
JACK and JILL: when the lovers met

Jillian Don was in a hot pursuit that wet, Stormy night with the bad guys on her tail. She had a gunshot wound and was gasping for air, trying hard to keep running. She was about to give up when a car stop beside her. " Hey jill , let me help you " The man said urgently with a shaky voice. " Who are you? " Jill asked wanting to be sure he's not one of THEM. " I'm Jack mayor " She heard him say before passing out on him

Reemah_Reigns · Fantasy
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69 Chs


Jack's Pov

I keep my distance as i trail the woman who has lied about being Jillian's mother. She drove to a grocery store and i park at a corner, waiting for her.

" This is crazy, why would she lied about being Jill's mother? " Han asked quietly.

" Isn't it obvious? Mike is curious on how Jill is doing that time when she was poisoned so he sent this woman to asked about her health. " I replied thoughtfully.

" You are right, so what's the plan now? I don't think she is involved in any of this "

I shrugged trying to keep Jill's thought away from my troubled mind.

" Let's just trail her, it's not as if I have any lead right now. If things doesn't go my way I'm afraid i will have to save Jill at all cost "

" I have been assigned as Jill's chauffeur for more than two years now. I'm pretty sure she won't be happy if you gave your company to Mr Mike to save her "

I look out of the window towards the grocery store.

" I can't just think straight. The thought of her being held somewhere makes me worry, mike shouldn't have drag her into the family mess "

At that time the woman walk out of the store with some goods. I watch her enter her car and drove off.

I slowly revive my car and follow her immediately.

" Don't you think you should call Logan? He is the best man for this job " Han asked and i nodded absently. I focus on the car ahead of me not wanting to loose it.

" I know, i will give him a call when i know where jill is "

Suddenly the woman took a rural area full of potholes.

I look around to see old ruin, abandoned houses.

" Why do i have the feelings that we are on the right path " Han mutters when he took noticed of the new environment.

" I know right. To think they kept a lady who just survive a surgery in an environment like this makes me nausea. " I gripped the wheel and halted at a corner.

" Why did you stop? " Han asked me surprised.

" She will notice the car if i keep on trailing her. " I whispers unhooking the seatbelt.

Han look around the silent area where old and wrecked cars were parked.

" Yeah, yours is new and expensive " he mumbled to me.

To my relief the woman stopped at a ruin house and alighted with her goods. We could see her clearly from where we sat.

" Miller ! " Han said aloud when he saw a man come out of the ruin house to speak to the woman who just arrived.

" That was the guy I punched in the hospital " i exclaimed. I smile inwardly to myself.

Relief wash over me like never before and i grinned to han.

" I think Jill is here, good job !" Han announced happily.

" Yeah, now that i know where my lady is how about we play a game? " I replied han tilting my head in suggestion.

He raised an eyebrow.

" Will your plan work out? " He asked me faintly.

" Why not? I'm Jack mayor " i replied him proudly, rubbing my hands together as many ideas came popping up in my head.


Jillian's Pov

I woke up with a puffy eyes and sad heart.

I look around slowly, i saw the food tray still beside the bed where the woman has left it the previous night.

I couldn't eat. The thought of being Jack's weakness overwhelmed me.

I tried sitting up but i can't. I ended up groaning weakly. I heard footsteps coming my way so i quickly pretend to be sleeping.

I heard the door open and a sound of high heels tapping a sharp staccato on the floor came to my hearing.

I know it's the woman.

I heard her mumbled audibly then she went out. I breath out shakily.

I wonder how Jack is coping. I know pretty well that he will find a solution to the situation and i fear it wouldn't be what i have been dreading.

The door open this Time and the woman came to sit on the chair at the end of the room watching me.

" Get up, you don't need to pretend " She said rather harshly and i open my eyes slowly.

" Your boyfriend never cease to amaze everyone. He is feisty and very smart. I wouldn't think twice of dating him if i have the chance " she said staring at me.

I glare at her as jealousy cloud my senses. Who is she to think lustfully towards jack mayor.

" Thank God I'm there for him. Even If I'm not jack mayor won't get involved with the likes of you " i told her in annoyance while gritting my teeth.

She laughs at me bitterly.

" I saw him a while ago at claw foot club. I have to admit he has some nerves. He is the only one who could talk down on Mr Mike. I heard he almost use his fist on the CEO of claw foot club "

I look away and sighed.

This is so much like Jack Mayor, i didn't know when my face give in to a smile. The thought of Jack attempting to punch Mr Mike means a lot.

At the information, i realized it will be hard for Jack to give up his company to save me but then I'm still bothered.

" Pray things goes as planned tonight. If not i do not think everything will goes well for you "

I shot her a sudden look.

" How do you mean? What's happening tonight ? " I asked agitated.

She stood up from the chair and walk towards the bed to pick up the food tray.

" Jack mayor is expected to sign the documents tonight. If he didn't Mr Mike has ordered us to kill you miss "

I swallowed uncomfortably as i blink rapidly.

What's going on? Why would i have to die ?

She stare at me for a moment before walking out.

I sat down dejectedly, many thoughts going through me.

From what i have heard about Mr Mike I'm sure he is capable of giving the order. My face creased in surprise

I am claw foot club super model, Mr Mike won't kill me.

Oh common Jillian, you sign with mayors creation days ago so you are of no use to the claws again. My inner voice told me.

Reality slam into me and my eyes become teary in an instant.

The thought of dying makes me very scared, sending chills into my vein and tired body. I should have thought about this before entering into a relationship with the sexy , dangerous jack mayor.

I sighed softly when the thought of Jack came into my mind.

I'm sure he will save me at all cost. All i have to do is wait.

Yes! I will wait.