
Just Another Beginning After the End | TBATE

The Beginning After the End details the story of King Grey's life after his reincarnation as Arthur Leywin in a new world. However, who's to say he was the only one? Before King Grey departed from his world, before he became King, he had friends that stuck with him, even in his narrowmindedness. Among these friends was Arias, who lived the entirety of his life devoted to his friends but was stabbed through the heart by his most cherished and precious friend. Now, reborn as Asher Aureus, he has a second chance to finally live his life the way he wants to. However, old habits die hard. Especially when it comes to the ones you cherish.

Rua7 · 漫画同人
39 Chs

So it Begins (2)

"Sir tha—!"

A guard spoke up with an expression between incredulousness and shock. Though he was silenced by the old elf's glare, it seemed the guard wasn't the only one who found this preposterous.

"Father! What nonsense—!"

"Have you looked?"

The old elf, which appeared to be the presumed King's father, retorted without batting an eye.


The King's voice died down as he began staring at me. It wasn't just him; the guards and everyone else in the room did the same.

It was an unpleasant feeling, like as though I were naked and everyone in this room was staring at me because of it.

Soon enough, the King muttered under his breath.


The room began to stir.

"How is that possible…"

"This has never been…"

"… It's unprecedented."

The room spoke in hushed whispers.

"I-it's a joke, isn't it? Alea!"

The guard who initially raised his voice called out. He seemed to be rather expressive compared to his coworkers.


Alea didn't answer as she seemed to be going through her own phase of shock.

It did make sense, I guess. Usually, it'd be impossible for a child my age to form their mana core. One of the books stated that the earliest known record of an elven child awakening was at 6 years old. However, that was someone of noble descent who had been fed elixirs and all sorts of things to help expedite their awakening.

So, following that knowledge, I guess people's shock and disbelief were wholly justified.

I wasn't even a child yet, after all. I was a freaking toddler.

…Why didn't I notice this sooner? I knew I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but why didn't I think that my awakening at my age would be weird?

I wanted to sigh at my own stupidity, but apparently, making a noise in front of the King and Queen was a cardinal sin or something, so I kept my mouth shut.


I tilted my head with a curious expression. All the acting skills that I honed in my previous life were coming into play… which wasn't actually that much.

Anyways, my efforts at acting were useless because everyone was tied up in their conversations and didn't even notice.

I grew a bit despondent.

Perhaps the passing breeze will notice…

Ah… there's no breeze in here.

I closed my eyes.

…I see.

Then, the room quickly grew silent, so I hastily opened my eyes.

The King creased his brow, but rather than irritation, it was just exhaustion.


He even sighed.



The old elf responded.

"…What should we do?"

"You're asking me?"


"…Depends. Will that child grow to become a part of the elves' strength? Or will it grow aid the humans?"

Alea, who had been absentmindedly staring at me, snapped back to attention.

"Uh… Ah! Um, I can't speak for the child, but…"

Alea's words didn't seem to reach the King's ears as he muttered as though he were lost in thought.

"…If he awakened at that age, his future talent is immeasurable."


"I'm still having a difficult time processing this."

"As am I, keke."

The two male figures of authority began talking in slightly more hushed voices.

Seeing this, the presumed Queen shook her head and walked towards me.

"Hello there."

Her eyes crinkled as she spoke with a bright and kind smile.

"M-my Queen—!"

The Queen sent a quick glance at the guard that spoke up, causing him to fall silent.


I smiled as angelically as I could as I brightened my face up, speaking like a two-year-old should…

Keep it together, Asher. You can do it.

Despite my encouragement, I couldn't help but feel my fingers and toes curl in. My mental image of myself was still a teenager, so I was basically watching a greasy teen speak all cutesy.

In any case, my acting seemed to please the Queen as her smile deepened.

"If I may…"

Alea spoke cautiously, causing the elf who was examining me to look up… I did my best to look elsewhere.

"…Try poking his nose."

…Oi, Alea. Are you really going to do me like this? Are you really going to sell me out like this?

I sent her a desperate look, but she merely smiled.

The Queen moved her finger and booped it.

I swear, guys, I'm not pretending or anything. It's just an innate reaction for me to react like this when someone pokes my nose.


The Queen's eyes brightened as she saw my little reaction.

"Isn't he adorable?"

"Yes, yes he is."

"I've heard of Princess Tessia. How has she been…"

The two women began to chat like a pair of mothers during a soccer meet. Meanwhile, I could only awkwardly exist between these two women.


After awkwardly listening to the mother and surrogate mother chat about cute and embarrassing moments of their motherhood, the King's dry cough broke them up.

Alea stiffened up a little while the Queen returned to her seat with a satisfied smile earning a raised brow from the King.

"… We've decided to include him in the candidate list."


