
Kengan Ashura

Kazuo Yamashita is an ordinary, timid, fifty-six year old man who one day is summoned by the chairman of his company and hired as a manager of a gladiator. He learns that these hired gladiators engage in battles called "Kengan Matches" to protect the corporate rights of the businesses they represent. Kazuo Yamashita is assigned to manage a mysterious Kengan fighter named Ohma Tokita. Both men join the "Kengan Zetsumei Tournament" with the hope of winning the spot as chairman of the Kengan Organization.

Krystal_george · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

New fighter


Mr Takada, we have inmate 51 and inmate 344 on standby in the courtyard as you can see here.

The man who was speaking was a prison warden officer. He stood on a balcony and used the rail to support himself. Beside him was a grey haired then who was the CEO of Juoh communications Takada Seisuke.

Below the balcony were two men who sat on the floor, their legs and hands bound by a chain.

The warden looked a bit worried as he spoke to Takada. Mr Takada are you really going to make them…?

Takada laughed softly. I can understand your concern warden. But you see, Your concern is unwarranted, I"ve already arranged things with the minister of justice.

The security guards looked grim as he thought to himself.

I already know that, you think I'd do this if I wasn't ordered to?

The ward decided to say something else. But why exactly are you having them do this?

Why would someone of your status and renown do something so atrocious? I just can't understand it!

The grey haired Takada smiled. He looked uglier than ever. You don't understand eh? That's for the best because if you did understand warden…

…You'd never be able to turn back.

Now then…all the joking aside. Why don't we have them get started?

The two worst felons in the history of Japanese crime…Two barehanded mass murderers…In a battle of life and death.

The warden took a micro and spoke. Remove their handcuffs. Start with inmate 344 and be cautious.

The security guards felt sweat roll than their foreheads as they approached inmate 344.

Not necessary. Inmate 344 raised his hands to stop their advance.

He grabbed the handcuff with two of his fingers.


Inmate 344 broke the handcuff. And he did it by applying seemingly very little force and with only two fingers.

They are already off.

Inmate 344 stood up slowly as he spoke. Accepting the loss of freedom is a form of penance in itself.

Inmate 344 pulled down his hood. He was the infamous fanatic; Nagashima Ginji.

Ginji was a fanatical devotee of the cult known as salvation. He murdered a total of 56 clergy and lay people of opposing groups.

Inmate 51 laid another big surprise. He stretched his body and the handcuffs slipped out on their own accord.

All right, let's get this over with…I need to get back to my book..Inmate 51 spoke with great laziness.

He was the bloody tusk, Bando Yohei.

Bando Yohei was an ex student of Teito university school of medicine who raided yakuza offices for three straight years.

He murdered a total of seventeen people and severely injured five.

Later, after murdering Two of his arresting officers and severely injuring four, he willingly surrendered. The sudden crime committed by an elite medical student garnered much of the public attention at the time.

Just as the warden was shocked about to shout into the microphone again, Takada stretched his hand. Let me have the microphone.

Takada started speaking immediately after taking the microphone.

I assume you have already been filled in. It's not that complicated at all…Just crush your opponent you see before you.

Dead or alive.

Naturally we're not making you do this for nothing. We have two special privileges reserved for the winner. One of them is temporary freedom and the other is…the right to destroy people.

If you want these rights then please begin.

Bando flexed his muscles. I'll be damned. I'm no hedonic murderer. Although..I've still left my research half-finished.

Guess I'll try to obtain these rights…

Ginji kept his hands like someone who was praying. Temporary freedom I see…This must be God's will…and God's will is to eradicate the heathens.

They must be judged.

You are a heathen yourself aren't you? Ginji asked Bando.

Bando yawned slightly. No. I'm a piece of shit…Just like you.

Ginji sped forward towards Bando immediately. His sudden outburst raised dust as he ran.


The warden fell to the floor in miserable shock.

Even Takada was surprised as his mouth was wide open.

I didn't expect he'd be this good. He took him out in just one blow.

H..he's not human!

D..demon…he's a demon!

Takada turned to the warden. I'll be borrowing that man for a while.

The fighter representing my company in the Kengan annihilation tournament will be this man!

I know he can reach the fang of metsudo.


Nogi incorated.

CEO's office.


Yamashita's surprised shout rang across the room.

Ohma-San! What're you doing to Mr Nogi!!?

Nogi was lifted high by ohma. Ohma was pressing tightly onto his neck as he lifted Nogi high with one hand.

Ohma ignored yamashita as he glared at Nogi angrily. What the f*ck did you just say pops?

Nogi was having difficulty breathing but he managed to speak. I'll say it again if I have to.

Tokita ohma…I have no intention of having you represent My company in the Kengan annihilation tournament.


Ohma gritted his teeth in further anger. I guess you want to be annihilated here and now…

Akiyama was surprised by Nogi's statement. Why is Mr Nogi suddenly saying this? I thought he'd be using the past few Kengan matches to test Tokita ohma for his eligibility to fight in the tournament?

Could it be that regardless of winning all his battles…He still failed?

The door suddenly opened and someone walked in.

A man walked in. He was taken aback by the scene that greeted him. Oh…am I interrupting something?

Akiyama and Yamashita turned to look at this man. Ur it was Akiyama who recognized him.

You are…!!

Nogi smiled a bit. Tokita ohma…allow me to introduce you.

This is the Nogi groups fighter for the Kengan annihilation tournament.

The representative fighter smiled at ohma. Hey. Nice to meet ya…Substitute.

This is Nogi group's fighter for the Kengan annihilation tournament. Hatsumi Sen.

Hatsumi stared at Nogi. Well…This is a sorry sight old man, do you need help or something?

Nogi spoke with difficulty. Can't you tell? Save me already, Idiot.

Seen rubbed his head. You heard him, do you mind if I use force…substitute?

Ohma's eyes was sharp. You think you can use it against me?

Sure I can.

Before Sen finished saying this, he vanished. His speed shocked even ohma.

Sen was beside ohma in a flash. He grabbed ohma's wrist and pressed it.

Ohma winced in pain. During the fight against sekibayashi, Sekibayashi broke that hand, Sen had probably watched the fight that was why he was targeting that broken spot.

Ohma was forced to loosen his grip on Nogi who fell to the floor and started coughing.

Sen still held onto ohma's hand. You know you're not supposed to harm your employer don't you? First off…You shouldn't be so rough on your broken hand.

Ohma swung his fist towards Sen's head. Sen was really irritating him.

Ohma followed Sen about, launching blows from different angles. Sen somehow, managed to evade all the attacks.

It's not you arm, it's your whole body.

The damage you took in the last three matches, hasn't been light at all.

That was definitely true. Ohma still had a bandage on his chest from the attack Lihito the superhuman turned human inflicted on him.

Sen continued. And you wanna fight in the tournament? Wake up and smell the coffe kiddo.

Hatsumi Sen. His Kengan match record is 39 wins and 15 losses.

This information surprised Yamashita. He stared at Akiyama. 15 losses? Isn't that a bit too much?

Akiyama sighed. Hatsumi is an excellent fighter. However, he has some attitudinal issues. Here is a breakdown of his losses.

Before Akiyama could say any dirt, Sen had dashed to where she and Yamashita stood. He immediately began talking like a drunk.

I had Nine losses because I overslept, I had four losses because I bailed on the match and didn't show up, and I lost two losses because the match slipped my mind. That's making it 15.

He suddenly hugged Akiyama while closing his eyes in a weird kind of euphoria. I'm so happy to see you were worried about me Kaede…

Are you kidding!? Do You have have any Idea of the losses you've caused the Nogi group? Akiyama spoke as she tried to wriggle free from his firm grip.

Sen snuggled quietly. That's all in the past now…Moreover can we have dinner together tonight?

No. Akiyama's answer was sharp and to the point.

Do have to be so cold all the time…?

While all this was happening, Ohma was getting angrier and angrier. He stood still, breathing heavily with his head bent to the floor.

Ohma suddenly erupted with a fierce energy that made everyone in the room shiver.

Sen looked a bit surprised. Oh lord…did I overdo it?

The energy ohma emanated suddenly leaped to become even stronger. I've pushed him to a killing mood.

Ohma's body was starting to change color and multiple veins were starting to criss-cross round his body.

Sen cracked his hands. You started it first, so no hard feelings even if you die.

Then again, it would be a hassle if you die…

Before Sen could finish saying this, Ohma had swung his fists towards Sen's head.

Sen evaded the strike with lightning speed. Now…now…surprise attacks won't do you any good.

Ohma turned to face Sen, only to see a fist flying towards his nose.

He's fast!


Sen had a look of surprise. So you blocked it huh?

You're putting in a lot of efforts considering your injuries…

I see your speed got a sudden boost since you entered that form…

…What is that? Some kind of transformation?

Ohma was silent. This was what irked him most about Sen; always talking.

Sen smiled, seeing that ohma was silent. Never mind, I'm pretty fast myself.

So you wanna go at it? Let's have a contest of speed.

After this, the substitute and the representative fighter engaged in hot fisticuffs. Many blows were being thrown consecutively at light speed, but somehow, none of the blows touched anyone.

Sen was a bit surprised seeing ohma's attack. Is he surpassing me in blows? But he's not going at a speed I can't reach…


Sen was shocked as he saw himself kneel before ohma.

He twisted my flow of power??

Ohma's leg moved. In a flash his leg was about to collide with Sen's face.

Hatsumi placed his hands beside his face to block the attack. Good grief, I knew you had an ace up your sleeves. You use the Niko style don't you?

Your reaction tells it all…I gotta say, it's even sharper than the rumors make it out to be.

Sen placed his hands on his chin in a thinking fashion. This hang on…this doesn't make sense. I was pretty sure the Niko style was never passed down.

Everyone in the room was clueless about the Niko style. Only Sen, ohma and Nogi knew what the Niko style was.

Nogi was visibly surprised at the mention of the Niko style.

Ohma's hand suddenly moved. It moved even faster than before and before Sen knew it, Ohma had grabbed his neck.

For some reason, Ohma got angrier.

Don't you dare f*cking say Niko's name again!!

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