

"I didn't plan any of these. It was you who chose this on your own." She spoke as her heeled shoe landed on the documents which were scattered on the glassed floor. "You were tricking me into this. You are sick and blinded by these what so ever feelings that you have." He was losing his patience with her as days passed by. Who knew the multi millionaire Kim Jung-won who runs one of the leading software company in South Korea would have to face a hustle in his life? His empire started to shatter when she stepped her foot in her home land and her only aim was to crash his company into fine dust. "Sierra, are you not going a bit far?" Her mother asked while packing the luggage as she was asked to. "You still love him, don't you?" Sierra's angry eyes penetrated her mother who immediately went silent. "Kim Jung-won, I am coming to show you what you made me into." She grinned before locking her apartment.

Kim_Aira_ · 现代言情
8 Chs


It was a really busy day for the company, two important multi national meeting and signing an agreement with the most popular software company from home town. Everyone was silent at the middle of the day not knowing what to do in such a situation. The SH Networking Corporates, one of the biggest network company located in the luxurious city of New York has faced a crisis.

The entire networking system went down all of a sudden for the first time in history. The count of people who depends on their networking system is more than hundred million in USA. The staffs were running around to the emergency room and then back to the IT section to figure out what had really happened.

The back up plans were alerted too but unbelievably even they went down, making it look like someone hacked into their working system. The tension in the office raised as they heard that their CEO is planning to conduct a quick inspection to evaluate the working of the staffs.

"What will we do?" Jane Parker as her subordinate as she was in charge of the IT department.

"We are trying to retrieve the back up plan for the time being but our password is not matching to the one in the system." The man answered in between his busy activities.

"Who in the world would mess with us? All the important meetings are scheduled for the day." Jane was in despair as she could feel her world collapse.

"If we can't revive the system any sooner, we may lose all the data relating to it. The only option would be building up another networking plan from crumbs." The IT staff informed.

"Miss. Harper will be here in no time so I need this sorted out now." She warned before running to their investigation team.

The entire building, the eight hundred employees felt like they were in front of gun point at the moment as the complaints flushed in. New York is undoubtedly one of the biggest city in the world and having a trouble with network is like inviting death and the fall of the company.

"How long has it been?" Jane asked the investigation team head.

"Two hours approximately."

"Are we still going to beat around the bush? Look at the screen and check the number of complaints that is coming in. It is over a million and we are seriously useless or what?" She was getting pissed off as the beep sound in the complaint machine alarmed again and again as if the machine would get crashed.

"We are trying our best to continue the network from our back up but it gets cut off in the middle."

"What is your analyze?"

"Somebody is out there, trying to interrupt our network. The network is going smoothly from our server but there is some trouble with the electromagnetic waves."

"Is someone tracking the signals? Then arrange the investigation team and get in touch with the NYPD now." Jane said as she ran out noticing the phone ringing from her manager's hand.

"Miss Harper will be here in any minutes." The manager informed as she passed the phone to Jane.

"Sort it out." Jane gestured with her hands before running to her cabin to attend the call.




A black Aston Martin raced to the compound of their twenty floored building and straight away aimed at the private parking lot along with two cars which came as escort. The securities who were anticipating the visitors in the main opening ran to the private parking lot for their dear life.

The security who was in charge of the parking lot tried to open the back door of the car only to be stopped by a black suited man in the car which came from behind.

"What are you doing? It is automatic." The man shouted before jumping out of the car.

A dozen of men in similar outfit made their way out of the two cars which followed the main one and lined up on either side. The engine of the car stopped and another lady got out of the car from the front passenger seat as she stood in front of the lined up men.

Jane rushed down to the parking lot along with five of their top employees from each department as she was asked to. The door opened upwards in no time and a red dressed lady stepped out of the car casually. She was wearing one of the richest tuxedo skirt of a leading brand and an eight inched high heels. A simple makeup and bright red lip colour along with a low pony tail of her straight honey coloured hair.

"Welcome to the office, Miss. Harper." Jane bowed at the lady as well as the others.

The red dressed lady didn't speak a word as she proceeded to walk into the building with her head held high but tossed her Balenciaga bag to a man who walked behind her in a well black suited outfit. Jane wanted to speak about the trouble but was scared to do so in the first meeting.

"Is it sorted?" The lady asked on her own while proceeding to the private elevator.

"Miss Harper, we are trying our best to do it. It will be sorted in no time." Jane answered in spite of being in a situation to shit her pants.

"Buy an entire new system from our best client and upgrade it with ours. I don't care about the loss that the company have to face but fix the situation." She ordered, stepping into the elevator.

"We would be able to sort it without going into loss, Miss Harper." Jane muttered as she opened her file to show the default.

"I am not doing this company for fun. I need results and the the good will of the company should be the ultimate goal. So fix it in an hour and give compensation to everyone who send in the complaints." Harper was not in a mood for lame talks and it could be clearly seen in her red angry eyes as she took of the shades.