Alea seemed shocked. Her outburst caused a guard to move awkwardly forward, but he was sent back by the old elf's wave. Seeing this, I couldn't help but feel bad for the guards. They're just doing their job and reacting like normal people, but it earned them so much hate.

…F in the chat for respect.

"If you are to reject this, the child will either be released into the forest—"

"We'll do it."

Alea responded quickly, causing the old elf to close his mouth a smile slightly… Wait, wait. Did he just say release me into the freaking forest? What was the other one? Throw me in a monster den? Give me a witch trial??

I shuddered… or at least the closest a two-year-old body could get to shuddering.

…Never thought I'd say this, but I can't wait to grow up.

"…In that case, candidate Alea."

The King's voice became solemn and serious. Taking the cue, Alea quickly got on a knee.

"From this point on, you shall reside in the royal palace. The child will begin his mentorship under you as well."

Hearing this, I could feel Alea getting happy though she was hiding it…

Oh, who was I kidding? I was happy too.

"…I have received your orders."

"Then adjourn."

The King snapped his fingers, and an elderly elf lady in a maid uniform rushed us out, leading us to our room.



My eyes glazed over as I looked around.

The room we were led to was large but elegantly simple in furnishings. While the only furniture consisted of a couch, tea table, bed, and dresser. Each looked to be handcrafted out of wood by seasoned craftsmen. Alea walked around, glancing at things in the room before eventually arriving at the bathroom.

The shower was a pleasant surprise; it was a simple waterfall that seemed to naturally flow from the ceiling and drain back out on the floor.

"…Oh wow."

It seemed that I wasn't the only one who was impressed.

She quickly washed me as I was still covered in dirt and whatever the buildings from before were made out of.

Then she left me on the bed to roll around on while she washed up herself.

I, as a gentleman, kept my eyes away.

Eventually, she came out. She was dressed in simple white robes that complimented her hair.

She then fell onto the bed. It seemed many things were going through her mind as she had her eyes closed.

I silently watched her.

Seeing this woman who had raised me like her own and defended me against the sovereigns of the nation caused an unknown feeling to well up within me.

Besides that, however, I couldn't help but wonder what profound thoughts my savior was havi—


I turned away, doing my best to preserve my previous feelings.

Anyways, with nothing else to do, I began to meditate and refine my core the best I could until…

—Tok, tok.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Snr, keuk! Eh? Huh? What?"

—Tok, tok, tok.

The knock rang out again.


Alea quickly threw on another robe and swiftly ran to the door. When she opened it, she immediately bowed.

"Raise your head. I'm here for the brat."

"Ah, right."

Alea quickly raised her head and pointed. The old elf that had first observed my mana core revealed himself. I wasn't sure, but I guessed that he was the previous King or the father-in-law of the current King. In other words, someone who had authority here.

"…So, this is the little monster."


Bah-uuu what? It felt as more time went on, my vocabulary was shrinking into that of an actual two-year-old.


The old elf poked my nose, eliciting my frazzled reaction.

…I'll get you all for this.

"…Oh, I certainly get the appeal now. Ah, you can call me Virion, by the way."


…I'm sorry, okay!? I'm not a child psychologist, and I certainly had no clue what a kid my age should be talking and acting like.


Virion blankly stared at me before bursting into a peal of laughter.

"Yes! Hahaha! Virion is my name indeed!"

This old elf…

"In any case, shall we begin?"

Begin what?

I still didn't get what was going on, but I was sure as hell it wasn't good seeing Alea fidgeting off in the corner there.

Needing answers, I asked inquisitively.

"…Begwin what?"

At this, an evil grin appeared.


At this, a particular line from my previous life floated up.

How did it go again? Ah, right.

It was at this moment he knew… he fucked up.


3rd Person POV


A pair of elves stood at the rim of the crater.

"Yeesh indeed."

They were part of the service team assigned to help reconstruct the destroyed portion of the city.

An elf spoke with an irritated tone.

"I heard that the culprit was some kid's awakening?"

The other elf was quick to rebuke her.



"Watch your tongue. That kid— child, is a Candidate now."

"I know, but…"

Yorey had an annoyed expression.

"… Isn't it a bit much?"

The other elf stared at her for a moment but ended up sighing. Her complaints were justified as her house had been caught up in the explosion.

In fact, his house had also been caught up, but he didn't feel like complaining.

—Oi, Yorey, Uriq! Get down here!

Another elf's voice called out to them.

"…Well, let's get to work."

Yorey muttered as she hopped down.

However, Uriq gazed at the crater for a moment longer.

'…Right, how could I complain when a monster like that child has been born for us elves.'

He stuck his hands in his pockets and lightly smiled as he hopped down the crater that spanned an eighth of the entire elven capital of Zestier.