
If a dragon ball reader was in Skibidi toilet?

A random man died who used to love dragon ball and was instead isakai'd to Skibidi toilet, he doesn't knows Skibidi toilet plot well soooo... He screwed..... Or is he? starts in the episode where titan speaker man is inflected!

perrin_b · 其他
2 Chs

Chapter: 1

((Word count: 1,969))

(( word count goal: 2,000+ words))

Chin was ready to beat these toilet poop bags to the ground, he got prepared and went towards the biggest toilet at his maximum speed. Chin decided to go for the biggest toilet, because he is the biggest target, plus his flusher is easy to pull out, right? Chin with his maximum speed, jumped over the biggest toilet in the group. 

Chin tried to land next to the flusher and tried to pull the flusher to kill the toilet faster, but it instantly was gone when the toilet grabbed on Chin legs with his teeth. The other toilets just smiled in a creepy way, but Chin couldn't think much about it. He was Slammed on the ground with full force, no holding back. Chin feels like something was broken in his body, after a bit of time - Chin realized that his legs were completely broken. Chin legs were in weird patterns and loops, Chin couldn't think much at all.

Chin with all his brain power, thought of something, somehow. Chin decided to use his KI on his legs to let himself recover, but his time was limited because of the hungry Skibidi toilets looking at him greedily. But lucky for Chin, the Skibidi toilets were deciding who will eat a part him first.

Chin used all his KI in his body to recover his legs back, after a bit - Chin legs recovered! But his legs were extremely weak which made Chin's hope completely disappear, Chin was afraid that he would die. Like really dying, even if he tried to move his legs then everybody's attention will be on him!

Chin was freaking out, looking at his System for any kind of help in his solution. Chin looked at the system for hours inside his mind but outside it was only seconds, Chin was looking and looking until he found something! 

Inventory: Gift pack x1 <-----only can be used once!< p>

Chin was very happy, but that happiness was quickly gone as it came. The Skibidi toilets were done deciding who will eat Chin, Chin suddenly freaks out of nowhere and was tapping on the screen rapidly. The gift pack was slowly opening which made Chin freak out more and more, before Chin can even open the gift pack his head was completely ripped off.....

|--GAME OVER!--|

Death Count: 0 -----> 1

Chin suddenly woke up, in a bathroom? Chin then realized that this is the same bathroom that he destroyed not too long ago, Chin was confused. "What happened?" Chin looked around, checking if this was a dream or not he punched himself in the stomach. Chin felt pain, too much pain. 

Chin then realized that this wasn't a dream, but real life! Chin got up and felt his head was hurting, Chin was confused. "Why is my head hurting so much?" Chin was a little dizzy but when he heard a familiar song, Chin froze. Chin looked at the five Skibidi toilets, Chin was stunned. Then Chin thought of something impossible and stupid, Did he die and reset at a checkpoint or something like that?

Power level: 40

Chin looked at the 5 normal Skibidi toilets and just simply said, "I already dealt with you once, let's get this over with! Shouldn't we?" Chin charge at the 5 normal Skibidi toilets and the battle started!

Chin started the pursuit first, grabbing the head of one of the toilets, with his two hands with full force on one of the normal toilet heads and crushed the skull of the Skibidi toilet head fully. The other toilets were actually scared of Chin pure power, so they tried to run away but Chin was faster. Chin with his pure speed, pulled and ripped all the flushers. They all died in a brutal way. 

Chin just stood there remembering what happened last time, when he fought the other group of Skibidi toilets. So he checked his status quickly and efficiently:

Name: Chin Len

Power level: 65

KI energy storage: 12

Skills: Fly: -1 KI per minute

Available Quests: 1. learn were you are in the plot: rewards: +70 power level and +30 ki storage: common

2. Kill any 20 of any Skibidi toilets: reward: +30 power level, +10 KI storage, and basic KI blast: common

3. Kill any 5 huge Skibidi toilet: rewards: +75 power level, +25 KI storage and KI recovery: common

4. Locked


Chin looked at his status and thought in surprise, " Wait what! When did my power level and KI go up?" Chin looked surprised and thought and thought, when did he get stronger? Chin didn't train at all, but he did get defeated by the group of Skibidi toilets. Then Chin mind raced, don't saiyans usually have this ability? 

Then Chin's mind clicked, is he a saiyan? Chin quickly shook that thought away, not believing it. Chin just looked around and saw the empty toilets on the floor just standing there, Chin just decided to walk out of the empty bathroom.

Chin decided to fight the group of toilets again but with less care free attitude against the toilets, after a few minutes Chin found the group of Skibidi toilets. With tons of familiar horrible thoughts, Chin rushed in at maximum speed again. 

Power level: 40

Power level: 65 - 70

Power level: 160

Chin quickly rushed at the small toilets first, making them get completely of guard by the attack. Chin was much faster than before, so the huge toilet couldn't stop him like last time, Chin stepped on one of the head of the normal toilets and before he jumped off Chin pulled off the flusher of that toilet.

Chin was on top of the other two toilets after a bit of falling and also pulled their flusher off too, Chin with his quick reaction speed and power threw one of the normal toilets at one of the rocket toilets, making the toilet stop it pursuit. 

