
Sacred Gears and Field Agents

"Hi" Regular Speech

'Hi' Thought

"(Hi)" Marcus's mechanically synthesised voice

[Hi] Aurora's notification


Sona nervously looked at the mirror. This was it! Her hard work finally paid off! She knew better than anyone that she was being observed by Marcus for the past year and so.

The Diamond Core Heart is simply far too great of an item to be left behind without any precaution. 

And over time she has tried to study it, from a distance of course, but she has found... almost nothing! The thing was so complex that it barely made any sense to her.

One thing she learned though, is that her magic control has fairly increased since trying to study the runes on the diamond.

It was quite astounding that her magic control could improve like that, just by studying an item. She can only imagine how good Marcus' magic control is, if he spends days in and days out around such items.

Nonetheless, this was not about the Diamond Core Heart but her sister calling her all of sudden. With an extremely happy voice. She has already forgotten the feeling of such a thing; her older sister being this happy. Not to mention Serafall's random calls stopped a long time ago.

Apparently, Marcus wants to meet her and her whole peerage. And from the excited tone of her sister, it's big, very big for Sona and her peerage.

Big, because they will all be receiving Sacred Gears. The very same Sacred Gears that were created by Marcus himself. Not the Pseudo Gears her sister used to talk about, but proper gears…

This means that the man can finally create true Sacred Gears. Which is absurd no matter how you try and look at it.

"Right! Let's do this!" Sona pumped herself up in front of the mirror before walking out of her bedroom and towards the main living room, where her peerage should be gathering at the moment.


Sona's whole peerage was looking at the approaching Sitri Heiress. The black-haired devil is visibly nervous and her peerage is quite clueless about what was going on.

They were called out of nowhere in the middle of the night to gather at her estate.

"Is everything alright? What happened?" Sona's Queen asked with a concerned look.

"It's...good news… very good news… our hard work has paid off!" Sona answered in a nervous yet happy tone. Earning herself several strange looks.

"Umm? What are you talking about? Sitri-san?" The newest addition to the peerage, Genshiro Saji, asked confused.

"You are new so you don't know, but more than a year ago my sister was able to get a contract for me and Rias with this century's greatest inventor."

By this point, most of the peerage's members had a realising look. They instantly got nervous and also somewhat excited. They have all heard the rumours and saw the Diamond Core Heart, several times.

So, they know it's big, especially if it's, in some way, related to one of the Satans.

"Marcus Goldman was and is always monitoring us through the Barrier system he has established in Kuoh," Sona said very seriously but also looking extremely happy at the same time.

"Now, after more than a year, he notified my sister and said that we have improved by more than 40% since the installation of the Diamond Core Heart." 

Most of the peerage members smiled hearing that. It's always nice knowing they improved, Especially when they got a proper percentage number like this.

"And for this, he has decided to give us all, Sacred Gears. As for those who already have a Gear he will help you go through some maintenance and upgrade some things." 

"...Maintenance? Do they need maintenance?" Saji asked with a slightly pale look. He did not expect the gear to need that!

"They are artefacts created by the Biblical God close to 4 thousand years ago. Sister informed me about them in great detail. You have no idea how much information Marcus Goldman has on them." Sona explained with a proud face. She got some intel from her older sister. Serafall doesn't mind sharing some non-classified information. 

As Sona explained to the group she also omitted the fact that Marcus looks down on most of the original Sacred Gears. From what she has heard, he also calls them relics of the old generation.

Although it is hard to believe, Sona can see it from his point of view… sort of… she isn't that smart, as hard as it is to admit. Though she would love to have a chess match against him but… Well, Serafall didn't allow it. 

"Upon the host's death, the Sacred Gear returns to Heaven where it should go through maintenance. But, for some reason, it hasn't done that for the past 2 thousand years. So, it hasn't been taken care of properly for that long." The Sitri Heiress said with a casual shrug.

Both gear users in her peerage paled after hearing that. They realised that the gears are old artefacts so they might break… but, they are created by the big God, no? Then they should not break! Right!?

