

Days passed and all I did was stay in my room and eat whatever was presented to me. I wasn't going to be stubborn again not after the stunt I pulled the other day. On that day, after Gerard left the room, he sent someone to bring some food for me and I happily accepted it without any care in the world

Today makes it a week since I've come to this unknown place and ever since the day he walked out of my room quietly, I haven't seen Gerard again but it wasn't like I cared. After all, I like my peace and quiet. I wasn't ready to be anybody's wife. I mean, I'm only 23 and if I get married one day, I want it to be to someone I love and who loves me back not like this beauty and the beast reality show.

I laid on my bed at night and read a book titled Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.


A scene at the mausoleum.

#Romeo: No! Not my glorious Juliet. Words reached me a few hours ago. I was pleased to buy this poison to drink so that I can be with you for all eternity...

I held onto my pillow and held my breath. In my heart, I was begging Romeo not to take the poison and wondered why this had to happen to the both of them.

Hot tears began to roll down my cheeks as I read further. Romeo actually took the poison and died.

# Juliet: ...Perhaps there is poison left upon his lips that I may take with a kiss But Wait I hear a noise and must act swiftly. Oh, happy dagger! I will use you to stab myself straight in the heart. Rest here dagger, and let me die with my Romeo.

Ah... Why? Why did they have to die? I instantly closed the book and began to cry like a child that was denied sweets.

I held my pillow tightly and cried for a long time. Why did I even choose this book? I've heard about it but never read it and right now, I'm regretting my actions.

My eyes were red and my head was pounding. I know it's childish to cry over books but I couldn't help it.

After I was sober, I walked to the bathroom that was in the room and washed my face before going downstairs.

I had barely taken ten steps down when I saw something that fascinated me. The door. It was opened.

This was the perfect opportunity for me to escape and go far away from here.

Quickly, I took to my heels and reached for the door. I peeked outside and saw that no one was in sight. How perfect, actually, too perfect.

This is too easy how sure am I that it isn't a trap? I've checked this mansion for the few days that I've been here and observed that no one sleeps and they are always watching me. So what changed?

No! I can't risk this chance. I must run for my life before they get back this is my only opportunity. I thought to myself.

I ran out of the mansion to wherever my legs took me. I just wanted to find someone who can help. I ran through the woods. I thought I heard someone call out to me but I didn't turn back and just continued running and finally, I got to the road.

I kept running while checking if I'd see any car that would offer to help me.

The road was dark and lonely but I still held on and hoped I would get someone soon.

Finally, I turned back and saw someone driving towards me. I ran to the middle of the road and waved for them to stop and thankfully, they did.

"Please sir, I'm lost can you help me?" a man with long beards and tattoos all over his body was seated in the driver's seat of the truck.

He said nothing and simple nodded. I was so happy and I quickly got into the passenger seat of the truck.

He began to drive and I sighed in relief. Finally. "Thank you, sir." I thanked him again but he said nothing and just drove silently.

I thought he was an introvert so I decided not to say anything else. Suddenly, the truck stopped and I looked up. Where is this? We were in the middle of nowhere and he just stopped here. I then thought that this was his destination so I thanked him and intended to leave the vehicle but he suddenly grabbed my hand.

I turned and my heart was beating as fast as a matching drum. "sir, can you please let me go, you hurting my hand."

And finally, he spoke. "You haven't paid for the ride."

I sighed in relief but then, reality dawned on me. I didn't have a penny how in God's name am I going to pay him now?

"Sir, I don't have any money right now and it's so dark I don't know where we are." I was panicking, fear written all over my face. Will, he let me go?

He let my hand go and got out of the truck. Whew, that was scary.

He opened the door to where I sat and motioned for me to get down and I did.

This man was a mini giant. His looks were scary and I felt like he would kill me. I am just grateful that I'm no longer in the truck.

"Thank you, sir." I turned to leave but he led my hand and pinned me to the truck.

My eyes widened and I shrieked when he drew closer. The stench of alcohol was all over him. It was obvious that he had not taken a shower for weeks and for all I know, he could be a psychopath.


"Didn't your parent tell you not to follow strangers?" his hoarse voice was sinister and his gaze was lustful.

I tried to say something but the words weren't coming out. The way he looked at me was like a lion that had just gotten

It's prey.

He held my shirt and tore it leaving my singlet as my only covering. I screamed when I saw his monstrous gaze on me. "Help me! Somebody help!"

Pa! The sound of a slap came before the sting and I fell to the ground. I have never been slapped like that ever in my life. Even when Mare slapped me, it wasn't as terrible as this.

His slap caused my ear to hear the sound of a siren and my cheeks hurt like fire. I could feel blood in my mouth.

He drew closer and I instinctively drew backwards until I lost balance and rolled over into the ravine. But just before I did, I saw the silhouette of a horrendous creature taking that man into pieces.

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