
Infinite Evolution in The Apocalypse

I apologize for the 6-month hiatus. Life hit me in the gonads pretty hard but now I'm here to continue it after I organize everything and sort out the mess I left behind. Thanks for reading! --- The apocalypse is hard to survive in but Lucas Walker would say it was impossible. Having been thrown grumpily into the apocalypse from a long-deserved nap Lucas finds himself in a hell hole that is the apocalypse. Beasts of horrifying strength are everywhere and portals to other worlds have opened leaking strange energies and beings from them. With everyone in the world in chaos will Lucas be able to survive with the special class he received from the system that everyone has? --- By the way, the main class doesn't give many bonuses in the short term and only really comes to full power later on.

maddaug · 奇幻
57 Chs

Chapter 46: New Active Subclass and Charting Course

'I guess it's time to do the stupid subclasses...' Lucas thought as he finished drinking a bottle of water.

He had decided alcohol was probably not a good idea in the apocalypse. I mean what if some space devouring creature just 'appeared' out of nowhere and decided to try and kill half the population on earth?

Was he gonna be the drunk dude who couldn't react fast enough to run and be the surviving half or was he gonna be the cool sober dude who survived and managed to end up torturing himself more in the end?

'Man my mind works weird,'

'Show me the goods!'


<Choose two of the following four subclasses!>

<Appraiser: Rarity: Uncommon>:

You see things that others don't often see and with this talent, you can put into words what exists beyond this veil of sight you possess.

<Pack Mule: Rarity: Common>:

You have a knack for carrying things. This subclass makes you even better at being the groups walking treasure chest.

<Leader: Rarity: Rare>: