
Chapter 3 Hello World

Five years have passed since I first opened my eyes in this new world. Yeah, yeah, not just an undiscovered star system or another galaxy. This is a new world. And it is amazing.

I didn't believe it myself at first, thinking that my force ghost had taken over the body of a newborn baby in some technologically backward sector. I thought my hatred for Kenobi had saved me again. Later, I realized how wrong my initial judgment had been. 

In order to revitalize my strength and powers, I started training as early as possible. Since I was in a baby's body, I couldn't think of any physical training, much less restoring my lightsaber skills. And where could I get all the necessary parts for a full-fledged lightsaber in this wilderness?

I decided to concentrate on force manipulation and even made a few discoveries about the synergy between local energy and midichlorians. In the past, Sidious had not trained me as his apprentice, but only as an assassin, a tool to get rid of troublesome individuals and organizations. Because of this, despite my talent and power, I was not initiated into all aspects of the Force and Sith arcane arts. I was able to gain some knowledge and skills from the holocrons later on, but it was still a long way to Sidious. 

Initially, I thought the Force was incredibly strong in this place. The more demanding manipulations came pretty effortlessly, but with the simpler ones I had to be extremely careful. In the old world, the effort it took to lift a bottle of milk into the air, in this one was enough to blow a hole in the ceiling with the same bottle and almost kill a man with it. Luckily there was no one there, and when the servants saw the hole in the ceiling they hurried to fix it, for they thought it was a fault on the part of the builders, and if the masters of the household noticed the hole they would suffer a fate worse than death. 

I realized this due to the fact that I can now effortlessly read the thoughts, without any intent nor effort, of all the mortals walking around. That's right, mortals. In this world, a certain caste of chosen people born with a strong enough spiritual root can begin to cultivate Qi, as the locals call it – the energy of heaven and earth, and achieve immortality. Those without talent live their lives as ordinary people from my old world.

Ironically, the chance to get what Sidious and most of the Sith Lords before him had dreamed of was now within my reach. The price is a mere death. As much as I hated the Jedi and their spineless teachings, I had to hand it to them, they were no fools. I don't remember who it was exactly, but he said that we pull closer to what we're running from and push farther away what we're chasing.

Speaking of cultivators, those who have dedicated their lives to the attainment of immortality, as it turns out, both of my new parents are exactly them. My father has an important position in the sect, although I'm not being told what it is because of my age, and he is the main provider of resources for the family. My mother, in addition to taking care of the internal affairs of the family and the clan, has devoted herself to the study and creation of artifacts, one of the many areas of Qi manipulation.

I only managed to hide my training from them until I was three years old. One day when I was practicing the subtlety of my control over my powers by mastering the speed and trajectories of a dozen wooden toy swords in the air and practicing various defensive and offensive formations, my mother burst into my room after yet another argument with my father. 

From the look on her face, it was clear that when she saw me, she immediately forgot about my father and was first shocked, then frightened, then hesitated, then rejoiced, then frightened again, then rejoiced again, and closed her eyes for a long couple of moments and with a face full of pride, said something like "This is what you should expect, my second son is a genius just like my first son, after all, my blood runs in them. Clearly, the blood of the mighty Dragon Skywalker family cannot be tainted by this yesterday's redneck Yuchen, ha ha!"

I didn't want to listen and clutter my brain further, but her monologue about the power of her family's genes lasted at least for another 40 minutes. By the way, I was reading all those emotions from her face, not reading them from her head. She's a pretty strong cultivator, after all, and I hadn't tried to climb onto the breach yet. With his success, Sidious had demonstrated to me the effectiveness of a covert, secretive tactic, with the right strike at the right moment. 

I also have an older brother in this world. We're 10 years apart in age. I've only seen him a couple of times in the three years I've been here. And even so, I've only ever seen him up close once, not long after I arrived in this world. The second time I saw him was from behind when he was training. I didn't see anything special about him then, but everyone around me calls him "A genius born only once every ten thousand years" or "A dragon given to our sect by the heavens themselves". 

