
Chapter One hundred and twenty.

Pulling up his pants and buttoning them up to his fixed his belt. Next came on the shirt as he rebuttoned them, he looked at Alexis who was lying down on the floor.

Lily has changed her clothes and taken out her after bounds the rest Angelo had taken care of. He had to break her psychologically and that was a process of isolation.

This was going to go for long. A week or two at least but Alexis won't be aware of that. the room had no source of ventilation or any windows of such. She won't even be aware of it were day or night. That would contribute a lot in breaking her in. When she won't be aware of how long she had so can't there, it would take a toll on her mind. Her mind would consider every day as a minute and those prolonged moments would have her thinking about things that she didn't know existed.