
Kara Cahill (The White Wolf)

She had to keep her true identity hidden and trust only a few people. But some secrets are always meant to be revealed, some fates are not meant to be changed. Can Kara Cahill accept her fate and let the prophecy run its course? ■■■ Out of the woods, wolves emerged, snarling and growling. Kara sighed. "Without knowing who I am, she made this move. I wonder how it would be if she knew who I truly was." She whispered to Klaus and stepped out. The snarling wolves' sound covered whatever she was saying so she couldn't be heard.. "You will not treat me like a fragile glass." He nodded but grabbed her hand first and said, "I've seen what you can do. Changing into a wolf partly. You will teach me when this is over." Nodding she replied. "Okay. But you'll tell me about anybody who is a somebody in the pack and out." "Deal, now let's kick some wolf butts." He grinned and they were back-to-back. The first wolf attacked and Kara slammed her arm into its jaw. It bite her and drew blood. "No more nice new girl." Her eyes flashed white for a second and she attacked. Her speed could not be matched and the onlookers couldnt look away. She slammed jaws and her nails left marks on the faces of some of the wolves. She was a sight on the field. Careful not to kill anyone, Kara pushed the last person the the ground and stood snarling. Klaus howled and patted her on the back. "Mad skills you got." His smile was wide as his eyes twinkled. Mara clapped dramatically and narrowed her yes at Kara. She sneered. "I agree, you can move... against amateurs."

Darkstorm17 · 奇幻言情
41 Chs

Dance of rain 2

"For you, the rain will wait."

Kara remembered what Mrs Humphrey had said to her. Had she meant the rain literally or something else? Like the things going on.

Slowly she raised her head and rubbed her neck.

"Well, look who decided to join the land of the living."

Kara's head whipped to the side to stare at Ezra. She'd forgotten him. Out of embarrassment, she looked down at her hands in her lap with her hair falling to cover her face.

"You gave me your jacket." She stated in surprise.

The wool jacket covered her shoulders and laps.

Ezra shrugged. "Not mine. It belongs to my cousin."

Kara felt the first drop on her nose, felt it slide down and leave a feeling of cold and sadness.

"The atmosphere is gloomy."

Ezra nodded but said nothing. Kara was surprised he let her sleep for long. Maybe the shadow wasn't that bad.

"I'm sorry for attacking you." She said apologetically. "You wouldn't exactly have agreed to spar with me so I took matters into my own hands. I had never seen a shadow in action."

Ezra smiled. "People go their entire lives never seeing a shadow in action. It's actually a blessing in a way. Whenever a shadow is provoked, it leads to bloodshed."

They let the small droplets fall on them, the sky was getting darker.

"There are only two shadows in this school, why?" She asked. She'd been genuinely curious the whole time.

"The kid was sent here because his parents lived in the human realm for the most part of their lives. They don't want him totally affiliated with the shadows but they want him to have a feel of the supernatural. "

"And you?"

He adjusted himself before speaking. "Powerful shadows usually lack emotions, or at least that is what we are taught. My family thinks having emotions can be a strength not a weakness. Other supernaturals are ... very emotional. So here I am, learning."

"So the whole badass mean guy is just a front." Kara teased and poked his side.

He smiled. "Not exactly. It is who I am, what most shadows are."

She smiled thoughtfully and ran her hands on the jacket, it was getting wet. She felt sad, like her heart was breaking but she didn't know why. She stood up and looked around. She could almost see everything. The school was surrounded by the forest, it made it dark. She saw someone walking out of the forest.

"Mr Reginald." She said quietly.

She stood there for a while and watched him. She felt the need to go to him.

"I have to go." She said to Ezra before rushing back into the building. Something was pulling her whole body, making her sprint.

Reginald was likely going to the North Wing where the teachers and non teaching staff stayed. She pushed people out of the way and apologised. She almost collided with him when she got there.

"Deville." She exclaimed.

Reginald froze and turned to her. "What?"

Kara looked confused, she didn't know why she'd said that. It was so awkward.

"I mean, uh, how- how are you? You uh looked on the gloomy side of town." She said hurriedly.

He had an unreadable expression that made her uncomfortable.

"I saw you walk out of the forest... I was on the roof." She confessed. "And yes it is weird that I came rushing to you cause even I don't know why."

