
Chapter II




Huh? Wuzzat??



"Roland-samaaaa" A small voice tickled in my ear.

I opened my eyes suddenly to find Sara-chan, her face close to my ear and tinged red.

"Whoa! Sara-chan?! What're you doing!" I jumped up in surprise, my face beet red up to my ears in embarrassment.

"Hehe~. Just waking up my cute Master~" Sara-chan giggled cutely. What the hell? Has she gotten more assertive since I smiled at her? Did she like Roland before, and is she taking advantage of my amnesia to seduce me?!


Not that I have a problem with that.

"W-why'd you wake me like that? You almost gave me a heart attack." I complained patting my chest to calm myself. I've never had a cute girl wake me up, let alone wake me up by whispering my name in such a cute tone. Of course a virgin like me would be embarrassed!

"Ah, I thought that since you'd lost your memories, I'd change the way I wake you... Did I annoy you, Roland-sama?" She tilts her head down, puts her mouth in a slight pout and gave me the cutest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen. Who taught her these ways? She's definitely the type to grab men by the nose by using her overwhelming cuteness! Begone Thot! Bonkai Jutsu! Nein!

Just kidding, I haven't gotten to know Sara-chan, so I can't say she's a thot just yet.

I looked at her and smiled warily, "No, Sara-chan, you didn't annoy me, my heart just wasn't ready to be woken up like that is all, haha." I laughed it off. I'm kinda a petty guy, so I'll get my revenge.

I stood up from my bed, and looked at Sara-chan in her eyes, eyes that widened in surprise. That's right, I slept shirtless!

"Y-y-y-y-young Master! P-please don your garments!"

Sara-chan clamoured, stuttering her words. She's reverted to polite language in her embarrassment, how cute.

She started backing away, although not paying much attention to where she was going as she kept taking fleeting glances at my chest. She bumped into the wall just beside the door. That was her second mistake! The first being whispering in my ear, obviously. I quickly walked up to her and busted out the killer moves of all killer moves! Kabe-Don!! I slammed my arm to the wall beside her head and blocked her only escape root. I then took my index and thumb fingers and lifted her chin up to have her look me in the eyes.

"Wa-wa-wa-wa-wa!!" Sara-chan struggled to get words out of her mouth as her eyes seemed to spiral and her face becomes redder by the second. As I slowly moved my face closer to hers, I could hear her heartbeat faster and faster until my mouth reached millimeters away from her ear and I whispered in the sexiest tone I could muster and asked, "What's for breakfast?"

I pulled back and let Sara-chan's chin go, and she proceeded to slowly slide down the wall and onto the floor, as if she was melting, and smoke looking like it was coming out of her ears.

"...E-eggs, omelet, with, pepper, bell, onion, chopped, bread, sliced, butter, water, fruits, assorted....." Sara-chan spoke in incomplete sentences as her brain started to reboot in safe mode, listing off what my breakfast was like.

"Mmmh, sounds good! Now if you would step out of the room so I can change.... Unless you want to see...?" I asked teasing my cute maid further.

My question seemed to have jump started her brain as she stood straight up and shook her head so fast, it looked like it would take off.

"I-I-I-I-I am fine, Roland-sama! I shall wait outside until you finish and guide you to the dining room!" She bowed her crimson head and bolted out of the room faster than I could say 'cute'.

Hehe, revenge mission accomplished. Who knew being so handsome can be used as a weapon of mass destruction?


After a few moments I changed into my daytime attire. Why's it called daytime attire? what's the point of having different clothes for different times even if on the same day? I like fashion, but that's such a waste if time and money having to buy so much clothes and then having to constantly change throughout the day. Nobles, eh?

As I opened to door, and looked to my right, I found Sara-chan standing there appearing dignified, but I could still see a red tinge on her cheeks. Hah, serves you right for teasing me! Eye for an eye!

"So, can you take me to breakfast, or are you just gonna stand there daydreaming of my body?" I ask her.

"Mou~ Roland-sama is such a bully~ Come follow me, I shall guide you to the dining room." Sara-chan stated seemingly angry. If you opened a dictionary to look up the word 'cute' Sara-chan's angry pouty face would be the picture used as an example.

I smiled, and followed Sara-chan down the stairs, and through a few doors, until we reached the dining room.

"Ah! I nearly forgot! The Young Miss will be accompanying you for breakfast in a few minutes, but she had asked me to tell you to start eating without her." Sara-chan exclaimed.

Oh cool, I get to meet this badass sister of mine.

"Okay, I'll do just that, I'm starving." I hadn't eaten yesterday and possibly all the time I was in that mini poison induced coma of mine, so the smell of food is making my stomach scream for it.

As I walked in and sat down, a chef came from one of the smaller side doors across the room and he brought a small tray of food with him.

