
I Wanted To Reincarnate Normally!! Not In This Yuri Game!! (GL)

Hameru Matasoto was a very cheerful and stubborn girl, she has no sense of direction and always seemed to get lost. Ah, what a predicament. She never knew she would die because something as small like that. Hameru met the God of Light and Fate, God of Fate. It seems that she died without them even knowing, as an apology they made Hameru reincarnate. With a wish to make she chose to make her life to be normal, but they unknowingly said "An Exciting Life" Oops? "Hah. Cheerful and stubborn, huh? Being naive wouldn't excuse a stupid girl. I can't believe I used to be like that." The game she reincarnated in started to twist her personality into something more fitting of the character "Nikami Shiromoru." Cold, Distant, and blunt she became. And what's worse? She's being forced to fall in love with the Main Character of this game, Sweet like smelling a rose while the thorns prick the hand, blood dripping down. "I want to stop this, This is the opposite of normal you tricksters of Gods."

VoltyLemonii · 奇幻言情
47 Chs

Chapter 37, Too Bright.

Nikami POV

Shukona looked at me when I was sitting down covering my face, sweating, and breathing heavily.

"Nika?!" Shukona then runs over to me and takes the chair near me, then drags it next to me.

She sat down to it and then grabbed my right hand then rashly put it at the side revealing my exhausted face that was sweating.

"Are you alright…? What happened…?" Shukona asked me in a low voice, she was shaking due to her worry.

She looked at me straight in the eyes, her body fully faced towards me. Her eyes were slanted down clearly worried about my well-being.

"I-I… I'm fine." I answered her questions between huffs, sweat dripping down my face.

"That is an unmistakable lie! How inelegant… Lying about your well being…" Shukona groans and glared at me, holding my hands tightly. Staring directly at my eyes.

"Huh? What happened?" Yasachu turns her head towards us to look over at what happened.

"Hey what the? Is she okay?" Yuutsu turns her head towards us as well.

"I said I'm fine…" I spat, glaring at the three of them.

"Shi-shiromoru-sama?!" Yasachu felt a chill down her spine seeing me like this, she started to shake…

She looked down, her face started to darken… Yasachu then clenched her fists.

"How… wonderful…!" Yasachu muttered so silently that no one heard it, not even Yuutsu who was right beside her.

Yasachu felt ecstatic getting a glimpse of me being like this, who could have made her like this?! Her blank face was distorted by tiredness… Yasachu wanted to see more of it, She wanted to see more of my emotions.

Yasachu then shook her head, then slapping herself in the process. What was she thinking?! No, she only wants the best for Nikami… She shouldn't wish for negative emotions… But in the end, she couldn't help liking what she saw, even if she regretted it.

"Hey?! Chu-chan why did you slap yourself?" Yuutsu cups Yasachu's cheeks gently, slowly caressing her red cheek.

"Hu-huh? I-I don't know…" Yasachu acted like she didn't know, she can't tell Yuutsu she wanted to see more of Nikami's emotions.

"Ah geez, be careful… you really feel like such an airhead…" Yuutsu chuckled a bit and took out a small band-aid, and put it on her cheek.

"It ain't much, but at least it's there…!" Yuutsu giggled and kissed Yasachu's cheek that had the band-aid.

"Ah?!" Yasachu slightly jumped at the unexpected kiss, her cheeks turned red from the action.

"See ya later, my apprentice. My girls would be worried if I stay long, if you need me just ask a girl! They'll know. See ya!" Yuutsu's tail wags as she bows down to Yasachu and goes out of the room.

Yasachu gently touched the cheek that Yuutsu kissed her and stayed in the position for a while.

Yasachu was just dumbfounded because of what Yuutsu did, it may have been just an act of friendship… But her face was really hot.

"..." I stayed quiet looking at Yuutsu who skipped away.

"So, can you tell me exactly why you were like that? Don't make me wait Nika." Shukona was still holding my wrist tightly.

"It's just… Her smile reminds me of Rai somehow, and I… I still feel nervous if… Rai will still like me…" I lied about this since she would believe me if I told her the truth…

[I miss you… Rai… I hope you didn't change...] I thought, shivering at the thought of her rejecting me…

Shukona sighed and lightly smiled at me.

"Do you really think he would change? He is our best friend Nika, his personality may have been slightly altered from the years you haven't seen him… But he is still the Raijin we both know and love. I promise." Shukona lets go of my wrist and pats me.

