
Karma Count Infinity

Have you ever heard of a person coming back from hell after millions of years with a cheat system? Park Ray, a mass murderer who was cornered by a group of enemies where he had to sacrifice himself to protect his dignity. But the book of karma he had on his left shoulder was too heavy that it led him into hell. But an error occurred that took him back to earth after millions of years but in a 13 year old child's body. He again decided to walk the path to get his revenge with the new cheat power he acquired called 'System'. .... A.N: This is the new version of the old "Karma Count Infinity" that I released several months ago but unfortunately, my writing style was trash so I had to delete it and focus on my study. Since English isn't my first language, some of you may spot some grammatical errors and I'm not going to lie, "It's really annoying when you see a mistake but can't fix it." But I really can't hold my imagination in so I'm going to start writing again. So, have a good day and don't forget to add my story to your reading list. Note: The book frame is not mine so if you're the artist, help me because I want to turn this into comic :). And I'm also a beginner artist so don't worry I'll catch up to you.

Matsuba_Kuroe · 奇幻
21 Chs

A system ?

The night was young.

But the empty field, the river stream that sometimes reflects the light above the empty road and the crickets that were making buzzing noise combined and made a scary environment.

Ray looked around and found a small school bag which was drenched and covered in sand. It was the original owner's bag but since the original was dead, it belonged to the fake Ray.

  Let's see what's inside.

He opened the bag and saw all the books of a middle schooler. But it was the date that made him frightened.

16th August 2027.

So, it's been only two weeks since I died?

The time he spent in hell was not even related to the world. Because he spent more than 10 million years inside hell but on earth, only two weeks passed which was hard to believe. 

   I can't believe this… But why do I feel happy about this?

What is this feeling inside my heart?

He took his bag and started to follow a path by recalling his new memories. 

He was very far away from his home.

The kid has the same name as me but his surname is different. And he got dumped by a girl who accused him of being a pervert. Which he never did and then, that girl complained to a rich brat that she had a crush on him and made him beat Ray's soul out of it.

The rich brat dragged Ray out of the town and started to beat him but accidentally, he fell off the bridge and died. The small Ray didn't know how to swim so he drowned at the spot and was taken away by the water.

After 2 hours of riding the water, he ended up near a farm surrounded by mountains and I happened to possess his body. 

From my new set of memories, he died when the sun was at 90 degrees. So, he died more than 13 to 14 hours ago. But how was his body still okay? Since I'm functioning well, does that mean the body was all okay? Was he in a coma all the time? 

Lots of questions started to ruin his peaceful walk towards an unknown path called home and then, a man spotted him on the empty road.

"Hey, kid!! What are you doing at this hour!!"

The man pointed his touch on his face from some distance and asked again, "Kid! Why are you here? Are you lost?"

The man with a white cap approached and started panting for running quickly. "Kid! Are you lost? You don't look good. Why are you so cold? Oh my God look at your shirt! Which school are you from? Were you bullied? Your condition doesn't look good. Do you want me to call the police?" 

The man looked at his face and saw a pale expression. His skin looked like someone sucked every drop of blood from his body. His hands were cold as ice and also his clothes were all wet.

"Old man, here you go."

Ray handed him his school ID and said, "Drive me to this address."

The man was stunned to see his home address which was about 22 km away from their current location. He wanted to ask how he ended up in the empty place but in that situation, he had no choice but to drive him home. 

The car engine started.

"Kid, do you remember what happened?"

Ray kept silent for a couple of seconds and then said, "I tripped over and fell from a bridge. Then I walked the wrong way and ended up here. I can't remember what happened before that."

The man saw some blood stains on his shirt so he changed direction and took him to a hospital.

The clock turned 2 am. 

"Mister. I believe I told you to take me home. But why are we in front of a hospital?"

"Your condition is bad, kid. Let's go."

The man grabbed his hands and took him straight into the emergency section. Luckily, a good doctor was on duty and he took his time to check Ray's whole body condition.

The result turned out that his head was injured and for that reason, he was suffering from minor memory loss.

