
I was reborn as an imp. So what?

In 2087, a new game has been released called Haven. It is a fantasy world nearly akin to reality, around 100 times the size of earth many believe it to become the new world of humanity. People will flock to this game like moths to a flame and attempt to become the strongest in the world. Luke is a normal teenager, goes to class and plays games. After finding a Haven VR system on his way back from school, he rushes home, but before he could get there, a rip in space opens and instantly kills him. He gets reincarnated as an imp in the Strata, a huge dungeon that spans most of the new world Luke finds himself in. He’s in Haven Armed with an op system and all of his gaming knowledge, Luke fights his way to the top and becomes the strongest player in the game. // hi there this is the author. English is not my first language so please excuse me if I make any errors. Please vote and comment to see more chapter. :) Not my artwork, if it is yours please tell me and I will change it//

Twin_Moons_ · 奇幻
24 Chs

What on earth?

Well seeing as the system is against me there is not a lot I can do, I should just play the game

I've only got one day until the game is officially open to other players and I need to get stronger. Only by killing Mobs can I gain XP and get stronger, I would need to kill a ton of imps to raise the level of my child and to level up my skills. I'm only Lv6, I am so low levelled. The other players are going to be much higher levelled than me in mere days so I need to get stronger very fast. I would need to attack my original Lava pit.

Once I had decided this I headed out of my cave in search of where I was "born", my blood minions where safely inside my inventory and I was ready to depart.

Once I had reached the edge of the lava pit, I readied myself and dived in with extreme elegance. The usual message about me being attacked by all the imps in the pit appeared and I dismissed it.

Last time I was there, there were tonnes of imps and strong imps too. I guess it takes a while for them to respawn and level up to how they were last time. Ten imps appeared in front of me and to my surprise only one was Lv2 and the other nine were Lv1. This would be moderately easy, especially if that pain in the ass imp from before hasn't levelled since last time.

Rushing towards the imps in front of me, I brandished my claws and sliced their necks. As their life spewed out of their bodies, I added them to my inventory and continued to look for the troublesome imp from before.


From above a massive boulder came flying towards me while another came from the darkness below. Every time I'm in this pit the little imp tries to crush me, I should really have a name for that imp, what about David? Nah that's too nice sounding, maybe Satan? You know, because he's the devil. Yeah I think that's good.

Another boulder races towards me but I narrowly dodged it with grace. Trying to locate it, I spun in a circle. I know it sounds dumb but Satan was too my original left about 200 feet away. I pulled out some blood and made a sword, as soon as I did I threw it with ferocious speed, I zoomed through the lava and the imp barely dodged it. A small cut appeared on the imps face, with a small finger it touched its cut and saw blood on its and it got very pissed off.

At least 20 large boulders came towards me, the imp was roaring with all its might and it seemed to be at its limit. The boulders rushed to me, the first I narrowly dodged but one was to fast so I destroyed it. With each boulder that headed towards me, my dodged and punched became more fluid. Just as I thought I was done, another 5 boulders came at me forming a circle, I could not dodge.

I punched out and shattered one of them and tried to rush through the gap but the rock formation closed in and covered the gap. After destroying another two, the remaining boulders were almost upon me. Suddenly a rip in space appeared and out crawled Izroth Jr. The little imp took one of the boulders for me and was sent flying away while I destroyed the other. Thank god for Jr's immortality, it was really useful. Unfortunately he would loose it when he became Lv10 but oh well.

In an instant I appeared behind Satan with a sword in my hand,


I whispered into its ear, it's eyes went wide with terror and I slashed open Satan's throat.

[Level Up!]

[As you have defeated the leader of your original Lava Pit you have the right to become the leader]

Do you accept?


I mentally clicked Yes with a smile on my face. A new interface appeared in the corner of my vision.

[Lava Pit Lv1]


Lava Concentration: Lv1

Starting Lv of Imps:Lv1

Level Up Lava Concentration to Level Up Lava Pit.

This is amazing, I now have access to a renewable source of minions.

[Gained 3 Skills]


When you enter or clear a Lava Pit you can claim it as your own and spread your territory.


Merge Lava Pits under your control to level up Lava Concentration and increase the Level Imps are spawned at.

With this skill I can go to that other Lava pit and add it to my collection, almost time to get moving.

Speaking of moving the last skill appeared in my vision


Able to move the Location of your Lava Pit.

With this I can move it to a safe place and not have to worry about my imps if I leave for a while. I'm thinking of leaving the hellish place I had spawned in.

After reading my prompts, I quickly left the lava pit and sat on the reddened earth and pulled out the corpse of the imp I had just killed. It truly was small compared to other imps, only about double Jr's size.

After releasing one of my low levelled Blood Minions, I pulled the blood of the imp out and created a minion.

[Lv15 Satan]






Intelligence: 100

Magic Attack:50



Control 30 blood minions


Manipulate the elements around the user

Affinity: Earth Fire


This is a game changer, so mages have different affinities for different elements. That's probably why the imp only used boulders to attack, it also explains why it killed me in almost one hit every time, it's magic attack was extremely high.

