


I wrote this chapter on my phone so do forgive any typos or grammatical errors.

This chapter is a bit dull but I promise the story'll pick up… soon.

Happy reading :D

Hey guys.

So, as it turns out, you can't exactly get away with BLOWING UP A GODDAMN EIGHTH OF THE FREAKING CAPITAL.


As I was saying, apparently, blowing up an eighth of the capital city is something that you can't get away with.

…Never would've thought, huh?

But seriously, don't try this at home.

"…As of now, you are sentenced to 4 years of house arrest and to Candidacy."

In any case, that was the reason why I, a 2-year-old toddler, was currently on trial and just got sentenced to 4 years of house arrest and Candidacy…

…Also, was it normal for people who blew up an eighth of a city to become a presidential candidate? I thought this was an anarchy too… or did they call that an oligarchy? …Theocracy? …Monarchy?



[Approximately 20 minutes ago]

"Ah, before we begin training though…"

"…Is there something wrong?"

Alea had been nervous and tense from the moment the old elf walked into the room. As this was quite different than her usual self, I guessed that meant this Virion guy was just that great.

"Well… you see, even if we are the royal family, we can't exactly pardon someone who blew up an eighth of the city."

…Oh, well, that makes sens—

Wait hold up.

An eighth?

Did I hEar that right?

…Did my internal voice just crack?

"Ah… of course."

Alea has a solemn look as she spoke, and Virion had a similar expression but, that wasn't what was on my mind.

I was currently wondering if I developed some kind of auditory hallucination syndrome or something since, I was pretty sure I heard them say I blew up an eighth of the city.

"What is to be done?"

…Was I the only one out of the loop?

Curse this damnable toddler body! I can't even ask the important questions like when is dinne— I mean, what do you mean I blew up an eighth of the city!?

And what's with that terrible dialogue? "What is to be done?"

What is this, Shakespeare? The play we made at the orphanage had better lines.

"He'll be put on trial."



…Agh, Dammit! Did I blow up the city or what!?

I could be on trial for any number of things! Do you have any conception of how many nuclear bombs I've dropped in my diaper!?

"Don't worry too much though. We've already asked for the judge to be lenient with the verdict."

"But still…"


I'm done. I won't ask anymo—

"Mm… Well, despite what he's done, he has been appointed as a Candidate and, miraculously, no harm has been done to any civilians. Plus, the restoration of the city won't take too long thanks to an influx in earth mages."

Despite what he's done? What have I done old man!!??? Answer the question! Answer it!! ANSWER IT!!!

"Oh, so the rumors are true."


And so, leaving behind my poor and confused soul, the two of them began discussing the current state of the nation.

Their exchange seem to loosen up Alea as she was no longer so obviously tip toeing around Virion with her words.

Eventually, their conversation reached a lull which prompted Virion to speak up.

"Ah! I just remembered. The trial is actually beginning in 10 minutes so we should hurry."


Alea was staring at Virion with an incredulous look that was in stark contrast to her previously composed self.

I wasn't any different. Internally, I was demanding to know why was he telling us of a life changing event literally 10 minutes before its start.

"Well, I'll leave you two to it ;D"

Virion smirked and walked out and shut the door before Alea could eck out another word.

I was going to glare at the door, but a sense of urgency overtook me, and I tugged on the hem of Alea's sleeve.

"…Mama, dwo we need to dwo someting?"



By some blessed miracle, we managed to get ready in a matter of 3 minutes. I could only be grateful that Alea wasn't the type to make a fuss in front of the mirror for hours. Heck, she didn't even take a glance at herself.

After we shot out of the room, a maid guided us to the court room.

Funnily enough, the trip only took a few minutes as, as it turns out, the royal court room was just another hall in the palace.

"…Are you ready?"

Alea spoke with a hint of nervousness. I couldn't blame her. Unlike the modest double doors that led to the conference hall from before, these doors were massive. Made out of some kind of dark wood, they were designed in a simple yet elegant fashion, matching the architecture of the rest of the palace.

Unlike the previous doors that gave off an aura of importance, these doors gave off an air of grandness and majesty. They were the kind of doors you'd expect the throne room to be behind.

Feeling a bit small, I turned my gaze over to look at Alea.

She was dressed in an olive green colored robe with a greyish white robe draping over it along with a darker green sash holding it all together. In a way, she kind of matched the palace: simple and elegant.

I was dressed in a simple blue robe with my own second robe over it. There wasn't much one could do to describe a toddler in clothes. It was just a toddler in clothes.


Through the door a man's voice could be heard. Following the voice's command, the doors creaked open.

Was it magic? I couldn't see anyone pulling or pushing the doors open.

Finally, the massive double doors finally opened completely revealing the court hall.

All the wood in the hall was made of the same dark colored wood that the doors were made out of. However, rather than giving an ominous vibe, the dark wood gave off a rich and deep atmosphere, befitting of a court room.

Over on the opposite end of the hall, the judges' bench was situated on a higher platform on the top of a few steps with the recorder's table a couple steps below.

The defendants and the plaintiffs table were on the left and the right of the hall in front of the benches for the public. A singular lectern was placed in the center of it all.

Though a few things were missing, it was similar to a stereotypical court room from my old world.

…I guess wherever you go, law won't change much. I thought as the doors shut behind us.

In any case, there was only one odd thing about the court room. It was empty.

Right. There wasn't a singular person here except for the judges which, upon closer inspection were extremely familiar.

Hey, aren't they the—

"We greet your royal highnesses."

Alea bowed down on a knee and placed me on the ground. I wasn't sure exactly why she did so, but I guessed it was because I needed to bow as well.

I did my best to genuflect but my two year old body was not being cooperative.

"Hem… You may rise."

The King's voice echoed through the silent hall. Alea quickly got up and I did the same, holding onto her hand.

Also, I noticed that King. Don't even try to hide that laugh.

Fortunately, the King was quick to recover and spoke again with an authoritative voice.

"Alea Triscan, Asher Aureus."

The King spoke.

"We have reached a verdict."



But I haven't even gotten a chance to defend myself yet.

"Though you have committed crimes against this realm and her people, you have not damaged what we value most…"

To be honest, things were moving extremely fast. Couldn't they slow down for a bit? I'm sure an extra chapter or two wouldn't hurt.

Also, was that a reference?

"…And that is our brothers and sisters. However, that doesn't excuse the devastation you have caused, nor does it excuse the crime of bringing a human into this great realm…"

I felt Alea's grip on my hand tighten and I did the same.

"…However, in light of Asher Aureus' achievement of awakening at the mere age of 2, we have decided to be lenient in our punishment."

I gulped nervously.

Though the build up to this moment seemed bland, whatever the King said now would determine my, no… our future in this world.

I glanced up at Alea and returned my gaze to the King.

"As of now, both of the defendants are sentenced to 4 years of house arrest and to defendant Asher Aureus, Candidacy."

Next chapter