"Don't worry you two. The stronger the gear is, the higher the chance it might malfunction. According to my sister, after each cycle, some bits of souls stay with the gear. This is especially visible with Longinus gears like Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing. Those gears have an ability called Juggernaut Drive.

Such an ability, according to my sister, is a bug in the system that should not exist.

While nothing of such will happen to you two, it would be better if those gears go through maintenance and we can have some deeper understanding over it." Sona finished her explanation to the pair.

Both of them sighed in relief. Neither Genshiro Saji nor Tsubaki Shinra wanted to have a ticking time bomb. No matter how little chance there was of it actually going off…

"So...mhmm...Sitri-san...how much do you know about Marcus Goldman? You said he is a genius inventor? I have heard you mention him before as well." Tomoe, Sona's Knight, asked curiously. She has heard about him a couple of times in the past from her King. Only a few members of the peerage knew more about him.

"Right… where should I begin… Around 5 years ago, my sister was summoned to form a contract with an extremely talented 12-year-old. Mind you… summoning my sister for anyone apart from the Nation leaders or the extremely wealthy is quite simply impossible.

Normal people can't summon the Satans."

A few of her recent additions to the peerage squeaked after hearing that.

"Yes. My sister is one of the four Satans and she has been safeguarding this contract she formed with him more than anything else." Sona sharply said while thinking about something else.

'For obvious reasons, she has been head over heels with him for years now. Recently she told me that he has been doing something big… and she was more than a little bit excited…'

"So… somehow… a twelve-year-old summoned one of the Satans? H-How good is he?" Momo, one of Sona's Bishops, asked with disbelief. As someone who practises magic, she knows quite a bit on how summoning works.

"He is very, very good. We will be meeting him soon. He lives in Europe. It's going to be morning there soon. He is inviting us to his house. So we will be at our utmost best behaviours. You don't want to make my sister angry." The Sitri Heiress said with an icy tone. For a second her eyes glowed. Like hell, she was going to risk all her hard work just because of some misunderstanding!

All of her peerage members quickly nodded with a terrified look. There is no way in hell they were going to cross one of the Satans! And their King of course.

"Good to see that they are disciplined~~~So-tan!"

With a burst of a blue circle, Serafall appeared in the room, and she quickly ended up hugging Sona. The younger sibling of the Satan could see that her older sister is very much happy about this event.

The peerage members who have not seen her before were slightly terrified and interested in this new arrival. They immediately could see some familiar looks between those two. Assuming that this was the older sibling of their King.

"Sister… not in front of my peerage…" Sona said with an embarrassed look.

Serafall just grinned like an excited kid. Nonetheless, she did stop hugging her little sister.

"Well, since So-tan warned you all…" The Leviathan instantly got serious which made everyone feel a chill going down their spine. How can someone flip their character just like that!?

"I will warn you as well~~~ Don't annoy my darling~~~ the last person to annoy him was the Greek Goddess, Artemis, who got humiliated to the point where she had to ask for forgiveness," Serafall said with a giggle earning a couple of gasps.

While Sona paled for a couple of reasons. One was that her older sister didn't even try to hide the fact that she was in love with a human and second, did a human really humiliate Artemis herself!?

"Sister, is it wise to tell this to anyone!?" The younger Sitri asked with a concerned look.

"It doesn't matter to anyone. It's an open secret by this point. The Underworld is abuzz about me as it is. They want to see who the 'mysterious lover' of the Leviathan is.

While I can't say anything I can tell you guys since you are all part of Sona's peerage. So if anyone outside learn who my is boyfriend then I would know that someone from Sona's peerage has snitched me out~"

When they heard that everyone gulped down except for Sona who already knew that it's much more than just a girlfriend/boyfriend thing. Yes, she saw how deep their relationship was a year ago. And assuming it has escalated further…


"Don't worry sister, no one from my peerage is going to talk about this. We currently live in the human world, so there are no other devils apart from Rias' group to talk about such things with." The Sitri Heiress said while fixing her glasses.

