
Infinite Evolution: A spy in multiverse

An ace spy died and woke up in the body of Sheyan, protagonist of the Ultimate Evolution novel. With all his previous life skills and experience plus a System, read how he conquers all worlds while having fun along the way. I am not good with synopsis, just read til 10th chapter, I am sure you will be hooked. ✌️ --------&-------- First world: Terminator second world: Pirates of the carribbean Discord: https://discord.gg/mDFWsGubjt

_Crimson_ · 电影同人
94 Chs

Chapter 89 - End of Historical Battle

Just when Charl turned around to bring Sheryll, she heard Krist's surprised voice.

"Sir! What happened to your hand." Krist asked after she noticed Sheyan's irregularly hanging hand.

"Oh this, tis nothing but a scratch. It will be fine soon." Sheyan lifted his broken hand and spoke with a smile.

"You sure sir?" Charl asked after she turned around to look at Sheyan's hand.

"Yup, don't worry, go and call Sheryll first." Sheyan replied with a smile.

Charl nodded and left to bring Sheryll over.

After a minute, Charl came back with Sheryll.

"It's good that you are back sir, those guys left me a communication request, so we can communicate with them whenever you want sir." Sheryll spoke after walking up to Sheyan.

"Good, now let me introduce you to these guys." Sheyan nodded and gestured towards the contestants he found inside the merchant ship.

"These people are also contestants like us." Sheyan introduced.

"Hello, I am Sheryll." Sheryll turned to the contestants and introduced herself.

"I am guts." The taller black guy spoke.

"I am Luke, nice to meet you." The Caucasian male introduced himself next with a kind smile.

"Dustin." The shorter and muscular black guy spoke lightly.

"Hello, I am Aashi." The Asian girl spoke in a sweet voice while bowing lightly.

"And soy Valeria, Encantada." The Mexican girl spoke with excitement.

"Okay this much intro is enough for now, we don't have much time to waste here." Sheyan spoke after everyone said their names.

"Sheryll and Charl you two take 50 pirates and these contestants with you, your task is to take down as many pirate ships as you can before this battle ends. Make sure to popularize our group's name." Sheyan instructed.

"Krist, you take a hundred pirates with you and deal with those warships, bring back as many warships as you can." Sheyan continued.

"Got it?"

"Yes sir!" All of the contestants and girls replied.

"Good, also if you meet other contestants or people who want to surrender then you can bring them back otherwise kill them directly." Sheyan added.

"Clear." The girls replied.

"These guys know about the internal structure and the ways of the Spanish fleet so ask them for information if the needs arise. I will go and deal with one more merchant ship. That's all, now get to work." Sheyan added and turned around to call pirates to move the ship towards another merchant ship.

The girls randomly selected pirates to follow them, boarded the small boats hanging on the sides, and left to deal with their tasks.

Due to the strengthening brought by repair and the divine blessing even these small boats have become akin to lesser artifacts. Their speed, capacity, durability, and control have increased to an all-time high.

Pirates followed Sheyan's order and sailed towards the next merchant ship.

With Scarlett's amazing speed, it only took a minute to reach the merchant ship and slamming into it.

The merchant ship retaliated with the cannons but it was of no use in front of Scarlett.

"Let's go little ones, just do as you did on the previous ship!" Sheyan ordered and rushed to the merchant ship.

Sheyan controlled the liquid metal to turn into four mini Uzis for his left hand and the three invisible hands.


Sheyan landed on the deck of the merchant ship and aimed his guns at the surrounding soldiers.


A Hale of bullets rushed out of his guns and landed on the soldiers.

Soldiers tried hiding behind the things but with Sheyan's agile invisible hands and the refraction ability, no matter where they hid bullets found their way to them.

"I will speed run through this thing this time." Sheyan muttered and rushed inside the ship after killing all the soldiers on the deck.

Old man Bagon also boarded the merchant ship along with Sheyan and the pirates.

Bagon saw Sheyan rushing inside the ship and followed behind with his undeads.

Sheyan already knew the structure of the ship since it was the same as the previous merchant ship, he rushed towards the hall where he met Bagon and killed all the soldiers he saw along the way.

Very soon, Sheyan reached the hall and his perspective sense warned him about the danger.

Sheyan smirked and walked inside the hall.

Inside this hall were 16 figures, 10 of which were decaying undeads, an old man who looked quite similar to Bagon Dorky because of his tree bark-like skin, and 5 young people in a soldier uniforms.

While the people were scanning the Sheyan who just entered the hall, Old Bagon and his undeads also entered the hall.

The old man saw Bagon and showed a surprised expression.