Kara felt embarrassed. It felt as if she had been possessed.

"Dance of the rain." Reginald murmured thoughtfully.

"What's that? Dance of the rain, what is it?" She asked with her head cocked to the side.

Reginald shook his head. For a minute, he saw his sister. Of course he did, this was her kid and their ancestor in one body. Involuntarily, he raised his hand and ruffled her hair. The white part was more than the black part, like it should be.

"Have you taken a liking to me Kara?" He teased with a soft sad smile.

Her heart jumped. Not the kind where you were attracted to the person but the kind where you wanted the person to adopt you. Kara froze at the thought.

The action didn't go unnoticed.

Reginald withdrew his hand. "I'm sorry, you reminded me of someone."

She pressed her lips together and smiled. "It's okay. I should get back."

She bowed and turned to leave.

"Kara." He called.

He was battling his decision in his head and went on impulse. He moved close to her and pushed something into her hand.

"If anything ever happens to me, go to my room. Promise me you'll go only when something has happened to me." He said hurriedly.

Kara was confused and her heart was beating fast. "Why? What is going to happen to you?"

"Promise me Kara Deville Cahill. Your word is binding so promise me."

The urgency in his voice urged her. "I promise."

He nodded and rested his forehead on hers. She didn't have the heart to push him away. Something in her told her he needed it.

"Know this Kara, Devilles are always good till they are not. The hair speaks the truth and the water knows." He whispered.

"I don't understand."

He pulled back with a sigh. "No. Not yet. Forget this conversation till you need to remember."

Cryptic much... she thought. He bowed and walked away. Kara stared at the ring in her hand. Was it like a key to something in his room? As much as she wanted to sneak there later against his orders, she had made a promise. Something about him had felt familiar during their talk.

"Regi!" She called out to him.

He stopped in his tracks.

"What is your role in all of this?" Friend or foe.

"I am the gatekeeper." He said and resumed walking. He didn't look back.

With a sigh, she put the ring in her locket chain. She wouldn't lose it that way. People looked at her funny when she walked out of the teacher's wing but she ignored them. She'd always been used to the stares before she left the human realm.

Human realm... now she was talking like them. A couple of months had passed. Was she already used to this life? How was it possible that for 17 years she'd lived a particular way and just in a few months, she was used to living another way.

"Someone's thinking deeply, the break-up must have hurt a lot."

Kara blinked a couple of times and looked up. She hadn't noticed that she'd walked to the cafeteria. Hadn't noticed the Winterlies, Ezra and Adrian standing before her. Adrian walked out of the cafeteria after their eyes clashed. She almost rolled her eyes.

"Oohh, definitely hurt." Houston snickered.

Kara debated giving him a reply but said nothing. Ezra bowed his head slightly and walked away also. Ash tugged his brother arm after smiling at her.

"Ignore him." His eyes seemed to plead with her.

She gritted her teeth and nodded. She turned and began walking to the food slab.

A ball of fire flew past her head. If she hadn't moved in time... or rather, hadn't been pulled just in time... Kara looked at Liv who was glaring at Houston.

"Principal's kid to the rescue everyone." He laughed with Ash shaking his head beside him.

Liv stepped forward. "That was quite cowardly of you, attacking an opponent when her back is turned. It makes me think you already know you can't best her in a fight when her attention is on you."

Kara raised her eyebrow. She turned and continued on her way to the food. But something had her ears pecking up and running to push Liv to the floor. They heard the sizzling of heat and looked behind them to the trashcan burning.

"I knew that would catch your attention." Mara smirked.

Kara hadn't noticed her in the crowd but now she was standing beside Houston. Ash was no where to be seen. Klaus rushed to their side and glared at Mara.

"What the hell?" He snapped.

She chuckled. "You know, I never bought that stupid story about her being some distant Cahill relative. I know you are nice Klaus, but this is way overboard. Did your father put you up to this? If he did, is she your step sister? I did hear that he was in love before your mother. Still is from what I heard."

"You seem to have heard a lot of things." Klaus replied.

"Yes, and my source never lies." Her eyes fell to Kara. "Are you the alpha's long lost daughter?"

Kara couldn't help thinking 'that escalated fast.'