"That reminds me. What about Rias Peerage?" The younger Sibling asked her sister.

Serafall just shrugged her shoulders.

"Rias only achieved half of what you did, So-tan. While my Marcus was not disappointed, he was not impressed either. So, at this moment only your peerage, including you, are getting Sacred Gears handcrafted by him."

Sona's eyes widened for a second before having a thoughtful look. She could see how this was going…

"I see… incentive…"

"Heh? You already saw through it!? Very good So-tan!" Serafall quickly hugged her little sister.

"I see. So we will get the gears which in turn will make Gremory-can work harder. Quite a smart idea to make her work harder since our King will also be benefiting and getting a Sacred Gear." 

"Yes-Yes-Yes! Now let's move!" The current Leviathan raised her hands as a large circle appeared under everyone's foot. Moments later everyone was teleported away.

~~~~~~Marcus New Base~~~~~~

One moment they were in Sitri estate, and in the next, the whole peerage was transported into an empty-looking room.

"Let's go! Marcus is waiting in the testing room!" Serafall said as she motioned for them to follow along.

Sona nodded at her while looking around the room. It looked quite barren… or so she thought.

The moment they left the room, they saw a corridor. But what got their attention was the corridor walls, it reminded them of some sci-fi alien ship. Patterns with a bunch of different shapes were carved out in the walls, emitting light. Instead of chandeliers or lamps, these patterns were emitting the light that lit up the room. The room isn't that brightly lit as they were not too bright. But it was enough as they continued following the black-haired Satan and ended up in the living room.

What got their attention immediately was the massive TV hogging most of the single wall and…

"Are those human-sized Gundams? So...cool…" Saji said to himself but the rest of the group heard him.

"They are replicas of Marcus' personal Scale mail. They can turn on in case there are some intruders, and to make it clear, I won't stand a chance against even one. Not to mention the four in this room." Serafall words made everyone, even Sona, pale.

"You must be joking… sister you are a Satan…" 

"And we are in the centre of his power base. Unlike other pantheons, his power here is unmatched. You saw yourself what the Diamond Core Heart can do. Marcus has many more installed throughout his entire home and workshop."

The younger Sitri nearly lost her glasses, they were close to falling off… but she controlled herself.

"I see… silly of me to believe we could do something…"


"Glad you understand."

"Ummm… not to interrupt, but… is that an aquarium on the ceiling?" 

"Not quite, we are under a river at the moment." Serafall happily clarified, earning several weird and shocked looks.

"We are underground?"

"Marcus has a thing for underground bases." The Leviathan said with a shrug.

"I am getting supervillain vibes here..." Saji said to himself but everyone heard him, again, thanks to their augmented hearing.

"Sorta. If there were higher mountains in this country he would have built it inside one." 

"Why not just build a skyscraper or something? Don't inventors like him, like that?" Momo asked the Satan as she remembered the Fantastic Four and Tony Stark both having skyscrapers.

"He could. But then again, you will have limited ground to expand. But with going underground, he doesn't need to worry about land and owning the land on the surface." 

Serafall explained what Marcus had told her.

"...Sister, are you telling me that this was built on someone else's land!?" Sona asked with a slightly raised voice.

Her older sister simply rolled her eyes and put her finger on her younger sibling's lips.

"Don't be so dramatic, the ownership exchange is a work in progress." The older devil said with not quite an assured tone.

And to be perfectly honest, she has no idea if the legal side of things is alright…

Most likely not… Marcus doesn't really care what the government thinks in the first place…

"...right…" Sona sighed, before removing Serafall's finger on her lips. The group continued walking after checking out the living room. They reached another corridor which had a lift installed in it.

The doors automatically opened. And once they were inside, they realised that the lift had no buttons…

"Aurora takes us to the workshop floor." 

[One moment…]

"Whoa? Who said that?" Saji nearly jumped out of his shoes hearing a feminine voice coming out of the walls.

"An assistant A.I built by Marcus. It runs everything." Serafall said with a slightly bitter tone. Bitter? Because she has this feeling that this A.I is going to be annoying. She can't put her finger on it. But her instincts are telling her that the artificial female is going to be a problem. 

Sona of course saw her sister's displeased look. She can tell there is a tale in this, but she was not going to pry. While the rest of her peerage was simply awed by the fact that there is a proper A.I like from those sci-fi movies. And it was similar to how Tony Stark has his Jarvis in the recent Marvel movie they watched a few weeks ago.

