
iCarly Entertainment Gacha

Since birth, Oliver carries memories of a distant world, as if he had lived a completely different life and retained knowledge of that place, but unable to remember any details about his former personality. Moved by his knowledge of this parallel world and the discrepancies he saw between the two, Oliver decides to take advantage of these differences. The first revelation is that in this new world there are no platforms like Twitch or YouTube. Determined to fill that gap, Oliver decides to create it himself! By creating his own Twitch, he discovers the existence of a unique System, which requires him to awaken positive feelings in people and be rewarded with random Gachas! However, the biggest surprise for Oliver was when he moves in and realizes not only the familiarity with the world of his memories, but also that this world is the universe of the famous series called iCarly! Remembering these characters from the show who are now real people, Oliver decided to help the trio with his knowledge while enjoying this fun experience. ------ NunuNote: This is not just an iCarly world, as most you know, Victorious will also be present in the future, but during victorious the characters were around 16 years old, so it wouldn't make sense for the MC to meet with the Victorious characters for now since they wouldn't even be on Hollywood Arts, of course, like everyone else, I also appreciate Cat and Jade, so don't worry about that. Another important point is that I will not limit myself to series from Nickelodeon, since Disney also has very good series and I intend in the future that some series from there will also be mixed, I leave it to your imagination to think about which series can appear. discord.gg/nunuxd patreon.com/nunuxd

NunuXD · 电视同人
11 Chs

10 - Spaghetti Tacos

[And what are we going to do today, Oli??]

"Great question, Cmols897! Today, to honor our guests, we're making Spaghetti Tacos. I think it's the perfect dish to represent the crazy thing that is iCarly."

[Spaghetti Tacos? Wtf]

[The Italians will hunt you down!]

[This sounds disgusting…but good]

[Will Oli cook something bad for the first time?]

[Hey, don't doubt Oli's powers!]

Oli places the white apron around her neck and ties it gently around her waist. Soon after, he delivers three aprons to his friends.

Unlike the regular white aprons Oli had handed out, his had the stream channel's logo embroidered in the center. It was the outline of a black kitten, representing Vers, with some gold accents.

"Well, shall we begin?"

Oli said with a smile on his face, handing one of the ingredients to each of them.

He handed the bag of pasta to Freddie, the tray of meat to Sam, and the bag of tortillas to Carly.

"Right! Let's start by preparing the meat. Sam, please open the meat tray and place it on top of the meat board. Let's modify the recipe a little by adding minced meat to the sauce, okay?"

Oli said, placing the meat board in front of Sam.


The three helpers respond excitedly.

Quickly, Sam opens the tray of meat with force, causing the meat to almost fall out.

"My god, Sam!"

Carly said desperately, helping Sam hold the tray.

"It went badly. I think I used too much force."

Sam is embarrassed by Oli witnessing that scene. She didn't like being so rough in front of him.

Oli began seasoning the meat with some special spices he had on the counter.

The three friends looked strangely at Oli's spice pots. It was as if they had never seen anything like it before.

"Do you know fennel seeds?"

Oli asked, lifting the pot of spice that had caught their attention the most.


Freddie replied.

"Never heard of it."

Sam said, bringing his face closer to the can to get a better look.

"What is it?"

Carly asked.

"Fennel Seeds are a unique flavor often used in Italian dishes like meatballs. I highly recommend adding him, but some people are not fans of Anise."

Oli explained, while looking at the stream's camera.

[Fennel Seeds? Never heard of it.]

[I KNOW THAT! My grandmother used to call it Fennel.]

[Isn't that for tea?]

Oli seasoned the meat with salt and Cambuci Pepper, and cut the meat into pieces, leaving neither too small nor too large, but just the right size to fit in the mouth without difficulty.

So he put some oil in a frying pan and started preparing the minced meat, letting it fry for a few minutes.

The smell of the meat frying in the frying pan was already making the helpers' bellies rumble loudly, showing that they were hungry.

"Sam, can you stir the meat with the spoon for a few minutes?"

Oli asked, offering the wooden spoon to Sam.

"Stirring meat is with me!"

Sam said excitedly, taking the wooden spoon from Oli's hand and running towards the pot of tasty meat.

"Just be careful she doesn't eat the meat."

Carly joked.

"I will work hard."

Sam replied, with a sly smile as he looked at the meat.

[Leave Sam with the meat? That looks dangerous]

"Now let's get to the pasta."

Oli said, approaching Freddie, who had an embarrassed smile on his face from being in front of the cameras.

"Can you open the bag of pasta for me, Freddie?"

Oli asked, pointing to the packet of pasta Freddie was clutching tightly.

"Oh sure."

