After a long time of traveling across the omniverse, working under good, MC finally gets his reward... Sadly even after hundreds of years of work, MC has a new job, the overseer of the Justice League.
"How did they know I hired Lobo?" Darkseid sat upon his throne, looking down upon Granny Goodness who kneeled before him. He hired Lobo knowing he would fail, but an immortal being like Lobo was a perfect tool to test someone like Escanor. Plus, the Justice League he faced a few months ago shouldn't have been enough to match Lobo, but they had grown stronger under Escanor training,
"It seems like we have a traitor amongst us, my lord. I'm currently working on searching for the traitor while avoiding alerting them." Granny Goodness said in fear for what was about to come... but there was no pain. She looked up and saw Darkseid burning in rage at the very concept of someone or something breaking free from his will. There was only one will, and that was Darkseid's will.
"You have 1 hour," Darkseid said coldly, to which Granny Goodness ran as if her life depended on it.
"We... I should get going. My little spy might get captured soon." I said while looking at the sky, confusing Diana who was just about to taste the soup which had the image of a skeleton floating above it.
"Come on, at least stay back for the meal we just created together." She said wanting to enjoy the meal we both came together to birth. I didn't know what to say at her words, but I nodded as we both ate the soup... and as expected it was magical.
"I saw this one video where lovers were feeding each other food with their mouths." Wonder Woman said with a blush,
"That sounds disgusting... we are not at the level where we even share toothbrushes," I said with a roll of my eyes, to which Wonder Woman nodded lightly, her eyes looking away slightly.
'What would he do if he knew I used his toothbrush...' She thought with unease... and with that, we finished our meals and I disappeared... a few hours later, Wonder Woman found herself rushing to the watch tower for a check-up as she felt sick for some reason. Who knows why...
"It's today?" Batman asked Hawkman, who nodded with a serious look. Batman took a deep breath while holding his palm out, which Hawkman took and shook.
"We owe you," Batman said to which Hawkmen smirked...
{Ra's al Ghul POV}
"The seal is here?" I asked Thaddeus Sivana, one of Shazam's enemies, he was a genius who had been studying Shazam for years, and his research had drawn us here. Something was sealed here, Klarion also seemed to sense something here, enough to draw us here.
"It should be in that mountain." The bald scientist who had a burning hatred towards Shazam said with a smirk.
"Shazam is still tapping into the full potential of his power... but I believe the being sealed here should have tapped into that full power." He said with a grin. The being sealed here, once he joined our side would be the strongest... well, he would fall behind Klarion, but still, he would be powerful.
"Hurry up," Klarion said with a frown, he wanted to kill that hateful Escanor as soon as possible. But Dr Fate was there. Honestly, he should have moved in and taken Fate's helmet when Lobo removed it, but the helmet moved fast, teleporting to the tower of Fate sensing him about to move.
"Let's go," I said while walking forward, and they followed. Little did we know that we were being watched by the Teen Titans, who were watching us, they were far away, a good few miles in the sky.
"Raven, are you able to cast a spell so we can listen in on them?" Robin asked Raven who had cast a stealth spell on the ship, thanks to Escanor's teaching, Raven wasn't the same magic caster in those movies or shows who gets weak after casting a few spells.
"No, Klarion would sense me. the best I could do is ensure he doesn't sense me from this far away." Raven said calmly while looking at the 3rd hologram showing the map they were leading towards.
"Should we alert the Justice League?" Starfire asked earning a death glare from Blackfire, which caused her to shrink her head.
"If we do well, we can get Escanor to reward us," Blackfire said calmly, causing many of the female's eyes to glow at the very thought, a sight which annoyed the males... well, not all of them as a few were wondering if they should buy baby oil.
"But that is risky, our job is to only get information and report back to the league. If we mess up, then we would be disbanded." Blue Beetle said causing everyone to pause as they remembered that fact.
"Report back to Cyborg to ask where to go from here," Aqualad said to Robin who paused for a moment, before looking towards everyone. And seeing everyone agree to the thought of reporting to Cyborg, he went on to contact Cyborg much to Blackfire's displeasure... but she didn't try and stop it. If this was Escanor's order, wouldn't going against it displease him?
"So, he was banished from here... Shazam," Klarion said while sensing the magic that was used to banish the person they were after. At the call of Shazam, thunder sounded outside the cave, so loud that it was heard for hundreds of miles.
Hundreds of thousands of light years away, one would find a black haired dark-skinned man rocketing towards Earth at speeds billions of times faster than light. But he was flying from the edge of the universe towards Earth, an infinite distance he had to cross.
But at the call of Shazam, his body turned into lightning as he was summoned, and in seconds arriving back on Earth with a flash of lightning which was seen all over the planet of Earth.
