
Into the omniverse with a beast tamer system

This is a story of how a young man and his younger brother died in a tragic accident and were given the chance to travel the omniverse with the power of the { Beast Tamer System } WARNING This will be a slow-paced Fan-Fic and will also be my first time writing so do expect a few mistakes. I will also try to update chapters as much as possible as well as make the chapters at least 1000 words long. All rights to all the Anime, Manga, Moveis, Shows, Games and images I have used for this Fan-fic are reserved to the respective creators and companies.

Orian2209 · 漫画同人
39 Chs

A deal with a penguin

(POV Cyrus)

"It's complicated *Sigh* but might as well give it a shot." I say with a heavy tone.




One explanation later…




"Well, that's America for you…" I hear Darius mumble.

<So this Logan will be joining us in a few months?> I hear Lyra say with joy.

"Yeah, he will and I won't fail to protect him this time…" I say with a dangerous glint in my eyes.

"Cyrus… save that edgy bullshit for later, we're getting off track!" I hear him shout in a squeaky voice that was filled with annoyance and anger.



The systems and I stayed in collective silence staring a Darius trying to hold our laughter.

<…pphhu HAHAHA omg you HAHA you really said HAHA that in angry Canadian!!!> Nexus was the first of us to go.


<hehehehahaha> Lyra giggled and joined us in the fun as well.

"You lot pull yourself together and Cyrus I will come over to that dimension and beat the crap out of you if you don't shut up!!" I hear his squeaking voice once again.

<HAHAHA You should hear your voice mate!> I hear Nexus say as he replayed a recording.

We just laughed harder as Darius cursed at us.




One humiliating Darius later...




"Are you all done now...?" We hear Darius say in a dead tone and expression.

"HAHA don't worry your squeakiness we've had our laugh isn't that right fellas?" I say in an amused tone while wiping a tear.

<That's right we won't make humiliate sir penguin any longer!> I hear Nexus imitate a European knight.

<Of course we lowly peasants shall not dare make a mockery of the great squeaker Darius.> I hear Lyra say.

"…That's it I'm buying the passport to that dimension and beating your goofy ass Cyrus!" I hear him shout as a tab pops up in front of him.

<Boi you are broke as broke can be and you don't even have a quarter of the amount of Sp to buy a passport!> I hear Nexus shout.

"…Can we just get done with the deal?" I hear Darius say in a defeated tone.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that… But sure let's get done with it and what did you want to talk with me about?" I ask him remembering the purpose of the call.

"Well as you know Nexus is a necromancer system hence my abilities revolve around necromancy and the dead." His tone shifted to serious.

He then raised his hand and an ominous black fist was secreted out of his palm which he quickly called back as he picked up a few objects out of view.

"Yeah, what about it?" ask him curiously.

"Well since you're in the monster hunter universe, I've got a deal that would equally benefit us both." Darius says as he fills a glass with what I assume is wine.

"I'm listening..." I say with my interest piqued. (I wonder what kind of deal he's thinking about.) I wonder with interest.

"As you can tell from the view I am in a cyberpunk world and I don't have anything or anyone to raise from the dead." He paused and moved the camera panel towards a window.

"Since the humans here are useless without their intellect which they lose after I use necromancy on them and all animals are extinct with their remnants being non-existent." Darius filled me in his situation.

"So you want me to supply you with monster bodies since you have nothing to use necromancy on correct?" I said in a serious tone.

"…Am I that easy to figure out?" I hear him chuckle before he downed the glass.

"So what will I get in return for giving you corpses?" I ask Darius with my eyes filled with curiosity and greed.

"I've got a system contract here with all the information of how this deal will go. If are not satisfied with parts of the contract, we can discuss it to find alternatives." He says as he opens a bright yellow panel with black text.

Darius then tapped the yellow panel and pointed at the panel that gave me the live feed.

Then out of nowhere the yellow rectangle disappears from my view and popped out in front of me.

"Wtf!?" I curse out surprised as I fall off the log.

Darius rolled his eyes with amusement at my antics "That's a system contract just read the terms and conditions. After you're done with that tell me if you want to make any changes.".

"Sure just give me a moment." I reply without much emotion as I read through the contract.

My eyes skimmed through the contract looking for anything that would be a liability towards me as Darius poured himself another glass.

After a few minutes of reading the contract, I pondered on any changes that I could make.

(This benefit's me a lot more than it does Darius, is he that desperate for monster corpses? Well, never mind that I don't think any changes will be needed.)

"So… what do you think? Do we have an accord?" Darius broke my train of thought.

"I agree but I got a question that may be detrimental to the deal. How much of the corpse do you need? Do need it to have every organ and bone or just some parts of the corpse?" I ask him in a serious tone.

"I don't necessarily need the whole body just forty to seventy percent of the body but if the creature in question is insectoid I need the whole thing." Darius stopped taking a sip.

"As for the missing parts, I don't care what you do with them sell them, eat them, use them do as you please." He replied nonchalantly as rested his head on the headrest of his chair.

"Well then! Congratulations you have yourself a supplier!" I say as I was about to sign to contract.

"…How do I sign it? I don't have a pen." I say awkwardly.

I see Darius facepalm himself and place his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose.

"Do you not see the button that says 'accept'?" I hear Darius say irritably.






To be continued next time…