[... You don't understand Shu, If I changed, I'm sure she changed as well… This stupid universe… Changing us only for the plot to progress… It's honestly just dumb… Why can't you let us be…?] I thought, clenching my fists.

"An-and besides!" Shukona glances at Yasachu.

"I can see how her smile reminds you of Rai… Bright and cheerful." Shukona scoffs and smiles at Yasachu gently.

"Yea…" I nodded agreeing with her, my nervousness stopped and I was now relaxed due to Shukonas talking.

[Once again saving me… I promise Shu, I won't let you have a bad end.] I thought, making a one-sided promise with Shukona.

Yasachu was still flushed because of what Yuutsu did, while the two of us were talking she was still in this condition.

"Hahh? What happened to her? And where is that inelegant wolf?" Shukona asked, confused about Yuutsu's whereabouts. She was so focused on easing me up she forgot about the two of them.

"Kurogane kissed her cheek and left." I said to her in the same monotone voice I always have.

"Hah?! Ho-how inelegant!! Kissing a maiden's cheek and then just leaving like THAT?!" Shukona exclaimed in irritation. her mouth was open wide, she looked revolted and shocked.

Shukona's eyebrows were buried into her face, she went straight to the stunned Yasachu.

Shukona put both of her hands on Yasachu's shoulders and that made Yasachu shiver back into reality.

"Eh??" Yasachu let out a noise of surprise.

"Let's go report her for sexual harassment."  Shukona stared darkly into Yasachu's eyes.

"EH?!!?" Yasachu was now confused and startled.

For a while, the three of us were just there in silence.

Shukona was still staring into Yasachu's golden eyes, holding her shoulders firmly.

Yasachu was looking up back at Shukona, speechless and confused about what to do when a giantess is holding her shoulders.

I was looking at them silently on the sidelines, as I always do.

I stood up from my seat, sighing.

"You're being too overprotective Shu, It was just a simple act of affection." I walked towards them.

"Incorrect! I-I am certainly not being overprotective, especially towards a commoner!" Shukona rebutted my statement.

"Eh? Wait-" Yasachu looked towards me, then at Shukona. And now she started to sweat.

I shook my head in disapproval, then glaring at her.

"We both know well that you are mean and harsh to people when you first meet them, but when you spend time with them you slowly open up. And you complimented her earlier, and it's very rare for you to do that." I scoffed at Shukona, then glanced at Yasachu.

"Amatarini-sama…. Complimented me?" Yasachu turned red and stumbled back because of astonishment.

"Kh?!" Shukona cheeks flushed red as well, she folded her hands and looked away.

"S-so what if I did?" Shukona's head turned back to them and glared at Yasachu, still bright red.

Yasachu's eyes lit up, the lock of hair that was standing in the middle of her head swung around.

"I'm so happy!" Yasachu let out a blinding smile.

I quickly looked away as soon as I saw her smile.

[So bright…] I thought, my head turned away from Yasachu.

Shukona saw her bright smile as well and stumbled back, her eyes slightly wide due to Yasachu's smile.

"Hmph, you be-better be!" Shukona points at Yasachu, pridefully lifting her own chin.

[We have been here for a while now… Why hasn't the bell rung yet? Do we really need to go meet the other capture targets…? Tch, this world and it's foolish plot.] I thought, looking back at them. Now looking for a reason to leave the library and find the last two capture targets.

I saw some students staring at us, and some whispering while glancing at us.

[Bingo.] I thought, going towards both of them and then whispering.

"Listen, there are some students rudely staring at us. Even though the president told them to stop… Shall we leave?" I asked both of them, folding my hands.

"Staring?" Yasachu looked around, and I was right. The students were watching us, murmuring.

"Kh. How inelegant of them…" Shukona muttered then nodded.

"But where should we go?" Yasachu tilted her head, asking a question.

"Courtyard." I answered immediately.

"But haven't we already been there?" Shukona raised one of her eyebrows, confused about why I would suggest that again.

"I just have a feeling." I told them, being mysterious.

"Very well then, we shall leave." Shukona glanced at some of the students before going towards the exit, Shukona didn't ask me again, she trusted me enough to know that I knew what I was doing.

"A-ah! Okay!" Yasachu followed her from behind, nervously walking behind her.

"..." I walked behind both of them, exiting the library.

[... I'm coming Rai, please wait for me.] I thought as I walked into the hallways with Shukona and Yasachu.