
Kengan Ashura

Kazuo Yamashita is an ordinary, timid, fifty-six year old man who one day is summoned by the chairman of his company and hired as a manager of a gladiator. He learns that these hired gladiators engage in battles called "Kengan Matches" to protect the corporate rights of the businesses they represent. Kazuo Yamashita is assigned to manage a mysterious Kengan fighter named Ohma Tokita. Both men join the "Kengan Zetsumei Tournament" with the hope of winning the spot as chairman of the Kengan Organization.

Krystal_george · 漫画同人
30 Chs


Sekibayashi raised his arms very high as he looked to pummel ohma into the ground.

Ohma caught his hands and broke his fingers once again.


Sekibayashi mused. You're giving me a hell of a lovely time!


Sekibayashi smiled widely as Ohma drove his hands into his face.

The more I'm driven to the ropes, the bigger the thrill when I turn it into my damned victory!

Sekibayashi leaned forward and immediately performed a backhand chop with dazzling speed.

The imact threw ohma backwards, But in a flash he took a step forwards and lunged his hands into sekibayashi's face.

Blood oozed out of sekibayashi's body frame.

Ohma attacked sekibayashi constantly, He executed a total of 16 blows every second. Somehow, sekibayashi didn't attempt to block his attacks. Instead, sekibayashi threw his chest out and stuck his arms out. He was welcoming Ohma's attack whole heartedly.




Even though he was taking those powerful attacks from ohma, Sekibayashi still maaged to takea few steps forward. Even though the steps were heavy, it was still impressive for him to push ohma who was attacking him back just with sheer strength alone.

Sekibayashi laughed mockingly at ohma. He was really showing him what true strength was like. Sekibaayshi's lauh irritated ohma to the core.

Ohma dragged his foot backwards. He cracked up a veryu powerful kick and delivered it right to the face of Sekibayashi.


Sekibayashi groaned as he stumbled backwards. It was really surprising, all the distance sekibayashi had covered while being beaten by ohma was covered up immediately. And worst of all, Ohma did it with a single kick.

The crowd suddenly cheered for Ohma, the power behind that kick was uneniable. Yamashita stood in a daze as he wondered what ohma had done that transformed him in this manner.

Furumi pharmaceutical's afflicted fighter; Furumi wakatsuki Takeshi, stood in the crowd watching a he bizarre fight.

Mr Wakatsuki!

Wakatsuki turned around to see who was calling him.

Oh…It's you Imai.

The young man with a yellow hair smiled brightly. Yo! Long time no see.

The young blonde was the affiliated fighter for Nishihonji security services; Imai Cosmo. He had a Kengan match record of 21 wins and zero losses.

Imai smiled brightly. That Tokita guy…He's really awesome! He's putting out much power as sekibayashi!

Imai was looked very young, and he was actually a very young man. He was drawn into the world of combat at a very young age. He didn't even have the body suitable for a fighter. Imai was a typical pretty boy.

Wakatsuki seemed to have a different opinion on the fight going on.

No. That's not power...That's torque.

Imai was clearly surprised. Torque.

Wakatsuki flexed his muscles. Yeah...It's not his power that increased,But his velocity.

If your mass remains constant, then naturally, your striking powerwill rise relative to your velocity.

Wakatsuki turned to face Imai who looked absent with his hands on his waist.And in addition, By increasing his speed, he can overwhelming increase the number of punches he throws. This then results in an increase in torque.

Imai narrowed his eyes slightly. Oh...That's a pretty complicated thing to think about while fighting...

Wakatsuki once again disagreed with him. No, It's just that you don't think enough..

Wakatsuki folded his hands as his thoughts ran for a while.

What is the source of his power?

But that aside, Tokita looks entirely different from the last time I saw him.

Ohma's sudden change really surprised wakatsuki. In the fight against Lihito the superhuman turned human, Ohma used simple techniques like the redirection kata and the weeping willow(Sliding kick). Earlier in the fight against sekibaashi, Ohma still used those techniques. But just as he almost lost the match against sekibayashi, his entire self and fighting pattern, Even his physical appearance changed.

Yamashita was still in a daze as he watched ohma attacking sekibayashi non-stop. It seemed like he never got tired. instead, his speed and torque kept on increasing.

Ohma usually fights by gaining control over his opponents strength and attacking as efficiently as possible...

...You could almost call his fighting style graceful.

But now...

His fighting style is the exact opposite! It's nothing but bare aggression and ferocity!

...Just like a wild beast!

This is a Tokita Ohma we've never seen before.

Is this the real Tokita ohma?


Sekibayashi's loud groan rented the air. His fingers were broken and he spewed blood as his head flung backwards.

The crowd explode at this sight.

He's reeling!

I know pro wrestlers are tough but he's taken too many attacks!

What the hell are you dong sekibayashi!!? Put your guard up!

I've got a lot of money on you! you certainly can't lose!

Sekibayashi hissed on hearing the rants from the crowd.

Tch! They just don't get it...

...What kind of pro wrestler would I be if i didn't take every attacks head on?

Sekibayashi's head was thrown back as ohma delivered a powerful kick to his head.


Sekibayashi's hand was suddenly planted firmly on ohma's head.


Sekibayahi roared as he dragged ohma closer to him. Sekibayashi moved his own head forwards to meet ohma's head.,


Sekibayashi's head ramed into ohma's head with a powerful tremor. Ohma gritted his teeth, he sure felt the impact.

Ohma clutched his head in pain. Sekibayashi took the opportunity and jumped back. he created a small distance between them.

Sekibayashi's next move shocked everyone. It was a normal move wrestlers used but it was still shocking to see Hell's Angel use it so well in a fight like this.

Sekibayashi leaped away. he used his body like a spear. but this time, his leg was the head of the spear and his head was the tail of the spear.


Ohma's bone cracked. Yes! It really did. Eveyone heard it, The sound was unmistakable, It was certainly a bone being cracked.

Sekibayashi had driven his legs into ohma's stomach. The attack was so powerful that ohma was sent flying over 10 meters.

Ohma stood up with a bit of difficulty. He was breathing heavily.

Sekibayashi stretched to his full height which was far more than ohma's height.

Hey...Sekibayashi started running towards Tokita Ohma. This ain't time to...Take a short time break!!

Ohma stood still as sekibayashi closed in on him.







Ohma suddenly flickered as he tapped his leg on the floor.

He ran past sekibayashi who was still running. Ohma's hand was outstretched and three of his fingers were broken.


Sekibayashi took a deep breath as his eyes rolled inside and his head fell back.


Sekibayashi landed heavily on the floor.

Imai felt cold sweat flow down his cheeks. Did he just??

Wakatsuki also shared Imai's surprise. Yeah...That son of a bitch cut off his supply.


What just happened!!?

He may hav taken some damages but sekibayashi's still got power to spare, how was he taken out with one hit!!?

The spectators couldn't believe it. Sekibayashi was down just like that? All the money they bet on him?

Ohma stood straight. His devious appearance as slowly coming back to his normal appearance. The veins on his body and the red color had all vanished. His broken fingers were dripping blood.

Yamashita opened his mouth wide as a sudden realization hit him.

I..i get it!!

Ohma-San attacked his wind pipe!

If the brain's oxygen supply is cut off, then it's not a matter of toughness anymore. Consciousness is forcibly shut down.

Sekibayashi's speed plus ohma's offensive charging added up to deliver the damage and amplify the impact.

We have a winner!

The familiar line rang again. The spectators were disappointed that they lost a lot of money, but they were still excited because ohma had really proven to be a force to be reckoned with.

So the crowd echoed the final words with the referee.

And the winner is...Tokita Ohma!!!