    Well, I was right to take the opposite direction to my house. After these new memories came into my head, I immediately knew where I was and walked the wrong path. I knew a man would definitely find me which will save so much trouble.

If I returned home to this state, those people would ask me a lot of questions. Plus, this past owner has never said or complained anything about getting beaten up by a gang of bullies from the school.

Moreover, they are stereotyped people who believe the world is very easy and these types of problems are just a concept from drama. In their eyes, a bully doesn't exist.

In this situation, Ray didn't have any option left but to lie. 

"Now, have some rest and your parents will be on their way here soon. They won't come inside until the morning so rest assured."

Ray nodded without saying anything and looked in the other direction. 

   I didn't even know that my hands were broken and my head was seriously injured. I mean, this type of pain was just a dust in hell so is this really my fault?

But where is that game-like screen that I saw back in hell. What was it called again? Hm..


But there was no response.

"Then, should I say what those kinds were called in the game? Status window?"

A red screen appeared in front of him with a welcoming message. 

[Congratulations on opening the status bar on the very day after the system synchronisation.]

[The health of host's in below the average. Do you want to use 'Heal'? This will cost 300 karma points. 

Total Karma point : INF]

  What? Infinity?

[The host had an infinite amount of karma in his book of karma. After system synchronisation, all the karma has turned into karma points.]

[The host can use karma points in a limited amount now for his current health and body condition. The limitations will be lifted when the user reaches a certain level.]

[Karma point usual restrictions : 20,000. The stats will reset twice in a day.]

So, I can use up to 40,000 karma points in a day. Is this like a game?

[The host's karma point is similar to "Aura" from this world's perspective.]

The word aura made his heart skip a beat. So he thought, 'Am I a person with aura now? How is that even possible? And what kind of aura am I possessing?

[The host has the aptitude of '7th Hell's Authorization'. The host can use the skills of the 7th Hell administrator 'Lucifer'. The range of using skills will increase when the host will level up. ]

  Lucifer… that bastard's skill? He is the king of hell and 7th hell is his home. He can destroy humanity with a snap of his finger. And you're saying that I can use his skills? 

[The host is correct.]

   This is cheating…

He rubbed his face in frustration for a minute and again looked at the floating screen which was in front of him.

"So what level am I currently at?" Ray asked.

[Status Information.

Name: Ray Li.

Age: 13.(M)

Level: 1

ST: 2

HP: 3

DF: 1


IQ: 3

KP: 20,000

      Passive Skills : Fire resistance(F). Basic demon martial arts(F). Fear resistance(S). Strong will to live(S). Poison resistance(F). Heal(F). Sharp Instinct(S) <...Unknown…><please level up to unlock more skills> 

      Active Skills : See through(F). Aura punch(F). Fear of hell (S). Hell fire(E). Dark Assassin(F). Sniper(F). Auto regeneration(A). Hell's Authorization(S). <...Unknown…><please level up to unlock more skills> ]

[Using S-B class Active skills will cost 5,000 KP/10 minutes. 

Active Skills Below B class to C class will cost 1,000KP/30 minutes.

Active Skills from E class to F class will cost 500KP/ 60 minutes.

Every level up will increase the physical stats and the Karma points. ]

   Ray was dumbfounded to see his skills.

So, you're saying that I can use these skills? If so, why isn't my hand healing? Isn't it supposed to be an active skill?

[The host needs to give a command to start the process.]

   No, if my hand suddenly heals, it will create some misunderstanding and someone might think that I have an aura inside my body. It's best to heal slowly. 

[The current 'heal' active skill you have will take 8 days to heal your serious injuries. Do you want to use this skill?]

"No, 8 days is too quick. Just let me rest for a bit. It's been a millennium since I had a good night's sleep." 

The screen in front of him vanished after he said no and then he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. 

   Hah… The bad is not hot but warm, soft and comfortable. There's no area on my body which is burning and healing continuously. There are no wild monsters that are tearing apart my limbs anymore. There are no hell watchers around me injuring my body with hot needles. 

I must say, I am really lucky that somehow I escaped hell. And I am NEVER going back. 

This time, the world will know what fear is.