
The Iron Bank

Eragon after the Doom of Valyria called for a council meeting Fingolfin,Finrod,Olwe,Gandalf,Telchar,Feanor and Durin all attended the meeting.

Finrod questioned"So Valyria really fell?"

Eragon nodded and answered"Yes,the fourteen fires erupted and there was no survivors."

Gandalf with sadness muttered"An empire big as there's that disappeared in just a day."

Everyone felt bad for the innocent's that died,but this is life as Durin added"Lord Aule has deposited a huge pile of Valyrian swords,jewels and even dragon eggs after the doom.The message was that"I didn't want this to be wasted under molten rocks."

Some of them nodded as Eragon said"Now 5he Valyria's outlying colony-cities began breaking away and asserting their independence,things are going to get chaotic."

Finrod with disgust said"Worse, without the Valyrian dragons to keep them in check anymore, the Dothraki mounted hordes are slowly spilling out of the central plains of Essos."

Eragon nodded with sigh said"We contain the fights as much as possible without them spilling out to Westros or our side."

Everyone nodded,while Eragon turned to Gandalf and asked"What about the Iron Back?"

Iron Bank was formed by after the idea brought by successful trader and craftsmen.They asked Middle Earth for support,which Eragon agreed to.The Iron Back was created with help of Dwarves and it was grander than anything the people saw in Gray Haven.Also Eragon helped create two Vaults the most intricate and hard to crack the first was the Rheingold safe, it was designed with three dials .The design itself had many Dwarven inscriptions and designs.The second was Siegfried safe had 7 dials, making it one of the trickiest safes to crack even a dragon fire won't do anything.

Gandalf answered"They are slowly becoming the most powerful banking institution in the known world, richer and more powerful as time goes."

Olwe added"There methods of collecting debts while questionable but it is needed,since quite a few princes or kings default on their debts or are foolish enough not to honor their agreements with the Iron Bank, then they will support the opposition new princes and kings with the Iron Bank's support. These new princes and kings then honor the previous debt along with paying back the money the bank loaned them in claiming their new power, lest they suffer the same fate as their predecessors."

Saruman with a smirk said"They also have connection to House of Black and White,which is now worshipinf Death and Lord Mandos.Therefore some who refuse to pay die under questionable circumstances."

The House of Black and White is a temple in Grey Haven dedicated to the Many-Faced God.While due to interesting circumstances Mandos has a quite a huge weight there because Mandos is consider the Judge and The Just.

For Eragon Mandos is the sixth greatest of the Lords of the Valar, and the fifth greatest Aratar.

Eragon decided to change subject "What about the Yi To?"

Olwe spoke up"We already have good relationship with present Dynasty,which is called Yellow emperor,his name is Chai Duq is called a God-Emperor of the Golden Empire of Yi Ti and the fourth member of his dynasty. He has a wife a noblewoman of Valyria and even had a dragon at his court."

Fingolfin asked"Had a Dragon?"

Olwe nodded and replied"Yes,the dragon died of old age and the Valyrian women seems to be unable to give birth.I think Valyrian's did something to her to make sure there bloodline didn't spread."

Eragon hummed and muttered"Probably."

Slowly the meeting diverted to other topics like Alric Aldaron was succeed by his daughter Joanne Aldaron to be the Lady of Helka.This was a law among the Numeorian's that even females could become heiress.

A/N:I have been thinking of adding an LOTR women into the pairing could be