After calming down a bit from her passionate monologue, my mother took me in her arms and ran to some kind of apparatus. As it was explained to me, it was a special artifact that can evaluate the quality of the spiritual root seed. Mine is Holy Purple, the only one better is my older brother's, who has a Golden Imperial Root, which is considered to be the best possible. It turns out that in the 145,000 years of the sect's existence, there have only been six of them, including my brother. Even now, everyone believes that he should become the next patriarch of the sect and be the personal disciple of the current one, whose spiritual root is also golden in color, according to rumors. 

They labeled me a genius, too, only I was "Born Once in a Thousand Years," and immediately began to teach me every discipline imaginable. First, the mortal ones, such as math, physics, chemistry, biology, and the like, where I was terribly bored, for though Sidious had skimped on teaching me all the mysteries of the force, he had not neglected the mundane sciences. "A true Sith must be perfect in all things," he used to say, "for the desire to possess and delight extends to knowledge too."

There I established my status as a genius and the treasure of the sect by the speed with which I learned everything. The second lesson from my former master was to hide where you can't be found - right under their noses. 

After gaining the mundane knowledge, which took me no more than a couple of months, I was taught the theoretical basis of qi wielding. This is where my interest was completely captured, and I began to consume the knowledge with a passion I didn't realize I had. One of my first theories was that it was simply a different use of force by the locals, but it was not. Qi and Force are completely different things! And at the same time, they are incredibly similar. The force initially manifests itself materially in blood in the form of midichlorians, and over time, the more powerful the bearer becomes, the more the force ceases to depend on midichlorians. Qi in turn, however, does not begin materially! The seed of the spiritual root is therefore spiritual, it is not in the body, it is in its astral plane! On the path of cultivation, the practitioner's main goal is to transform the immaterial into the material.

When I reach the age of five, my seed will have to be awakened, for without it I will not be able to feel qi. The ritual of the awakening ceremony was not explained to me. In general, in this place, rituals are not discussed with the uninitiated. 

When I turned four, I was allowed to start training with the sword after I saw another kid around my age practicing with it. I was initially turned down on the grounds that the kid was a sword-wielding genius with the perfect body constitution to master it. There was something about the stars or the moon? I can't remember. Luckily I'm a kid, so I took advantage. 

After my week-long revolt, I was finally given a blunted battle sword. The balancing was very interesting and unfamiliar, especially when compared to a lightsaber where all the weight was in the hilt. After doing a couple of swings and simple attacks at a made-up enemy, I quickly got used to it. And I was once again called a genius, but this time it was my father who was more pleased. He, in his turn, said "Finally someone in the family has awakened the blood of a great ancestor, and it is not a big deal that the spiritual root is not golden."

This is how I have lived these five years. Today is my birthday and the spiritual root seed awakening ceremony. I decided not to practice with the sword today, but instead to focus on the force and temporarily strengthen my mind's defenses, just in case. I have no idea what might happen at the ceremony, so I need to be prepared. Today could be my last day. 

And that's when I felt this small but interesting creature. It looked like a child and it was the size of a Porg. I thought someone had noticed my "abnormality" and had come for me. Turns out she was after some poor bastard. I was about to wish her luck in her search when I suddenly remembered.

Oh, so she's after that little thing that moved into "my" new body. I'd already forgotten about him. I felt his presence right after I first became aware of myself in this world, and he didn't notice me. At first, I was wary, I had never been in such a situation before, so I decided to observe the creature. His little frail soul was thinking very loudly, about greatness, about sexual relations, and about dominance. I thought it was an ancient proto-Sith who had somehow become attached to me, so vivid yet primitive were his emotions. But when it began to praise my new mother's breasts and lust for her for the next eight fucking hours, I realized it was just a pathetic worm, a parasite. Even the Hutts were not capable of the vile filth that this creature was thinking about.

I decided to punish him for insulting my new family and remembered a technique I'd learned in one of Darth Nihilus' holocrones. The information wasn't complete, as it turned out all the other parts had been destroyed. But it was enough to consume this pathetic little soul.

Turns out it was a human, I never thought humans were like that. Is that why they were able to overrun my entire past universe? No one else has ever multiplied so fast. 

Apparently, the kid was someone important. As my new dad says, "miserable-sad, sad-miserable." Of course, going back in time, I wouldn't change a thing. 

Well, good luck to the little creature hovering in front of me, I can't help it, I thought and didn't notice the smirk that crept onto my face. It's hard to impersonate a Jedi all the time, really hard...