

May finds himself on an island in the East Blue when two strangers wash up ashore. See how May changes the world of One Piece with feather and ink and some good stories from the old world. May won't be a strawhat pirate. I have taken the liberty not to follow the canon to the point.

Syfa_SinOB · 漫画同人
21 Chs

Chapter 7 - Captain Horne

It had been a few days since they scaled the volcano and stole the devil fruit, Deuce had mostly recovered thanks to the healing powers of the Ring Vilya. He was still not able to strain his body too much but it was fine for everyday movements. The last few days the three of them had talked a lot about how to get from the island now and after a few days of experimentation Ace was sure that he could power a small boat with his newly gained powers of fire. 

The first tests with the life boat were a success and even Deuce didn't condemn the idea as idiotic. May had spent most of the time it took for Deuce to recover to collect food. He still had the dead bird he killed, while the one Ace took down he gave up on. He had summoned a few barrels out of books to store drinking water and the food and had already stored them in their little boat with Ace's help.

It was finally time to depart. May had packed one copy of every book in his possession in his bag (that is until now: a few cookbooks, LOTR 1-3, the Simarillion, Harry Potter 1 and 2) and a fishing line, just in case they got hungry. He wore the seven dwarven rings as well as the nine human rings on a chain around his neck, which ensured a clincking sound when he moved. Ace and Deuce didn't have much to pack so their boat was mostly filled with food and water.

With Ace powering the boat they quickly left the island behind them, passing over the rock ring without a problem. Leaving for the open sea.

The days passed without much happening, they didn't have a compass to navigate and were just hoping to encounter an island or a ship by luck. On the third day luck struck, at least May thought so. 

"Hey look over there a ship!" May exclaimed, happy that something had happened after three days of sitting around. The ship he had spotted had a dark green hull and white sails. As they came closer the writing on the sails became clear enough to decipher. 'MARINE' was written on the top sails.

As soon as Deuce read the writing he turned to Ace "Stop your flames, the less you let them know about your powers the better. Wouldn't be the first time somebody is drafted without consent." 

Ace immediately stopped the flames and let the boat just float with the waves. Just as expected the Marine ship soon spotted their little boat and made their way towards them.

As the Marine ship reached them they slowed down next to them and a big fellow stepped towards the rail. "What are you young boys doing out here? And on such a small boat..." he trailed off

"We were stranded on Stixis after a storm hit our ship. We are trying to get back to any island with a port to find a ride." Deuce replied.

"Hah look no further. We can take you with us to our next stop, Cozia." The Marine Captain smiled at them waiting for a reply. Deuce felt Ace tensing but replied "That'd be great."

"No worries that's our job after all, protecting civilians." 

A few hours later the three young man sat in the Captains Office sitting across from them sat the Marine Captain.

"We didn't get to talk all to much yet, I have to apologize. I had to take care of some things and do some paperwork. I am Marine Captain Horne, a pleasure to formerly meet you." Captain Horne looked expectantly at the trio, waiting for them to introduce themselves.

May knew that Ace didn't want to expose his identity even though he wasn't a real pirate yet, he wasn't to sure that Garp may have people looking for him to bring him to his senses. So he took the lead "My Name is Mairon Howard, Author. These two are my are my companions Deuce, my personal Doctor and this is Ac...Acim he is my brother."

Deuce and Ace just nodded at Captain Horne when May introduced them.

"I also have some copies with me if you would be interested, free of charge of course. It's the least I can do. I have this trilogy here," he pulled out the Lord of the Rings books "that are written for adults. It's an epic story about a group of people that are traveling to destroy evil in the world. Just like you marines I guess." May was trying hard to sell 'his' books, something inside of him just wanted to spread these stories to the world. "And these two here," he pulled out Harry Potter 1&2 "are probably more for your kids if you have any. It's about a boy who discovers he has magical powers, like... A devilfruit user and goes to a school with other kids, who have magical powers."

"I'll give it a try. Not a big reader but my wife sure is, she'll be happy when I bring her some new books. Always is. And these books about the devilfruit kid, sound like something my daughter would enjoy." Captain Horne replied.

May took the books from the bag copying it while taking it out and put them on the desk in between them. "May I have a pen?" he asked Horne, who gave him one. He opened The Fellowship of the Ring and signed on the first page For the great Captain Horne, savior of the innocent, a thanks for a life saved, Mairon Howard afterwards he opened Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone "What is the name of your daughter?" "Mira" and signed For Mira, the first reader of this book, dream big and follow your dream, Mairon Howard. He closed the book and slid the stack of books over to the Captain. "Here you go. I hope you and your family will enjoy these. But now it's time for us to sleep. The last nights weren't really good to us."