"Dorky, You should be on the other ship, what are you doing here?" The old man questioned.

Bagon looked at the old man and replied.

"The other ship has already fallen Gankhar, and I have surrendered to my master here."

"What! You- how!?" The old man called Gankhar was shocked and couldn't manage to utter a complete sentence.

*Swish* *swish*

Suddenly, Sheyan heard a very indistinguishable sound and a talisman appeared on his body.

Sheyan's perspective sense didn't trigger to warn him about this sudden attack. This could only mean two things, either this thing is completely harmless or the opponent who attacked him got way higher perspective sense than his.

And Sheyan was more inclined towards the latter.

The talisman also appeared on the chest of old Bagon.

Just when the talismans got attached to Sheyan and Bagon, the five young people rushed towards them like a bolt.

"Deal with that Oriental first, it should only take a moment. We will deal with that traitor old man later." The leading figure spoke as he took out his sword.

The other two also took out melee weapons while the last two took out two muskets and aimed at Sheyan.

In a blink, the melee fighters appeared next to Sheyan and slashed at him with their weapons.

Sheyan glanced at the incoming attacks and tried moving his body but found out that he couldn't move at all.

The talisman on his body was shining brightly and seemed to bind his actions completely.

Suddenly Sheyan's eyes sharpened and a terrifying pressure fell on everybody present inside the room except Bagon.


All the contestants stopped moving and fell into a stunned and fear state.


The old guy Gankhar fell on his knees from the pressure and sweat appeared on his back and brows.

Sheyan tried moving his invisible hands and found them movable, so he used his invisible hands to remove the talisman from his and Bagon's bodies.

Old Bagon who got free once again glanced at his old friend Gankhar kneeling on the ground and figured that Sheyan had used the same ability he used on him previously.

Sheyan didn't care about the trivial talks and directly opened fire at the stunned contestants.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Sheyan emptied 5 magazines of mini Uzis on the contestants and received the kill notifications.

After this Sheyan collected the keys from their bodies and stored them inside his spatial space.

Gankhar looked towards his old friend and Bagon and asked with his eyes.

'Who is this monster!?'

'He is my master, if you don't want to die, you better surrender right now.' Bagon replied with his eyes.

Gankhar and Bagon have known each other for a long time, they know each other's personalities. That's why Gankhar figured that if Bagon was not even trying to fight back and to boot even asking him to surrender to this man akin to a monster then there really shouldn't be any other way to leave this place alive.

So the next moment, Gankhar got up and rushed to Sheyan.


Gankhar knelt down in front of Sheyan and spoke.

"My lord, I surrender, I am willing to accept you as my master."

[ You have cornered the Black magician Gankhar Bolgey, now he is requesting to be your slave. ]

Sheyan received the same notification he received previously when Bagon surrendered and accepted yes without thinking about it too much.

[ Your servant's loyalty degree is 70 points. ]

Sheyan saw that the loyalty degree wasn't low or too high, so he didn't care about it and let it be.

"Okay, get up and take me to the place where upper-level soldiers are gathered." Sheyan spoke to Gankhar.

"Yes my lord, please follow me." Gankhar got up and replied politely.

With the addition of Gankhar and his undeads, Sheyan now had 17 undeads following behind him. Gankhar led Sheyan through many corridors and after many turns, they stopped in front of the door.

"We are here sir." Gankhar turned around and said to Sheyan.

Sheyan nodded and walked to the door with his guns equipped.


Sheyan kicked the door open forcefully.

The door flew inside the room from the impact and crashed with the people standing inside.


"What happened!"

The voices of surprise and alert came from inside but Sheyan didn't pay them any heed and directly opened fire.


with Sheyan's current damage and accuracy, it only took 30 seconds to deal with these hapless Soldiers who didn't even get to see their attacker properly.

Sheyaj took back his guns and looked behind.

"Okay now to the treasury." Sheyan spoke and walked towards the iron room since he already knew where that was.

Bagon and Gankhar followed behind dutifully.

'Do you know who this guy is?' Gankhar asked Bagon with his eyes.

'I don't but I am sure he is someone at the same level as Davy Jones and Blackbeard, maybe he is a pirate from the east who just came to this sea.' Bagon replied with his eyes.

"Stop these eye talks, it's irritating." Sheyan whispered without turning his head back to look at them.

'My lord has eyes on the back of his head too?' Gankhar asked with his eyes out of habit.

'What do you think?' Sheyan turned around and replied with his eyes.

'My lord is amazing.' Bagon tried to garner favor.

Sheyan shook his head and quickened his pace.

After some minutes, Sheyan and the party reached the iron wall.