With a flash of lightning, we saw a man suddenly appearing before us. He was floating before us. He looked down upon us, before falling to one knee, weakened. After thousands of years of nonstop extreme speed, he was tired and would need time to recover his full strength...
"Well, looks like the wizard Shazam banished you... I summoned you, but I can send you back." Klarion said with a grin,
"What do you want?" The newcomer asked, and to that, I stepped forward.
"We are from the Light," I said while going on to explain to him our goals, leaving the man I came to know as Black Adam stunned for some time, but he agreed with our plan, under a few simple conditions which I agreed to.
"Then, welcome to the light," Klarion said while holding his palm out, using his magic to help Black Adam restore his energy.
"Alright, prove yourself. With how things are, there should be some heroes around Kahndaq searching for us." I said with a smirk, making Black Adam's eyes narrow... he was happy that Kahndaq still stood.
"How is Kahndaq?" He asked, and I instantly realized this man had a deep affection for Kahndaq. I sighed while going on to explain how Kahndaq was under the rule of an evil leader, I wasn't lying as it was all the truth. This caused Black Adam to burst into the sky, shooting through the cave and shot towards the city.
We followed and saw Black Adam snap, after seeing how his people have become after so many years. He went on a slaughter, forcing the Teen Titans who were watching from afar to have no choice but to step in.
This was going against orders, but they had no choice, while the Justice League came, they had to buy time.
Blackfire and Starfire shot through the air, being the strongest, they were the first to arrive before Black Adam. Black Adam quickly moved dodging all of their attacks until Wonder Girl moved, catching his fist with her lasso which he had punched forward.
Wonder Girl wanted to pull him, but he instead pulled her in, but before she could near, Blue Beetle beam shot through the air, hitting Black Adam in the back and sending him forward by half an inch... but this was an opening for Blackfire and Starfire fist to slam into him, sending Black Adam flying back.
Stargirl moved in, using her Cosmic Staff which gave her great power to send Black Adam flying before he could recover from the blow the two sisters had landed on him. But to her shock, she realized all of their attacks didn't even scratch Black Adam, his durability might as well be on the level of Superman. He was only knocked around thanks to being in a weakened state.
Superboy fell from the sky, thrown by Geo-Force, Superboy fist slammed hard into Black Adam, sending him rocketing into the ground... yet to everyone's shock, Black Adam floated into the sky, coldly looking at everyone.
"A bunch of brats." He said before disappearing from everyone's sight, arriving Before Blackfire... she was the strongest. She attacked to kill, and he judged she was the most dangerous. His palm moved, aiming to pierce through her stomach, but to her relief, a forcefield formed by Raven and Stargirl appeared, just in time to save her.
Even so, Black Adam destroyed the barrier, and Blackfire was sent flying away. Blackfire was slightly scared as she almost died. Starfire was almost about to die at Black Adam's next attack, luckily Static used his lightning, pulling her away just in the nick of time.
"We are not a match, fight to buy time!" Robin cried out to them, but by now I had already arrived. With a sword, I shot towards Robin who quickly jumped backward dodging all of my attacks while falling backward until he fell to his butt.
"Looks like Batman had taught you well," I said with narrowed eyes, even the sidekicks were improving. Robin wasn't this skilled, that was a perfect sneak attack, yet the kid's body moved on instinct.
"Back off!" A green cheetah shot toward me at blinding speed before it suddenly turned into a huge bear that clawed toward me. I easily jumped backward, dodging all of the attacks, but before I could move in to run my sword into the kid's head, Robin already moved, forcing me backward.
Klarion seeing all of the chaos grinned, but before he could join the chaos, Dr Fate appeared behind him... and Klarion wasn't going to reject the challenge. Dr Fate was avoiding him, so he stayed in the tower of Fate, as things stand, chaos was stronger than order.
But with Dr. Fate's arrival, Batman shot through the sky in his bat-suit, shockingly keeping up with Superman, Wonder Woman, and the others, all of them stopping in the air, glaring down upon everyone there.
"Teen Titans! Fall Back!" Batman ordered, and the teens didn't waste a second as they left the Justice League to take on this battle.
"Well, this isn't doesn't look fair." From the Sky, Sinestro said with a smirk while floating from the sky, followed by Carol Ferris, and the other members of the Light... well, not everyone. Those who had to stand amongst the public couldn't appear amongst us.
"... Why now?" Wonder Woman said not understanding why things like this happened when Escanor left. Did they have a spy amongst them? But she through all of these thoughts to the side, looking at Aries who was in his armor, grinning at her... didn't she kill him? How was he alive? Why was he popping up now when she was suffering from Stomach pain?
This wasn't good... the Justice League even with its large numbers was outnumbered... For every hero, at least 2 of their arch enemy stood before them.