
Kelekona and The Dragon Vengeance

Rexie_Valkyrieson · 奇幻言情
8 Chs

Episode 3

"A Dragon?" Asked Kelekona as monstrous red Dragon floated before her. "What do you want with me?" Kelekona tried to show no sign of fear, tho she was completely terrified.

The Dragon laughs, "I leave inside you!" The Dragon, Teisess said. "You can't hide your fear from me, Kelekona." The Dragon flap his wings in the fire disappeared. "Everything that goes on here is inside your mind."

"My mind!" Kelekona sounds confused, then she remembers. "Then you are familiar?" Asked Kelekona. She didn't know much about the world, but she knew a little bit. Familiars are creatures that once lived now as spirits live inside a person. "Someone have been paying attention to the world around her."

"You have the same energy as Mother does when she uses her magic!" Said Kelekona. Familiar can increase on magical abilities or give a non-magical person the ability to use the familiar magic. In the case of Lexine, her familiar allow to use Lexine to use their magic abilities.

"I will ask again. Do you seek vengeance for your father?" Asked Teisess, standing proud and tall. "Won't that mind of thinking lead to destruction and pain?" Asked Kelekona, worrying about her family. "That depends on the wielder and how they use it. It is true that unchecked emotions can lead to problems, but it is checked that emotions can lead to ultimately power." Teisess explain.

Teisess waves his hand. The surrounding change around them. "Here is in a situation where the emotions are unchecked." Teisess said as they watched as a boy was being picked on. The boy snap and use it to be magic property, earth to destroy everything around them.

Kelekona gasps, afraid she will turn out like the body. "This is what happens when it checks." Teisess wave his hand. It was a battlefield. A person with wind magic just lost their whole group and defended the enemy with destroying everything. "The check emotions person, had their vengeance but still was able to control her power."

"So it not angry, vengeance or anything like that determines if you can control it or not." Said Kelekona."Either it the person as a whole who can."

"Clever, little girl, you are!" Said Teisess.

"So I can use your power to get vengeance for my father?" Asked Kelekona. The Dragon nodded, "Then, what do you get out of it?" Teisess was shocked by Kelekona answer. "Normally, people won't ask that of a familiar. They just assume it their to take."

"It is your power you letting me use!" Said Kelekona. "You have the choices either. Let me use it or not."

"Very well, I will tell you what I desire!" The Dragon said, waving his wings around, and they appear on another battlefield. Two sides were fight, humans on one end, and dragons on the other. "The Kingdom of Ikarus invaded my homeless and slaughtered my brethren." Teisess said as they watched the battle unfold.

"I am not saying all dragons were peaceful!" Said Teisess as they watch the humans attack Teisess, who was defending young dragons. "But most dragons stay in our homeless and live in peace."

"Then it Vengeance you want?" Asked Kelekona, looking towards Teisess. "I want to make those who took my home, my family, pay." Teisess answer. "I thought snice I became your familiar, that it was destiny for you and I are destiny to take vengeance together."

"But I don't care about vengeance, I just want to stay and protect my family." Said Kelekona. She ponder for a moment, "Then here the deal, you grant me your power to protect my family, then I will use it to get your vengeance!" Kelekona said.

"You willing to travel to your homeland for me?" Asked Teisess. "A creature you don't know."

"But I do know you!" Said Kelekona hold out her hand. "You are me, and I am you!" Teisess laugh, "You are a strange human, that for sure. Very well then, this will be our pack. Kelekona Wilkins will use my power to protect her family and seek vengeance for me and my family."

Kelekona appears back in her wood, feeling the fire properties rushing through her bodies. "Now that we have a bond!" Teisess voice said. "We should be able to communicate better."

Kelekona took a deep breath, "I am not strong enough to take on anyone yet." Kelekona said as her properties dissipated. "I guess I will have to go to school after all." Said Kelekona walk back home.

The Wilkins Family held a funeral for Garen, and then Kelekona rode with Azure to the Capital of Shuzia. "It is about a two month trip." Azure said. "We should be there around school starts, so you won't have much sight seeing."

"That fine!" Kelekona said. "I would probably be focused on training. The caravan that was taking Azure and Kelekona had a few more students and magic wielder with them.

"Have you ever used your magic before?" Azure asked. Kelekona to her about the time with the direwolf. "I see!" Azure said. "Fear is a strong too but unpredictable. We'll have to show how to use your power before you take the entrance exam. "

"You did say anything about an entrance exam!" Kelekona said, worrying that she won't past. "Don't worry, you technically not a Shuzian. So normally you won't be able to enter but I can put in a special request." Azure explained. "So even if you failed the entrance exam, you will still be able to attend."

After the caravan stop for the night, Azure began Kelekona training. "Frist, I want you to feel the magic flow through you." Azure explained the first lesson. "Close your eyes and feel the magic flow all around the body! Into the ground the air and other life forms."

"Boring!" Teisess yelled, spooking Kelekona. "Teisess I trying to focus here." Kelekona said loudly. "Just hold out your hand and focus on what you want your magic to do. For example, think of a fire ball on your hand." Teisess said.

"Who are you talking to?" Azure asked, then stop. "Oh, I see you have a familiar." Kelekona didn't know how to respond. "Oh, Anga." Azure said, taking a deep breath. "Why don't you help me out."

A wave of water slash around them, and Azure and Kelekona appear in an open face. "What going on?" Asked Kelekona as they float above a raging ocean. "This is known as a mindscape." Said Azure. "It is a place where the familiar and the person can communicate."

A bright blue serpent rise from the water and spin around them. "This is Anga." Azure introduced the serpent. "She is my familiar, familiar partners can open a mindspace, where do people can communicate with both familiars."

"Really?" said Kelekona, looking around. "But I don't see Teisess." Azure laugh, "You'll have to summon Teisess here." She explains. Kelekona took a deep breath, "Come, Teisess." Fire began to rage all around, and Teisess appeared out of those flames.

"A Dragon spirits!" Said Anga, her voice was strong and sharp. "Rare you are to be familiar."

"Dragon have little in common with creature of low standards." Teisess said. Kelekona looks at Teisess with piercing eyes. "You are the exception!" Teisess said freaking out. Azure and Anga laugh, "So Teisess, I am guessing you don't like my method of teaching?" Azure asked.

"Kelekona already unlocks her charka points?" Said Teisess. "There is no reason to put her through the basic."

"Charka points an area inside your body where magic can move freely." Anga explain. "Once you unlock these points, you can channel your magic any thoughts your body."

"Kelekona haven't really be taught how to use her magic, where it comes from or anything." Azure explained. "Allow me to bore her with this simple knowledge, and I promise to make sure she can skip those classes at the Academy."

"Very well!" Said Teisess vanishing in the fire. Anga vanish as well, and Kelekona and Azure appear back in the campsite. "Then let's us continue." Azure said.