"Let us open the passage for you my lord, it will only take 10 minutes at m-." Gankhar came up and spoke.

"No need Gankhar." Bagon interrupted his words and pulled him back.

Sheyan walked up to the iron wall and activated his flesh explosion ability once again.


With his first punch, Sheyan distorted the iron wall into an irregular shape.

Gankhar's jaw fell on the floor and broke it from the impact.



With the second punch, Sheyan completely tore open the wall and a passage appeared for a person to enter inside the room.

"Lift it up, no need to be so shocked." Bagon spoke as he lifted Gankhar's fallen jaw and fixed it back.

Sheyan ignored the two funny old men and entered the room.

"Wha-what's happening! A storm hit us?" A panicked voice rang in the room.

Sheyan glanced at the source and saw a naked fatty lying on a big bed, around him ten women were standing in very revealing clothes.

Sheyan has already decided to speed run through this ship so he just picked his gun and shot at the naked fatty.



A bullet lodged deep inside naked fatty's head as he fell down on the bed once again.

The liquid metal came out of the wound and returned to Sheyan.

The women were still in shock from the bombastic intrusion and with the death of naked fatty they fell into a second shocked state and didn't make a noise at all.

Sheyan ignored them and walked to the treasure chests.

*Swish* *swish* *swish*

All the treasure chests started to disappear in thin air and entered Sheyan's inventory.


At this moment, the women finally came out of their double shock and screamed loudly.

Sheyan turned around and walked towards them.

All of them looked at the Sheyan coming back towards them in fear and screamed even louder.

Sheyan glanced at the ladies and lifted his gun up to position the barrel in front of his lips.


Sheyan made a hushing sound with his mouth.

"Calm down." Sheyan spoke in a calming voice.

The women looked at the guy who just killed their disgusting and cruel master and noticed his handsome face and enchanting eyes.

Sheyan's passive ability charmer came into effect.

The women slowly calmed down and stopped screaming.

"Follow me to my ship, all of you can work as maids there, you will receive a monthly salary." Sheyan spoke.

The women didn't know what to say and kept silent.

"Do you accept? If not then you can leave, it's up to you" Sheyan continued.

The women looked at each other before turning to Sheyan once again.

"We accept your favor, young lord." The women spoke in unison.

"That's good, let's get out of here." Sheyan spoke with a smile.

The women saw his smile and felt their heartbeats increasing to an all-time high.

Blush appeared on all of their faces as they bowed their head and docily followed behind Sheyan.

Bagon and Gankhar looked at this scene before turning around to look at each other.

'Is this the power that is bored by the handsome people?' Gankhar moved his eyes.

'Alas, it is, I used to have this majestic power too when I was young.' Bagon also moved his eyes.

'You? I have known you since you were eleven, Why don't I remember that you had this power.' Gankhar moved his eyes aggressively.

'I- it was before I met you. Damn it.' Bagon replied with dodgy eyes.

Sheyan came up to them and moved his eyes.

'Can we stop this thing now?'

'Don't you find this interesting too, my lord?' Gankhar moved his eyes with a sneaky smile.

'Umm, Well, Yeah it is interesting.' Sheyan answered and sighed before leaving the room.

Gankhar and Bagon smirked at each other and followed behind.

After 5 minutes, Sheyan appeared on the deck once again with the oldies and the fallen women.

Pirates were still inside the ship, dealing with the hiding Soldiers.

Sheyan walked up to the mast and scanned the battlefield.

The last merchant ship has fallen under the hands of Davy Jones and his pirates, the warships were also been completely defeated.

Sheyan looked to his right and saw two warships sailing towards him but these warships didn't have a flag and the ones standing on the deck of these two warships were Krist and his pirates.

Sheyan turned to his left and saw 5 pirate ships sailing towards his location but none of these ships had the pirate flags and on the deck of these ships were the contestants who surrendered to him along with Charl and Sheryll.

The other pirate ships were busy looting the warships or scrapping the things of value from the sea.

With this, the whole Spanish fleet was completely wiped out, and that decided the end of this historic battle scenario.

At this time, the nightmare imprint of all the contestants who participated in this battle and were still alive rang at the same time.


Sorry for not posting for two days. (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)

First of all thankyou for so many power stones last week, a full 540 power stones, thankyou guys. I promised I will post one extra chapter for each 500 power stones. So consider this chapter as the extra chapter, I will three fixed chapters too very soon. And keep on sending more power stones guys, We were at rank 80 last week, this time let's aim for rank 70.

Don't forget to comment how you felt about the chapter. Let's meet tomorrow, have a good day.