Freddie answered and started trying to open the package of pasta, but the package wouldn't open. He started to pull the wrapper, making his thin arms tremble with so much force he was doing, but it didn't help.

Oli was staring at Freddie with a little doubt whether to help him or not, but before he could decide what to do, Carly put down the bag of tortillas and took the bag of pasta from Freddie's hand.


She said, opening easily, making Oli laugh internally at the situation.

"Okay, put the noodles in that pot."

Oli took Freddie to a pot of boiling water with a little salt to season the pasta.

Freddie has grabbed a handful of pasta and is about to throw it into the boiling water when Oliver steps in with a sharp look.

"Calm. Do it carefully so as not to burn yourself. If you throw the noodles at that height, the water could get on your hand. If you feel safer, you can put the noodles in with a big spoon."

Oli warned, handing Freddie a spoon before he caused an accident.

Meanwhile, Sam continues stirring the skillet with the wooden spoon, however, with each passing minute, she starts stirring faster, thinking that this way the meat would be ready faster.

Oli walks over to the frying pan and lowers the burners on the stove a little.

"You need to move a little slower. It's just so the meat doesn't burn, you know? The meat won't cook any faster."

He said, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Let me show you!"

Oli holds Sam's hand while she is holding the wooden spoon. He starts making circular movements in the pan, going around the edges, making sure the meat doesn't end up sticking to the pan.

[Sam's Commentary]

Sam was sitting on the sofa with her legs twitching with anxiety as she clutched a pillow tightly in her lap. Her cheeks were flushed.

"I don't know what that feeling in my stomach was when Oli touched my hand. I think I was just really hungry, but this time, it was a great feeling of hunger..."

She said confused, looking at nothing.

[Commentary Ends]

[Carly's Commentary]

A little sullen, Carly was sitting on the couch with her arms crossed.

"Does Oli like Sam? Like, she's nice and pretty, but I'm also nice and pretty. Why can't he like me too?"

Carly takes a frustrated breath.

[Commentary Ends]

Oli added the tomato sauce to the skillet where the meat was, when the noodles were almost ready and added some Fennel Seeds, while stirring slowly with a spoon.

After a few minutes, Oli turns his attention to Carly.

"Now it's time for our master club maker!"

Oli said, pointing his arms at Carly, as if introducing her to the audience.

Carly picked up a tortilla, examining it as if it were a masterpiece in itself. She took a deep breath and placed the ingredients millimetrically, doing a little fun for the camera, as if that task needed a lot of skill. She put the taco together, but some of the ingredients ended up slipping off.


Carly said, trying to clear the table with leftover ingredients.

Oli laughed and grabbed a cloth to help her clean up.

"I swear this is harder than it looks!"

Carly said seriously, but jokingly, trying to make the scene dramatic.

"No no. I believe in you! But let me show you a trick."

Oliver takes control, assembling the tacos with precision without overdoing the ingredients so they don't leak sideways.

[I can't believe I'm going to say this, but it looks delicious!]

[I need to eat this *crying emoji*]

[Sounds weird, but in a good way]

He sets the juicy tacos neatly on top of a ceramic platter.

The dish is perfect, worthy of a fancy restaurant, even if they are still Spaghetti Tacos.

"Gross, Sam! You are drooling."

Freddie said, looking into Sam's mesmerized eyes at his plate of Spaghetti Tacos.

"I'm going to drool on your face, Freddie!"

Sam responds irritably.

"Who wants to try it first?"

Oli asks, offering the first piece.

"I want to…"

Before Freddie can finish his sentence, Sam pushes him hard, causing Freddie to fall to the ground, and takes his place in line.


Freddie yells irritably, getting to his feet.

"I want! Give it to me, give it to me!"

Sam said desperately, her eyes shining, taking her hands towards the platter.

Quickly, she takes one of the Spaghetti Tacos carefully and brings it towards her mouth, almost swallowing it in one bite.

"Oh my God!"

As soon as the meat sauce touches her lips, Sam rolls her eyes at the incredible taste. The Spaghetti Tacos that Carly and Spencer made were really good, but nothing compared to the version that Oli had created.

Without waiting, Carly takes one of the clubs and puts it in her mouth too.

"Wow! This looks amazing! Oli, you really took this to another level!"

Carly said, her eyes widening as she stared passionately at the macaroni taco.

Soon after, Freddie pushes Sam slightly to the side to get a macaroni taco. Sam doesn't even notice the push because she's so focused on her food.

Freddie pops one in his mouth and rests his head back, mesmerized by the taste he was feeling.

[Their reaction is making me hungry!]

[I think I'll have Spaghetti Tacos today…]

[Sam's face is all smeared with sauce LOL]


Read 5+ Advanced Chapters of this novel and 14+ of my main novel on Patre on!

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