The lift took a few moments to arrive. It was only going down so the rest of the group figured they were going quite deep.

[Workshop floor.]

As soon as the female voice announced, the doors opened and they saw a room. It just looked like another living room but more sparse than the one upstairs. It barely had anything, only a few sofas and a large tv.

"This is the resting room, follow me." Serafall clarified as she led them through one of the two doors…




They entered a room the size of a football pitch. Painted in soft blue and white colours. The floor was made from some very solid tiles, which they had no idea what it was.

Most importantly, they saw a massive hologram of Earth spinning in the middle of the room, floating in the air.

"That's Aurora on standby, it emulates planets as background images." As Serafall said that, the image of Earth switched to Mars.

"That's so cool. Whereas normal people have pictures as the background, this dude has a freaking holographic display of planets…" Saji said with a twitchy eyebrow.

"In a room the size of a stadium."

"I know right? But the point of the size is that he has recently started designing things at a bigger scale. He is now working on some satellites and stuff." Serafall said with a shrug.

"It was quite a quick switch, you know? One day he just said that his new place was done and then, bam, he started working here." The older Sitri said while making hand gestures all over the place.

"I see… this is quite a big place…"

"The holograms are also solid so he can stand on them, this way he can design houses, cities, and massive robots… you name it."  

"Wait...does that mean he can truly build Gundams?" Sona asked her older sibling.

"Why of course! Marcus already has a smaller, autonomous version that he just finished recently." Serafall pointed at the right wall, there are glass panels built into the wall.

The peerage quickly walked over and saw Gundams behind the glass.

They were around 3 metres tall, nowhere near the original size which was around 40 to 50 metres. Nonetheless, this size allowed them to check it out in detail.

"Those look like Freedom…" Saji said with an awed look. But then one of the girls elbowed him and made him look at the golden plate attached to the wall above the glass panel.

It had the model name carved out which says, Freedom MK I.

"Damn...he started from Freedom. Passing Strike altogether."

"I thought Strike came from a different line altogether?" One of the girls who watched the shows said with a confused look.

"Details. It was both piloted by the main character." Saji said while waving his hand casually. To him the main characters machines from one and the same line. 

[While I don't mind listening to people talking about my creator's greatness. He is waiting for you in the testing room.]

Aurora's voice spread through the room, bringing everyone out of tourist mode.

"Right! We should not waste anymore of Marcus' time!" Serafall snapped out of her trance. She, kind of, is in tourist mode herself. After all, this was only her third time here.

Everyone nodded to her words and started following the excited Satan. But not before dropping one last glance at the third model, which is named Freedom A-1. The machine looked like an exact replica of the real deal, from the colours to the form of the machine. It looked like it was not even meant to be used as a suit.

Which is quite interesting. Since the whole thing is autonomous, meaning that it can fight on its own?

"You know… I think Seekvaira would have a meltdown seeing all of those." Sona mentioned one of her childhood friends who is, quite frankly, obsessed with the whole Gundam franchise.

"Oh, the Agares Heiress? hmm, interesting… I will mention to Marcus if he wants an assistant when he is building his scale mails.

Not that he spends much time on them anyway. Not after he upgraded Aurora." Serafall said with a shrug, she didn't mention more on the upgrade since she can't.

The younger sister of hers nodded. Finding ways to keep him interested in the devils is always a good thing in the long run. After all, she is receiving the first batch of Sacred Gears before Rias most likely because Serafall mentioned her before Rias...


The first thing the group noticed when they entered the testing room was that it was big… so big that they could not even see the end of it…

"Wha… how big is this?" Momo asked with wide eyes. She wants to know what kind of magic did this!

"Not quite, it's an optical trick. Everything here is built from enchanted Diamond bricks. Making it look like it expands forever, but I assure you, it does not." 

They heard a male voice as their eyes went to the side. They saw a young adult with black hair, leaning against a white wall. His arms were crossed as he was waiting for them.

Serafall quickly rushed forward and clapped her hands in a praying manner, she quickly started saying her apology.

"Sorry for the wait! I was still getting used to the new place!" 

