
Kelekona and The Dragon Vengeance

Rexie_Valkyrieson · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Episode 2

The next day, Kelekona sat in next to a window in class and magic wielder talk. She kept wondering what her father said, the flames from her fish and the voice in the woods. "Ms. Wilkins." Said a teacher as Kelekona looked off into space. "Kelekona!" Yelled the teacher

Kelekona finally snaps out of it. "Yes, teacher?" Kelekona asked. The teacher held out her hand, like she wanted Kelekona to head somewhere. "It is your turn to see if you have magic properties."

"We all know she doesn't!" Laugh a boy. "She from the weakest family in the kingdom." Kelekona was frustrated with the boy, but she didn't let that get to her. Kelekona walks to the magic wielders.

"Kelekona Wilkins, is it?" Asked a magic wielder.

Kelekona bow her head, "At your service!" Kelekona said, lifting her head back up. "Please place your hand on the crystal." Said the magic wielder. "If the crystal glows, you have magical properties, and the color tells you the properties of the magic." The magic wielder said.

"How many properties can a person have?" Asked Kelekona about to touch the crystal.

"There are four major properties; fire, water, wind, and earth. There haven't been in recorded history of someone professing all four abilities. Mainly, people develop one, and some can develop two. It is extremely rare for someone to develop three." The magic wielder said.

Kelekona put her hand on the crystal. The crystal began to glow a bright red color. "Looks like you have strong fire properties." Said the magic wielder. "I don't think I have ever seen a glow like that here in Shuzia."

"I am not originally from Shuzia." Said Kelekona let her hands off the crystal. "Oh, where are you originally from?" Asked the magic wielder.

"I honestly don't know." Said Kelekona.

"Her father came from over sea!" The teacher said, walking up. "If I have to guess, she probably from the Athalon Kingdom. However, her have is Garen, a fisherman in town. He doesn't really talk about his path, tho."

"Thank you for that information." Said the magic wielder.

After class, the magic welder stopped Kelekona. "Do you think your father will talk to us." Asked the magic wielders. Kelekona thought about it. "I can't really say you'll have to discuss it with him." Kelekona says. She took them to her house. "Mom, his magician, wants to talk to Father." Lexine greet Kelekona in front of the house.

"May I ask why?" Asked Lexine.

The magician took off her hood, "My name is Azure!" She introduced herself. "I am in introductor at the Academy of Magic in Shuzia Capital."

"Oh, is that right?" Asked Lexine holding Kelekona closely. "Yes, I would like to have Kelekona come to the Academy learn of magic and sharp her skills." Azure explained, noticing the water around them began to float. "I promise you, no harm will come to you, your husband, or Kelekona."

"Lexine, Kelekona." Garen road up in a cart. "What going on here?" Slowly reaching for his sword. "His academy wizard wants to bring Kelekona to the capital for training." Lexine explained as the water began to straight up into daggers.

"Your daughter has a very strong connection with the fire properties." Said Azure trying not to show sign of worry. "If not channel properly, it could lead to problems."

"I will discuss with my wife and give you an answer tomorrow." Said Garen. Azure nodded and walked off with the other magician. Lexine took a breath, and all the water dropped. "I am sorry!" Said Garen getting off the wagon. "For what?" Asked Lexine, giving him a kiss. "You are my husband, and Kona is my child. I will do anything to protect you."

"I thought mother didn't have magic?" Asked Kelekona, noticing the water magic. "It technically not her magic, it her Familiar magic." Explain Garen kneeling down to Kelekona height. "Familiar?" Kelekona asked, being confused. "The Academy will explain it to once you go!"

"What if I don't wanna go?" Asked Kelekona. "What if I just wanna stay here?" Garen ponder the question for a moment then answer with a question, "Do you know which properties is the most dangerous one?"

Kelekona thought about it for a second, then answered, "Each one is dangerous if use inappropriately, but I would guess fire would probably be the most dangerous!"

"Magic is control thought emotion." Said Lexine. "If you get scared or angry, you might lose control of it. The Academy will help you channel your magic and emotions. So, if you get angry, you won't accidentally hurt someone."

"Oh, then I guess there real no choice but to go!" Said Kelekona sounded disappointed. "It only for about 4 summers. You'll be back home in no time."

"And if or when I control my magic, what will happen to me?" Asked Kelekona. "After I graduate?"

"You can decide that when you get older!" Lexine smiled as Kelekona siblings came running up. "I have supper over the fire atm." Lexine said. "All of you wash up for supper."

Later on, Garen and Azure talk and agree that Kelekona will attend Shuzia magic academy. Azure will be leaving within the week. So the parent had time to get Azure ready.

"Kelekona, come play outside?" Vedetta asked adorably. Kelekona took the two youngest and went outside and played until it got dark.

"Children!" Lexine called out as the sun began to set. The kids came rushing, and then they heard yelling and screaming. From their house on the hill, the Wilkins family can see the port. They saw the ship arriving. "Inside children!" Lexine, push the kids inside, "Garen, viking invaders!"

Garen gave his sword and rushed outside to the port. "What are we going to do?" Asked Kelekona as Lexine hid the kids in a hidden basement. "Just stay here!" The family wanted patiently for something to happen, but nothing ever did. After the sun went down, the screams slowed die out.

Lexine exhaled slow as she looked out of the window. The viking were gone, "Kids it safe!" Lexine said, then their was a knock on the door. It started Lexine, and water rose from a nearby bucket.

The water broke part and turned to ice and shot towards the door. "Lexine!" A voice said. "It is Obie!"

Lexine quickly ran to the door, "Oh I'm sorry!" She said as she opened up, then was frozen. A man walks and sets a body on the floor, "I'm sorry!" He said, walking back out, Lexine cried over the body. Kelekona walked out of hiding.

Kelekona closed her mouth and cried. The other two didn't know what was going on. "Do you seek vengeance?" Asked the deep voice from the forest. "Do you seek power?"

Kelekona rushed out of the house as fast as she could and hid the woods. "Who are you?" Kelekona asked, gripping the trunk of the tree and breaking it. "What are you?"

"I am power!" Said as flames surround her and Kelekona felt like she was flying. "I am vengeance and destruction." A creature foam in front of her, it had ruby red scales, wings longer than a boat, claws that could tear a land part and a fire breath. "I am the Fire Dragon, Teisess."