
Infinite Evolution in The Apocalypse

I apologize for the 6-month hiatus. Life hit me in the gonads pretty hard but now I'm here to continue it after I organize everything and sort out the mess I left behind. Thanks for reading! --- The apocalypse is hard to survive in but Lucas Walker would say it was impossible. Having been thrown grumpily into the apocalypse from a long-deserved nap Lucas finds himself in a hell hole that is the apocalypse. Beasts of horrifying strength are everywhere and portals to other worlds have opened leaking strange energies and beings from them. With everyone in the world in chaos will Lucas be able to survive with the special class he received from the system that everyone has? --- By the way, the main class doesn't give many bonuses in the short term and only really comes to full power later on.

maddaug · 奇幻
57 Chs

Chapter 55: Empty Memories and New God

After the void disappeared only three individuals remained in the empty elven town.

Lee immediately hopped up on Lucas's shoulder while Randal stared vacantly into the distance.

A grim look appeared upon the small mouse's face and his companion's.


Randal remained silent as he simply stood there staring into the void that was the horizon while Lee clutched his head as if he had a headache.

"I-I can't remember!" Lee stuttered as he almost fell from Lucas's shoulder out of pain.

"I cannot remember as well..." Randal muttered as his look remained vacant.

"Remember what?"

Lucas felt a headache build within him at the ridiculousness of the situation that was surrounding him.

The mouse and the elf remained silent however and his question was left in silence.

The temperature in the surroundings seemed to have dropped a few degrees as the silence intensified and overwhelmed them.

"What the hell are these catastrophes?!"