"It's fine. I had some time to test those." Marcus pointed at the front. Everyone's gaze quickly followed where he pointed.

"Are those… the portals from that Portal game!?" Saji asked in disbelief as he saw blue and red portals. There was a loop and a ball of electricity constantly flying from one portal to another. There were also several other portals with projectiles flying out, towards other portals.

Sona's gaze snapped at her pawn, she looked utterly pissed. But thankfully, Marcus didn't care. In truth, he was quite excited that this dumb-looking blonde knew what it was!

"Cool right? I saw the teaser and the trailer for the game. So I was like, why not make one myself? The majority of the tech was already done. All I needed was some space magic." He pulled out a gun from the holster on his thighs and shot a wall creating a blue portal, then pulling out another gun, he shot into the same wall, right next to the blue portal. Only this time it was a red portal.

"The colouring still needs some work as it is supposed to be orange. But…" Marcus replaced one of the gun's cartridges and shot a bolt of electricity into the blue portal resulting in the bolt coming out the red one…

"...It works properly." Marcus lowered the gun after the demonstration. He was quite satisfied with his work. It was not properly done yet. But the portal works so it's fine.


"...that's kinda cool…"The blonde teen said the only thing he could in this situation…

"You don't say…" one of the Sona's peerage girls said with a deadpan at the only male of the group.

"Nonetheless…" Once again Marcus changed the cartridge of his pistol and shot a ball of Power of Destruction… earning a raised eyebrow from several of the girls who have seen Rias Gremory use this power…

Destabilising the portal, which in turn, quickly made a wall of purple barriers appear around the area where the portal self-imploded…

"It's not the final product yet…"

[Sir… as I said before! you should not use products that are in the alpha stage just yet!] 

A pouting voice came from the walls.

"Yeah. I heard that before. No field testing with experimental tech…" Markus said with a tired tone. He might have overdone it with that pouty tone. He is finding it quite hard to ignore…

[Yes! The portal cartridge, and space magic in general, are still in the early development stages! I still have over 3 million calculations to do!]

The teen inventor rolled his eyes. While he takes security quite seriously. His A.I takes health and safety even more seriously, specifically his safety, very very seriously.

"Sure thing. Take your time. I won't be making any more portals today anyway." He shrugged his shoulders before holstering his guns.

"Now that you guys are here let's get to business."

Everyone got stiff and serious when he said that. The purple barriers have already disappeared after the chain reaction of the portals destabilising and breaking apart has stopped and closed.

"I was quite satisfied with how seriously you take your training and duties. So I decided to take the contract we have to the next level." Marcus said that as he started walking toward a table set up. It looked quite out of place in this, almost fully white, room.

Nonetheless, the items laying on it was what interested them.

"To the next level? What do you mean?" Sona asked curiously while also trying to be as respectable as possible and not show any childlike giddiness.

"As you know, I have been monitoring Kuoh and collecting up quite a bit of data, from the energy readings I got when Humans turn into Reincarnated devils, to all the stray devils you and Gremory have slain.

In total there were about 23 skirmishes that the two peerages had in Kuoh altogether. To say the least, I am slightly disappointed that I only got the energy readings and not the Sacred Gears and blood samples.

It's annoying…" Marcus said with a sigh. He did not expect that there would be that many fights against strays…

"That's why your peerage will be promoted from simple testers to field agents." He said while picking up one of the items laying on the table.

It looked like a phone. A very futuristic posh phone.

"In this phone, there are several apps which will assist you in your new mission. One of them is a built-in radar. And another is a shop app that is linked to my assembly lines. This shop is quite simple. You can get items and stuff for slaying stray devils and other freaks which end up in Kuoh. The better the opponents and the more samples you collect, the more points you earn.

There is also an app that allows you to separate the stray devil from its Sacred Gear. If you bring those to me. you will get quite a bit of points depending on gear. You can either sell it to me for points or keep it to yourself after I do the full scans." Marcus explained while showing several apps on the phone.

"Whoa, are you making our life similar to that of a video game?" The blonde teen asked as he realised what this meant.

"Most likely? My tech has reached the point where I can easily do that. With the rewards and all. Here, check them out." Marcus handed over the phone to Sona's peerage as they started inspecting it.

