

"Am I late?" I asked arriving at the luxury restaurant, I was in french in a 5-star restaurant. I talking to Hawkgirl, well she didn't have the wings or the mask, she was now Kendra Saunders. She had on a beautiful white dress, that almost looked like her hawk wings were wrapping around her body... it was beautiful. 

"No, I was just early, I wanted to collect my thoughts while waiting for you." She said with a charming smile.

"I see... well, you look beautiful in that dress, I could never picture you in a dress... I guess I saw it all." I said with a smile, making Kendra blush lightly, a sight which made Wonder Woman who was watching everything through binoculars, grit her teeth.

"I knew it." She said glaring at Kendra, she knew her 6th sense was right. Kendra wanted to make a move on her man.

'And that idiot is love blind.' Wonder Woman thought while putting out her phone and went on to search up, 'How to get woman away from your boyfriend'. She needed the internet help on this... and Hera helped her. She might kill a bitch.

"Is there is universe in which I'm not with him..." Kendra asked lightly, to which I paused for a moment before I tapped the table, and there an image of Black Green Lantern appeared, with Kendra.

"This is one which I remember..." I said pausing remembering how complex this relationship went down, sensing something off, she wanted me to explain, but I shook my head.

"You can't expect me to ignore you after this." She said angrily, to which I sighed as the image on the table went on to show how Hawkgirl married the Green Lantern just to betray him as she already had another lover. This left Kendra's mouth wide open seeing everything play out, although she and Green Lantern ended up back together, it left a bad taste in her mouth.

"That's not me." She said wanting nothing to do with that parallel version of herself. That Kendra seemed to be from a race of Hawkmen people, but she was different, she was a human and only gained power thanks to her weapon, without the bond to it, she would be a normal human who had reincarnated countless times.

"I know," I said helplessly. Kendra bit her thumb, her hatred for Hawkman just growing. It was because of him that a parallel version of herself ended up betraying her lover. So we talked... more like her venting. I listened to it all, frowning deep down as I realized that maybe members of the Justice League shouldn't be in a relationship to avoid problems. 

Right now, Kendra's problems with Hawkman could lead to a full-out battle to the death knowing the type of person they are. I will hold a meeting on this tomorrow, and it looks like Wonder Woman and I might have to break up since she is dating her boss... that being me... I took my job seriously.

So, after the talk, we headed home. Kendra feeling happy that she had an ear to vent to, gave me a deep hug, which I took feeling unease as I could feel Wonder Woman's gaze on me. I didn't know why Wonder Woman was so angry, Kendra was hugging me because she was grateful, the only thing that was sexual here was the fact Kendra's breasts were pressed hard against my chest. But that just showed how relaxed and comfortable she was around me to not see me sexually.

"What's with the meeting?" Shazam who had to skip school asked while entering the room along with the rest of the members of the Justice League. I ignored him, waiting for everyone to arrive and sit down first before I spoke.

"Due to matters that have popped up, I came to wonder if dating was allowed here?" I said causing everyone to turn towards Hawkman and Hawkgirl, everyone knew they had been fighting. Mostly Hawkman who refused to let her go,

"You talk like this as if you're not the one who put the thoughts into her head." Hawkman angrily got up.

"You two pretty much forced me to talk on the matter, and like it or not, your thing is toxic. Your whole thing is that you were together in your past lives, so you have to be together with each other in this life. That's not adding the fact you use information about her past life to show you know her, your whole thing is manipulation, that's not adding how it's also part grooming... in all, it's something unhealthy I want here." I said calmly

"I agree. At the end of the day, she telling you no, back off." Black Canary said calmly, enraging Hawkman who glared at her.

"I too agree. This isn't a place for dating, but we can't also ignore the fact that Wonder Woman and you are dating." Zatanna said lightly, causing everyone to look towards Wonder Woman who froze realizing that was true.

"What you say is true, I wish to hear everyone's thoughts on the matter. I'm not bothered by the concept of you all dating each other, but when that could lead to unwanted problems later down the road, I believe we shouldn't ignore the matter." I said calmly, ignoring Wonder Woman who was panickingly looking at me.

"I agree with Escanor." Batman said leaving everyone to slowly agree, everyone but Wonder Woman and Hawkman voting against it. With that relationship between members of the Justice League was forbidden, something which made Hawkman throw me a death glare, which I ignored.

"Alright, what about you and Wonder Woman?" Hawkman asked to which Wonder Woman spoke up.

"Relationship between members of the Justice League isn't allowed, I can accept that... but Escanor isn't a member of the Justice League." Wonder Woman said to which Zatanna's eyes narrowed.

"Yet this matter is large enough to blind you to reason, and influence your vote for personal gains," Zatanna said to which Black Canary nodded in agreement, making Wonderwoman eyes widen as she realized they were after her man.

'These... Escanor wouldn't believe me if I just told him. I should show Escanor how far I'm willing to go for us.' Wonder Woman thought while glaring at the two,

"I'm unwilling to break up with Escanor, and as of late, I have been enjoying the simpler life with him... If my relationship with Escanor can't be accepted, I wish to step down." Wonder Woman said while looking at me with a loving smile, which stunned me.

"That's too far, no need for that," I said in shock, Wonder Woman, a heavy hitter in the League couldn't just give up. Everyone also agreed with me, while the females glared at Wonder Woman, which I guessed was because of how dirty her move was. I could understand them.

If they couldn't date members of the Justice League, then she shouldn't be able to do the same.

"I say you two should keep dating," Batman said while standing up to leave, if he knew it would have been a waste of time to come here he would have never come.

"Why?" I asked in interest. 

"You two dating isn't going to get in the way of League business, you're also capable of putting your personal life aside for work. Lastly, you're not a member of the League, so the rule we all voted for doesn't affect you." Batman said to which everyone got up to leave, marking that as the end of the meeting.

"I will be leaving the League... if we can't be together here, then let's leave," Hawkman said softly while looking at Hawkgirl.

"Hawkman, I expect you to follow the rules after leaving the League... breaking them would mean I will kill you," I said calmly while leaving, leaving Hawkman's eyes turning cold...

The next day

"Alright team, this would be your first mission," Cyborg said while standing before the members of Teen Titans. Everyone gathered, from Blackfire to the rest. A large screen was behind Cyborg, which allowed him to explain everything to them.

"Ever Since Escanor took up the role of being the Justice League overseer, it came with many benefits, amongst which was the power to stop civil wars worldwide. They had stopped themselves seeing the capability of the Justice League, but over time civil wars and other conflicts have begun popping up." Cyborg said while the screen showed the sight of a map.

"Kahndaq for the past few days have been surrounded in chaos, Our job is to go in there, find out what's going on, and report back to the League," Cyborg said calmly, making everyone's mood drop as they thought it was going to be something good.

"There is something you're not telling us," Raven said making Cyborg nod slightly.

"The Legion of Doom has been spotted around there, we guess they are moving their schemes around there. Move in stealthily, and quietly, and leave without catching anyone's attention. Call us before doing anything foolish." Cyborg said while showing the sighting of the Legion of Doom which has been seen there.

"Escanor might be able to bring back the dead, but the feeling of facing death and coming back isn't something you all want to endure. Many members of the League were against having you all take this mission, but Escanor went against all of our wishes. That being said, if you mess up, or one of you dies, the Teen Titans will be disbanded." Red Tornado said shocking everyone 

"Work together on this, plan, and make sure you all know what role you will take," Cyborg said calmly, with everyone nodding before he left them to plan...

"So, how was the ride in your new car?" Wonder Woman asked seeing me entering the house. I had just bought a brand new car, I had a whole empty car garage, I planned to fill it up with the best of the best of cars.

"Well, it was nice until I got pulled over," I said with a sigh, stunning Wonder Woman.

"Don't worry, she let me off with a warning. She just needed to get my driver's ID, phone number, and a few other information... She was nice." I said remembering how nice that cop was. I was going 90 in a 15 zone, yet she let me off... if only everyone was that nice.

"What?" I asked seeing Wonder Woman's eye twitch,

"Nothing..." Wonder Woman knowing it would be pointless to explain didn't bother, and instead returned to looking at the cookbook.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked in confusion, not knowing what was with her reaction.

"Forget it, come try the cookies I made." She said wanting me to try her cookies, I walked over and paused seeing the cookies that had eggshells within.

"When you were adding the eggs, did you remove the eggshells?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, to which she looked at me in confusion

"it said add 3 eggs, nothing about removing the egg shells." She said to which I rolled my eyes,

"Eggshells are not eatable, so I think you remove them... or are they eatable?" I said in confusion, to which Wonder Woman looked at me not knowing the answer. We both blinked before we pulled out our phones to look the answers up. I never cooked before, I was young when I died in my past life, and I never spent time in the kitchen, leading me to know absolutely nothing about this new world of cooking.