Chin with his newfound speed went in front of the rocket toilet and punch it face hard which made it's skull break into pieces, Chin quickly pulled the flusher off which was making sure if it was dead. Chin quickly turned around and jumped, with a roundhouse kick to a another rocket toilet face. 

Breaking the skull of that toilet too but with more force and damage on the skull. Chin backhanded another rocket toilet in the face, who was trying to sneak attack him, which pretty much made the rocket toilet back off. After the rocket toilet was backhanded, Chin grabbed the rocket toilet head and he crushed the head again, Which made the rocket toilet unrelated to it other toilets faces. The rocket toilet face was completely unfamiliar to the other toilets which made them scared of Chin, Chin quickly kicked the useless rocket toilet away with no hesitation. 

Chin with no hesitation grabbed the last two normal toilets heads and slammed them together, which made their heads explode into mush. Chin looked at the other toilets and said in a silent voice. "3 more toilets to go."

Chin jumped and with his flying skill which made him jump higher than usual, made the toilets surprisingly shocked but thanks to their shock, Chin had the chance to finish the other two rocket toilets more off his list. Chin put up his two legs and with the gravity did a double kick on the two rocket toilets heads, which immediately killed them.

Chin looked at the last toilet who basically killed him on his last run, the huge toilet tried to grab him but Chin reacted faster. Chin punched the toilet head in a skillfully way, which didn't hurt the huge toilet much but it did give Chin a boost in speed which made him behind the big flusher. The huge toilet tried to stop him but he was too slow, Chin already pulled the flasher with one hand. After a bit of waiting the huge toilet was died too like the rest.

Chin looked at the all the died toilets and quickly looked at his status:

Name: Chan Len

Power level: 68

KI energy storage: 13

Skills: Fly: -1 KI per minute

Available Quests: 1. learn were you are in the plot: rewards: +70 power level and +30 ki storage: common

2. Kill any 10 of any Skibidi toilet: reward: +30 power level, +10 KI storage, and basic KI blast: common

3. Kill any 4 huge Skibidi toilet: rewards: +75 power level, +25 KI storage and KI recovery: common

4. Locked


When Chin was looking at his status something popped up in his mind which surprised him greatly, "Dang! You got a new option! Check it out!" Chin was a little confused on what he did but he still checked what the new option is.

[1st page]

- Status

- Deal Shop

- Locked

- Locked 

- Locked

Chin was excited, why? Because the system had something new which will entertain him for a while, so Chin quickly checked the deal Shop option but hesitates, Chin thinks about something. The other options are locked, so that made Chin wonder what else the system has. So Chin checked the deal Shop out without hesitation this time.

[1st page]

- status

- Deal Shop *tap*

- Locked

- Locked

- Locked

[2nd page]

Money: 165

Daily Deals For The Week!:

Ends in: A Month!

Power Level Boosted Pack! - Description: A power boost that makes you ten times stronger permanently! COST: 50 each - Total Storage today: 3 - time limit until restocked: 23Hours - 51Minutes - 7 Seconds!

KI Storage Pack! - Description: A KI boost in your pool, A 100% boost in KI storage permanently! COST: 75 each - Total Storage today: 2 - time limit until restock: 23Hours - 51Minutes - 7 Seconds!

Limited Deals for 24!: 

Ends in: 23Hours - 51Minutes - 7 Seconds!

Skill Pack! - Description: you will get 10 random Skills permanently! COST: 100 - Total Storage today: 1 - Time limit until restock: None!

KI Skill Pack! - Description: you will get 5 random Dragon ball skills! COST: 1,000 - Total Storage: 1 - Time limit until restock: None!

Transformation Pack!: You will get a random transformation from Dragon ball! COST: 5,000 - Total Storage: 1 - Time until restock: None!

Special Deals!: 

Ends in: 6 months

Information Pack: Get the information in a verse from any series of your choice! COST: 100,000 - Total Storage: 1(?) - Time limit until restock: error!?#

Top Deals!:

Ends in: 1 year

Perfect Angelic ultra Pack!: Get Ultra Insect, Mastered Ultra Insect, True Ultra Insect, True Mastered ultra insect, and something extra! COST: 1.5 Million - Total Storage: 1 - Time until restock: ~'|•√π÷׶∆£¢€¥^°={}\©®™℅[]±✓<>.

Perfect Sayain bloodline pack!: Get legendary super sayain bloodline, mythical sayain bloodline, mythical legendary super sayain bloodline, Supreme sayain bloodline, super elite sayain bloodline, Super sayain God bloodline, and something extra! COST: 100 million - Total Storage: 1 - Time until restock: ???

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Chin just looked at the new option and Chin thought, "I have a long way to go...." 

After a bit of shock, Chin just sighed and he just agreed that he got a long way to go. Chin looked at all the dead toilets that Chin just killed just now, Chin just walked past them and looked at the Shop and thought, "Let's start with my power level first before I do anything else." 

After a bit of walking and thinking, Chin made a left turn and met a few toilets that looked hostile. Chin was counting the toilets and their power level quickly, Chin quickly made a choice to fight the strongest toilets first before anything.

Power level: 40

Power level: 63

Power level: 160

Power level: 175

Chin was ready to kick some toilets ass and much more.

Author page: I hope you enjoy and have a Skibidi time!