for a couple of days.

'What could an innocent girl like her be doing in such a place full of madness?' I shook my head over my thoughts.

I peeked through the corner of my eyes to fulfill my curiosity.

Truth be told, I haven't had many relationships but nobody has ever made my heart race. We never got past holding hands and touching. I hated the idea of having someone's lips on mine, even having their hands over me. That disgusted. At first, I thought it was normal until that day. I went out with a model who kept hovering around me. She wanted me so bad but I didn't give her a chance and puked all over her the moment her hands touched the back of my neck. Holding hands was ok when I had my gloves on.

I turned my eyes to my soon-to-be girlfriend holding two TUSKERS. She put the first bottle in her mouth and then the second. She did it like a pro but I could tell how disgusted she felt.

I sat back in my chair and observed her. I noticed two guys winking at each other and one started walking up to her.

Out of instinct, I rushed and grabbed her as mine.

"The heck do you think you are doing to my wife? Does she look that easy to you? I roared at the guy who only gave me a disappointed look and scuffed away.

I couldn't stand anyone touching what belonged to me -What would be mine with their fifth dirty hands. I would chop off those little things between their legs if they did.

I bent down and picked her up in a bridal style to my car. She resisted at first but gave in at last.

I gently put her in the back seat. My urges were screaming at me to at least have a taste of her already-parted lips but I somehow managed to calm my nerves down because I wouldn't want to be a pervert and scare my princess.

I looked at her for a while and sighed.

My head held memories of her and the possibility of her recalling me was zero.

That kiss wasn't coincidental.

I have been watching her for years. Since she was about thirteen or fourteen. Call me a stalker but I don't care.

As I sat in the driver's seat, I willed my mind to think of other things until I reached the hotel. I began to think of work-related things but I couldn't be distracted from someone I desired to touch and have.

I focused on my driving because I wouldn't want to end up in an accident.

In the hotel, I carried Belle into my arms to my room. I gently placed her on the bed and removed her glasses. She looked even more stunning without the glasses. I gulped at the temptation.

I observed her for quite a while. I stroked a strand of hair behind her ears and placed a soft kiss on her cheeks.

I was about to get up when she suddenly grabbed my hand taking me by surprise.

With full force, she pulled me onto the bed, lay on top of me, and started biting my fingers as if I were her favorite snack.

"I knew you were a jerk the moment I laid my eyes on you. You only wanted to lay me down. Nothing more nothing less." She subconsciously cursed pulling my cheeks.

"I hate you all. I hate men." she cried and collapsed on top of me.

My heart was beating so fast.

I felt teased and aroused yet I couldn't do anything to her.

I pushed her off me and rushed to the bathroom to calm my nerves down. I was there under the cold water for an hour.

By the time I went back to the room, the bed was already a mess.

She had puked on every corner of the bed and I'm herself yet she was sleeping soundly.

"What a humble sinner! " I laughed inwardly.

I called for room service, I didn't want to create problems for myself once again.

Once the cleaning and changing sheets were done, I slept beside her, taking care of her since she had caught the fever.

After giving it some thought, I dug through her bag and fished out her phone. Luckily enough her Mom's phone number was saved on the emergency contacts. I explained about her whereabouts so that they wouldn't be worried about her.

Her parents already knew about me.

I once visited them two years ago on her fifteenth birthday seeking hand-in marriage with her once she reached the legal age.

I was rejected not because I wasn't good enough for her but because,

Her Mom told me she wouldn't trade her daughter's happiness for some petty cash. She would want to watch her daughter fall in love, get married, and have kids with the man of her dreams.

I was amused by their answer.

I was so moved that I swore to myself to make her fall in love with me.


I acted like a gentleman the whole night only to be treated like I had stole a bra at a market stall in the morning.

She's interesting.