
JACK and JILL: when the lovers met

Jillian Don was in a hot pursuit that wet, Stormy night with the bad guys on her tail. She had a gunshot wound and was gasping for air, trying hard to keep running. She was about to give up when a car stop beside her. " Hey jill , let me help you " The man said urgently with a shaky voice. " Who are you? " Jill asked wanting to be sure he's not one of THEM. " I'm Jack mayor " She heard him say before passing out on him

Reemah_Reigns · 奇幻
69 Chs

CHAPTER FIFTY: Plan in motion

Jack's Pov

I pulled my car into Logan's garage and i alighted.

" It's getting late, we have to hurry " i said to han who followed me into the house immediately.

I didn't bother knocking, i pushed the door open and i stepped in. I saw Lucille and ray in the Large living room sipping some wine and having a peaceful conversation. They stop when they saw me.

" Boss, why are you here ? " Lucille ask in surprise. Ray expression was of the same manner as well.

I look around before offering them a small smile.

" Where is Logan? " I asked instead. In response to my question Logan walk out from a corner.

" Boss! " He exclaimed when he saw me. I saw him staring at my body in admiration. " You look very good today . What's the occasion? "

I roll my eyes. Enough of this! The only compliment i have been receiving was only from men.

I sat down on the couch but Han walk to the window and lean against the wall. Logan search my face , curious about what is going on.

" The Mikes kidnap Jill and i just find out where they are keeping her " i started in a clear voice. I choose to be calm and collected. I know this is dangerous, Mike has promised me that Jill won't be alive to see the day as from tomorrow and i believe him.

Even though it hasn't been proved that he killed my dad four years ago i know vividly well that Mike is clearly not bluffing.

" Jillian Don? Why would he keep her ? I thought she is a super model in his company " Lucille said weakly with a frown.

I know it's hard to believe that mike will have the nerve to kill a woman who has been working for him over four years. Well, not that I'm surprised.

I have learned in a hard way that Mike is evil.

" She sign with mayors creation days ago so she is officially my model. I'm sure it's because she is of no use to claw foot club anymore, that is the reason why Mike won't think twice on killing her. " I explained to them.

They all stare at me , listening attentively and I'm grateful.

Logan, who has been my body guard for years stare at me intensely. He is on my payroll even when i told him not to guard me anymore. That has been when i become the CEO of my company.

" But I'm still confused, i do not think Zach Mike will allow this. He love Jilly " said han thoughtfully.

I gritted my teeth in jealousy.

" That means the CEO of claw foot club is getting the job done on his own then " Ray chipped in.

" I have an idea " i announced immediately and I earned their full attention.

" Let's use Zach " i said strongly.

" How do you mean? " Logan asked getting interested.

I get on my feet and start gesturing with my hands as i tell out the plan.


Jillian's Pov

I have been alone eversince the old lady left the room. No one came to check on me. My appetite was lost to the wind and my body was very tired.

I'm very sure i look miserable right now. I stop thinking when i heard footsteps walking hastily into my room.

The door open and Zach Mike entered.

I swallowed hard at the sight of him. I got confused at the concern on his face.

" Are you okay? I heard you refuse the food " he said to me worriedly.

I look up to meet his gaze and i scoff.

What is he trying to achieve?

" You don't need to pretend. I'm pretty sure you know what's going on. I Heard from the lady that I will be killed tonight if Jack refused to sign any documents "

I saw him flinched slightly.

" That won't be the case, i will make sure of it. Thanks to jack who visited me a while ago. He told me about what my father has been planning. Honestly i didn't know killing you is part of it , i love you Jilly " he explained ruefully that i believe him immediately.

I stop breathing for a while.

" Jack visited you ? " I asked to be sure i heard right.

He nodded and sat on the bed next to me, reaching out to caress my shoulder. I didn't move away from his touch because i was busy thinking.

If Jack visited Zach Mike that means he has a plan... Right?

He knows Zach Mike would visit me immediately he heard this. I gasped as i understood.

Zach Mike had been trailed.

Relief overwhelmed me greatly that i burst into tears.

I know Jack Mayor will surely find a way. I gaze at Zach's wristwatch. It says 5:46pm. The night is near and most importantly i will be free.

The door open roughly and two men emerges. Miller and another that i know not.

The new man stare at me coldly that i shrink in fear. He look dangerously scary. His arms were covered in tattoos and he has a big scar on his forehead.

" Your father needed your attention sir " Miller said to Zach who stiffled immediately he heard.

He stare at me lovingly before getting on his feet.

" I will be back as soon as i can... Okay ? " He informed me in a low tone. All i did was to nod wearily. He was escorted out by Miller while the other man stood glaring at me.

He turn to walk out and i shudder when i saw a gun in his belt. He slam the door shut and the next thing i heard was the sound of Keys.

What! Did he just bolted the door?

I get on my feet immediately and push the door while turning the knob but the door has been bolted.

I slowly sat down dejectedly as i get exhausted. My wrist were doing no better and i felt utterly Miserable. My eyelids threaten to shut as fatigue overwhelmed me but i gritted my teeth and pray for strength.

If I really wish to help Jack Mayor,the least i could do is to stay strong.

The time passes by and i waited for the night in my dimly lighted small room.


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