First they checked out the design of the thin, full touch screen phones. Which came from the future.

After all, they were still using phones with buttons and this doesn't even have buttons…

"It's a fully operating phone, you can call, message, and surf the internet regardless of the signal in Kuoh. You can even access the GPS satellites to get a live stream from space. Of course, the holographic display is there too.

The best part is that it's fully green energy. You don't need to charge it, ever."

After getting over the shock from hearing all that, they were more than ready to check the app inside.

"Whoa...damn cars, phones, tv sets, consoles, pcs… clothes, jewellery… and they only cost some of these points!"

"Saji...you need to beat strays and get their samples first," Sona said with a sigh before looking back at Marcus.

"This is a very good way to keep my peerage motivated. Many thanks for this." Sona respectfully nodded. She can see this as a very good way to motivate them. The best thing about this was that they could keep the gears they collected.

Marcus only wants the reading and full scans and they can sell it for points too… 

"Now then, moving onto the reason why I want you here. These." The teen inventor announced as he showed the stuff on the table, getting everyone's attention once more.

"These are the gears which you will be using. They are the common ones, I will be selling them to factions in the future." 

The group saw several orbs laying on the table, they then quickly turned to him with a shell shocked look at what he just said!?

"...You will be selling Sacred Gears? Are you sure it is wise?" Sona asked him and the rest nodded at her words.

"Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't be selling them if I knew that there is a chance it could backfire on me. Unlike Big G gears, these cannot be used against me in any sort of way." Marcus clarified that as he saw the concern on everyone's face when he mentioned selling the gears.

"Though… don't tell anyone. It will be amusing to watch when other factions get quite a bit of them and then try to use it on me." The teen said with an amused chuckle. 

Sona and her peerage slightly gulped down nervously. They don't want to know what he planned for this kind of event.

"I-I will keep that in mind. So, w-what kind of gears are they?" The younger Sitri decided to change the subject. She doesn't need to know how those people are going to get destroyed.

Serafall is thankful that her sister is smart this way. She doesn't go where she should not. And partially the Leviathan is interested in how stupid the Angels would look when they decided to get their hands on Marcus' stuff. It will be beautiful to watch when they either become Fallen… most of them will likely become fallen while the rest will get chained up and made to do some pointless work.

"Right so let's start with you first." He picked up an orb and gave it to Sona.

"This one is specifically built with the Sitri water manipulation in mind. Your sister helped with the creation of this. It cuts the amount of magic you need to create water by gathering moisture in the air. The manipulation part is improved considerably. 

You could even incorporate some hand to hand combat in this. If you watched Avatar the Last Airbender you would know what I mean. Apart from that, it helps your magic training as well."

Sona nodded multiple times hearing that. This was good. Very good for her. A gear specifically crafted for her family magic. How many devils could brag about that?

'Well none… I am the first pure blood to have a Sacred Gear…'  The black-haired Sitri Heiress thought internally with a smug smile. Oh, she is so going to flaunt the gear in Rias' face, at the appropriate time of course. She doesn't want to be treated like a child after all.

"Next is for your Knights… it's a reimagined Sword Birth. The imagination part has been completely reworked. The better one's understanding of the sword you wish to make, the better and easier it's creation is going to be. From knowing the metal to the abilities. The better you know those, the better the weapon. If you properly trained with this, you could even achieve Ultimate Class… in several decades…" Marcus handed over the orb to the knight of the Sona's peerage. 

"Next is the Bishops. Once again. It's quite similar to Sona's, only that it is designed with a neutral type of magic energy in mind. You can use less of your magic with this, through motions. It helps with training magic as well." Marcus handed over the two orbs to the white-haired and brown-haired girls from Sona's peerage.

"And lastly for the Rook. Fighting gloves, Frankly indestructible, it can absorb magic attacks and send them back. Though you need to use your own magic for that." The teen inventor handed over the other orb to the blue-haired Rook of Sona's peerage.

The group were quite awed by their new gears. But internally Marcus only sighed. They were so easy to make that it's even sad for him to see them being so impressed. To him, it was as easy as making tea…