I think I understand the stats now, strength is well, strength. Agility is your speed dexterity and reaction speed and Intelligence is your mana and mana recovery. It's a simple system that is used by most games, the only thing that still confuses me is the Magic Attack. I know that it's how much damage you do with your magic at any given time, but I don't know how to raise it.

Oh well, those are questions for later. For now I should take control of that other Lava pit. With extreme speed I rushed over and dived into it.

[Do you want to take control of this Lava Pit]


Once again I mentally killed Yes, a new prompt filled my vision.

[Congratulations! As the first Player to control two Lava pits, you have been awarded the Title (Conqueror)]

[Conqueror Lv1]

In sieges your allies have +10% attack and enemies have -5% Defence. Take control of more settlements to increase the Level.

Well that's pretty amazing, it doesn't have the best effects but it's still very good. After finishing reading the prompts I used [Move] and moved the Lava pit to where my other one was. Once I reached the two, I used [Merge] and created a bigger Lava Pit.

[Lava Pit Lv2]


Lava Concentration: Lv2

Okay now that that's done I should move my Lava pit to my cave. Once again using [Move] I dragged my lava pit alongside me as I ran back home. I had to dodge quite a few mobs, with my amazing strength I could have killed them but I wanted to get as many things done before people joined the server later. It was only 5 hours until players would be joining and I need to leave this place if I want to tell my mum that I'm alive.

Once I had reached the entrance to my cave, I pulled out my minions and told them to fortify the cave, I want my imps to level up in peace without fear of being attacked by other Lava Pit Leaders. My minions got to work making the walls more compact and harder, they started to erect a gate at the entrance of the cave and it looked amazing.

I placed the lava pit just behind my house and imps started to spawn in the hot hole, they instantly started attacking each other and one by one they levelled up. It would be in my best interest if my imps could level as much as they could.


A large section of the wall fell over and squished one of my blood minions, blood oozed out from under the slab and reformed the minion in all its former glory.

"Holy Shit!"

Excuse the language but that is overpowered. My minions could never die, though they couldn't die I did feel a very small amount of energy leave my body to reform the minion.

Seems like I truly am overpowered, without missing a beat I told my two Sargeant rank minions to go attack other Lava pits once they were done fortifying my humble cave. With each being able to control 30 minions, I had a small attacking force that would never die.

After a while the walls were finally finished and the cave was fully fortified, there were guard posts throughout the cave (seemed a b it excessive), multiple gates that needed to be opened before you could reach my house and even traps that would be needed to defend against intruders.

With all of that done, my two Sergeants left the cave in search of more Lava Pits, I wouldn't be able to do this myself as I was leaving the dungeon that I had spawned in. After promptly leaving the cave that had become my extremely impenetrable home, I started to run around. On my way through the layers of earth when I was reincarnated into an imp, I had seen a stair way that led upwards it was next to a large mountain, not unlike my own. It was surrounded by massive trees, I hadn't seen trees in all my time down here, with all the heat and fire it was near impossible, but these trees were different. They were dark red and seemed to resist the heat very easily, their leaves were a mahogany red and the branches like oak dipped in blood. There was an entire forest of them and it looked amazing.

After an hour of running around and avoiding many extremely high level beings, I finally found the forest.

On my way through the red forest I noticed a small shadow following behind me the entire way, it looked like it was trying to hide but also trying to be seen. It was hard to explain.

It continued to follow me through the forest, when I was tired of being followed I turned and shouted.

"What do you want?!"

Once my words reached the shadow it slunk away, almost asking me to follow it. I did not decline.

The shadow moved fast through the red and luscious terrain, it narrowly dodged low hanging branches and high level beasts. With every step we when further into the wooden landscape that surrounded us, as the shadow ran I followed in its footsteps. After ten minutes of running a cave appeared and I entered.

The light seemed to disappear and I was encompassed by darkness, I kept running through the darkness not knowing whether I was still following the shadow. I could feel the cave open up and new air rushed into my lungs

"Welcome, it is my pleasure to have you here!"

A female voice resounded through my mind as the walls around me were suddenly brighten by torches that seemed to light themselves. That's pretty handy.

After all the torches were set alight I could finally see the entire room. There was a large golden medallion in the middle of the room, it had the picture of a demon inscribed into it and it was held my silver chains that hung from the ceiling. I felt pressured by the aura that it released, it was neither evil nor good, light nor dark, it was grey.

Once again the female voice resounded in my head.

"Hello Izroth, while you do not know who I am, I know you. I have been watching your exploits in this place, the first ever imp to evolve into a demon and then to go onto conquering two Lava pits. Amazing. It was quite a surprise seeing you become a demon as they are usually found lower down in the Underworld, but that's okay. I am the founder of the Fallen and I wish to make you my inheritor.

Hey everyone, for every power stone you give from now on I will bring a new chapter out. :)

Have a good day

Twin_Moons_creators' thoughts