"Hello, Young Master, it is good to see you in good health. I had prepared a light breakfast for you consisting of Egg Omlet, with bell peppers, chopped onions, a slice of bread with butter, small assorted fruit, and a cup of water." The chef explained with a bright smile on his face.

"Thank you, um...." I thanked him, trailing off and missing the chance to ask his name.

"Oh, that's right, your memory! Do not worry Young Master, you can just call me the Chef! No need for you to remember the name of a commoner like me" the Chef said with a smile.

Seriously why's everyone so nice?

"If you insist, Chef-san. Thank you for the food." I nodded at the chef in appreciation.

I looked down at my breakfast. This ain't Food Wars, so I won't explain in detail, but it looked really good. tasted real good too, despite me not liking onions.

As I'm eating, Sara-chan steps up, bows, and says to me, "Roland-sama, I will go get your bath ready while your here. Please call me when you've finished eating so I can guide you to the bathhouse." She then exited the room, but not before two figures passed by her as she bowed to them.

A young looking short lady, possibly late 20s? I could never tell since everyone in this mansion looks young, no matter how old they might be. She had long slightly wavy blonde hair tied in a ponytail that reached to her waist, bangs that slightly covered her strong brows, wide light brown eyes, small slanted nose, a small mouth and pointy chin. She sure is pretty.

The other figure was an average looking middle aged maid, with greying brown hair. Probably the pretty lady's exclusive maid?

When our eyes met, she smiled kindly at me and sat across the table. Chef-san came out with the lady's breakfast and bowed his greeting towards her. She nodded and began to eat her breakfast.

Once we both finished eating and the servants came to clear the table, the lady stood up and sat on the chair nearest to me.

"Hello Ro-kun, it's nice to see your fine." She smiled as she rested her chin on her hands.

"Hello. You must be my... onee-san?" I was then suddenly pulled into a hug by the nice lady.

"Aaahh! my precious little brother called me 'onee-san'! I'm so glad! You always called me older sister in such a cold manner before! Kyaaa~" Onee-san blurted out happily, shaking me back and forth in her hug.

Ah, she's the 'spoil your younger brother'-type of onee-san. I wonder why Roland was so cold to this nice lady.

"Um, please let me go, onee-san." I said in a struggle. My head was pressed to her big chest, after all, so I'm uncomfortable. Since she's my sister I have no thoughts about it, and I never will, you degenerates!

"Oh, sorry." Onee-san exclaims as she reluctantly let's me free. Ah, oxygen, how I've missed you. I stared at her for a few moments and asked her, "Um, as nice it would be to call you onee-san, I'd prefer to know your name please." I looked at her awkwardly.

She looked at me with a bit of sadness in her eyes. Probably sad that I really did forget everything, even my siblings names.

"My name is Isabel, and I'm your older sister, although we have different mothers. As you could probably tell, as well as our little brothers, who'll you meet later." She explains, pointing at her ears. Ah, she's a normal human, and so are my little bros I guess.

After talking to Isabel-onee-san, I found that she is the head of the Ministry of Magic and the Royal Wizard of the Sun Kingdom. Holy shit, my sis is a part of the big wigs! That means she is the strongest wizard in the country. Maybe I should start calling her Onee-sama?

"Oh, but don't worry about all that! All I am right now, is your older sister." Isabal-nee said with a smile. What a humble person. She dotes on me alot. Is she a brocon? I hope not.

We talked about a random range of things that I won't get into details. I mainly asked about the dragon from yesterday, and she told me it was no big deal to her, but looking at the maid that entered with Isabel-nee, I could tell it was a strong dragon to your average adventurer.

Just then, the middle aged looking maid, called out to Isabel-nee, "Young Miss, it is almost time for the meeting to start. If we do not depart now, we will be late."

The maid then turned to me and bowed with a slight smile.

"I apologize for cutting short your time with the Young Miss, Young Master." The middle aged maid said politely.

"It's fine, you don't have to apologize." I said awkwardly. I'm still not used to being taken care of by servants.

I turned to Isabel-nee, who looked a little annoyed at her maid, and said, "Well, It was nice talking to you, Onee-san. I'll see you later."

Isabel-nee turned her attention to me, gave me one more hug, and turned around to leave to her meeting. She looked hesitant to part ways, as she looked at me one more time while waving goodbye and left through the doors.


"I've got nothing to do today, so I guess I'll head to the library after taking my bath..." I muttered to myself.

I stood up and called Sara-chan's name, and true to her bragging yesterday, she appeared in three seconds. Is that you Barry? Does she get that ability through the speed force?

"Yes, Roland-sama? Are you ready for your bath?" Sara-chan asked.

"Yeah, that would be nice, thanks." I said. I'm looking forward to a nobles bath. I'm not like those typical Japanese isekai MCs who seem to always be crazy for baths or hot springs, but baths once in a while would be nice, since I've only ever used overhead showers in my previous world.

I follow Sara-chan and we make our way to the bathhouse.