~~~~~~~~~Inventions/Tech/Sacred Gears~~~~~~~~~~~~

Water Devil Mage Armbands

Water type devil magic armbands were created with the idea of allowing the magic caster to use water magic much more easily.

Classification: Custom Neo-type mass production Sacred Gear

Composition: Sacred Gear Alchemical Metal, Diamond core.

Balance Breaker: New gear. Not enough data to manifest.

Key magic system and technology:

Basic Aurora monitoring OS: The gear is supervised by Aurora and is collecting data for future balance breaker and is uploading all the readings to the main data banks

Custom M.T.M system: The magic energy that is needed is paid by the magic created from the motions of the caster, it specifically targets the moisture in the air.

Basic magic training system: The sacred gear systems assist in training the user's magic.


Devil Mage Armbands

A sacred gear in the form of armbands. Its main power is training magic and lowering the cost of spells.

Classification: Neo-type mass production Sacred Gear

Composition: Sacred Gear Alchemical Metal, Diamond core.

Balance Breaker: New gear. Not enough data to manifest.

Key magic system and technology:

Basic Aurora monitoring OS: The gear is supervised by Aurora and is collecting data for future balance breaker and is uploading all the readings to the main data banks

Basic M.T.M system: The magic energy needed is paid by the magic created from the motions of the caster.

Basic magic training system: The sacred gear systems assist in training the user's magic.


Reimagined Sword Birth

A mass production Sacred Gear based upon the previous generation of Sword Birth.

However, it's different from the previous generation because it uses a neutral type of energy as a base.

Classification: Neo-type mass production Sacred Gear

Composition: Sacred Gear Alchemical Metal, Diamond core.

Balance Breaker: New gear. Not enough data to manifest.

Key magic system and technology:

Basic Aurora monitoring OS: The gear is supervised by Aurora and is collecting data for future balance breaker and is uploading all the readings to the main data banks

Imagination system: A system based on Annihilation Maker power.

Magic to Swords (M.T.S) system: The crystallised concept of Sword is at the heart of this Sacred Gear.


Brawling Fists

Mass production Sacred Gear which is created with close hand to hand combat in mind.

Classification: Neo-type mass production Sacred Gear

Composition: Sacred Gear Alchemical Metal, Diamond core.

Balance Breaker: New gear. Not enough data to manifest.

Key magic system and technology:

Basic Aurora monitoring OS: The gear is supervised by Aurora and is collecting data for future balance breaker and is uploading all the readings to the main data banks

Barrier absorption system: A system designed from the Barrier Rail system and the Longinus Dimension Lost. A small barrier is created which absorbs the attack and is released back at the opponent.

Basic M.T.M system: A basic Motion to Magic system runs in the background which pays half of the price to redirect the attack.


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Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel.

Chapters are coming out Monday, Wednesday and Friday around 9:00 AM British time.