
In The Movie Worlds With My System - Fixed Grammar Version

A regular college student accidentally obtained a fragment of a system through traffic accident! He believed he was dead, but when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a movies with a mission to collect system fragments that exist in different worlds. first world = The Mummy second world = Resident Evil third+ world = read to find out I do not own any of the characters except for the original character (OC) in the novel. This is a grammar rewrite/translation atp, with hopefully readable grammar. lmk if you find anything wrong by commenting and I will fix it.

cmluis · 电影同人
63 Chs

Chapter 36: Future Plans

Alex took out the food from his inventory and sat around the campfire. Carlos and Claire joined him, sitting facing the fire. They all sat down, eager to discuss their plans.

The group gathered around the campfire and started eating the food provided by Alex.

"So, are you human or not?" Claire asked.

"You know, it's rude to ask that to a person you just met," Alex replied.

"This is for the safety of our group. We cannot let a man with unknown powers stay with us," Claire justified.

"Well, what you said is true. Then I will answer your first question," Alex conceded.

"I am not human."

"Then what are you?" Claire inquired.

"Forget it. You won't believe it," Alex hesitated.

"You can say it. What is there not to believe in this world filled with the undead?" Claire encouraged.

"I am a dragon. You should have heard of me in fairy tales."

Claire, upon hearing this, had her thoughts racing. "What? You're a dragon? If you don't want to say it, just say so. Why are you claiming to be a creature from fairy tales?"

Observing Claire's expression, Alex spoke up. "You don't believe me, do you?"

"No, nobody will believe that," Claire responded.

"Guys, can we stop talking about that?" Carlos interjected.

"So, Alex, what do you want to talk about?" Carlos asked.

"I want to discuss our future plans."

"You mentioned the radio transmission about Arcadia, a place without the virus and plenty of food. A safe place to live with survivors in Alaska," Alex explained.

"Yes, we've heard of it," Carlos confirmed.

"So, what do you think about that place? A place without the virus and with an abundance of food?" Alex asked.

"So, you want to take us there?" Carlos questioned.

"Do you realize how much time it would take to travel to Alaska?" Claire expressed her skepticism.

"We don't need a pipe dream that's impossible to achieve," Claire stated.

"It is not a pipe dream; that place exists," Alex reassured them.

"Besides, humans need dreams to survive and think about the future."

"Well, for now, that place has some problems," Alex said.

Alex recalled that, according to the plot, that place should be under the control of Umbrella. And that ship seemed like a nice place to live, so why not invade it and take it from them?

"What is the problem?" Carlos inquired.

"That place should be under the control of Umbrella," Alex revealed.

"What? Umbrella? Why would they set up a safe place?" Claire found it hard to believe that Umbrella would do something good.

"Of course, to collect humans for experiments,"

"Fuck that rotten corporation," Claire cursed.

"So, you want us to go to that place?" Claire asked, still skeptical.

"Yes, and Arcadia is not a place—it is a ship that can support all living conditions,"

"You mean it's not in Alaska?" Carlos said.

"No, it is now in Alaska, at these coordinates." Alex showed them a book containing the coordinates.

Alex obtained this book following the original plot where Alice had acquired it.

"We will not take that risk," Claire declared.

"There is no need for you to take the risk. I will take you there safely. I have everything prepared for this plan," Alex assured.

"I cannot make decisions for the group. I will ask for the opinion of all the members," Claire stated.

"Take your time. I also have some things to finish," Alex said.

"What is that, Alex?" Carlos inquired.

"To kill Isaac. There is a laboratory nearby, and I will destroy it. He keeps sending his men after me continuously."

"It's getting quite annoying. It's like dealing with undying cockroaches,"

"What did you do for them to follow you like that?" Claire asked.

"I destroyed their bases," Alex replied.

"How many?" Claire inquired.

"Not very many. I destroyed all their bases in South America and Mexico," Alex revealed.

"What? Did you destroy that many of their bases? Then it's pretty understandable why they're following you like that," Claire said.

"There's nothing wrong with what they're doing," Claire defended.

"Yes, anyone would do the same," Carlos agreed.

"Yes, sometimes I feel like Alex is the villain and Umbrella is an innocent organization," Alice expressed.

"Hey, you guys are supposed to be on my side," Alex playfully protested.

"And Alice, stop supporting them," Alex added.

With laughter, the four of them continued their dinner.

After dinner...

"Carlos, can you call LJ to meet me here?" Alex requested.

"Okay," Carlos agreed.

Carlos went to the ambulance where LJ was staying and knocked on the door.

"LJ, come out. Alex asked you to meet him," Carlos informed.

Then the door opened, and LJ came out.


After a 2-minute walk, LJ arrived where Alex was sitting alone. Alex had sent Alice to sleep, as he had some work to do. In his eyes, the pentagram magic circle was rotating. Seeing LJ approach, Alex lifted his head.

"LJ, you should know you are infected," Alex stated.

"No! It's just a scratch," LJ nervously denied.

"LJ, you should know I can clearly see the virus in your body," Alex insisted.

"I know you're scared of dying, but you should know that what you're doing can also be dangerous to others," Alex said.

"Now you can go. I removed the virus from your body. Don't repeat this mistake in the future," Alex advised.

"Thank you, Alex."

"There's no need for that. Just try to be careful in the future," Alex replied.

After LJ left, Alex closed his eyes and used his telepathy to scan the surroundings. He continued to increase his range, and soon an underground laboratory came into his view.

"Found you, Isaac."