
I Shall Rule the Gods

Hao Juanxiu is a young master of the ruined Hao Clan. During their most dire situation, fortune will smile upon him, when an insignificant-looking cube actually contains the secret of the Primordial Era. However, he will soon realize that he is not a martial art prodigy. Without the power or strength, Juanxiu will decide to use the knowledge and resources he gained from the tower to build the strongest army that can rival even the gods.

Minoaahh · 奇幻
80 Chs

The Xuanwu Realm 

As the Hongpuhui University team made their way to the competition grounds, they couldn't help but feel like outcasts. They stood far from the congregation of students, who were chatting and laughing amongst themselves. Despite their boost in cultivation and their hard work over the past two weeks, they still lagged behind compared to the students from other universities.

The other students had an air of confidence about them, some of them already having reached the peak of the Soldier rank, while others had even stepped into the rank of the Experts. It was clear that they had been trained by the best martial arts masters and had access to the best resources.

Juanxiu's team looked at each other, feeling a bit intimidated by the competition.

As the Hongpuhui University students waited on the sidelines, Liu Xie spoke up with a hint of concern in his voice. "Is it true that people die inside?" he asked Peng Gui.

Peng Gui's face grew serious. "The world of Jianghu is always a dangerous place," he replied. "Most of the time, you will have to risk your life to discover opportunities. There will be challenges once you get inside, you have to be alert."

Yan Zhenqing nodded in agreement. "This is perhaps the first real challenge that we will take in the outside world during our student years," he said confidently. "But we are ready for it."

However, Ban Zhao was feeling anxious. "Perhaps I should just remain. Otherwise, I can only pull down the team," she said nervously, feeling like she was the least qualified to be on the team.

Wang Shaojun wasn't having any of it. "What are you saying? You're going to leave me alone with these five boys? You shouldn't do that to me," she joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Zhang Heng chimed in with some words of encouragement. "Besides, we all have our strengths and weaknesses," he said. "What if we stumble upon something that only you can recognize?"

With that, the team took a deep breath and prepared themselves for what lay ahead. They knew that it would be a challenging journey, but they were determined to prove themselves and show the other universities that they were not to be underestimated.

As the group from Hongpuhui University continued their conversation, a sudden silence filled the air as a majestic ship bearing the insignia of Irexerra University appeared in the sky. Slowly but surely, the Cloud Chaser descended from the sky, drawing the attention of everyone around them.

Out of the ship stepped an old, cunning-looking man who could only be the principal of Irexerra University. He was flanked by two teachers - one muscular, wearing an impressive suit of armor, and the other quiet and reserved, with long dark hair and scrutinizing eyes.

Following the principal were ten students, each one impressive in their own right. One by one, they followed behind the principal, their rank and skill levels evident from their confident demeanor. The lowest-ranked student was at the fourth stage of the Expert rank, while the highest was at the very peak of the same rank.

As Principal Luo Wenyan of Irexerra University descended from his majestic ship, one by one, the principals of the other schools approached him, greeting him with flattery and trying to curry his favor.

"Principal Luo Wenyan, as expected, your students are once again promising this year," said Principal Zhang of Tianxing University, bowing deeply.

"It is so good to see you. I hope our students can cooperate with one another," added Principal Li of Qingyun University.

"Principal Luo, I am happy to see you in good health," chimed in Principal Wei of Huaxia University.

As they exchanged pleasantries, Principal Yuefeng approached Principal Luo and whispered something in his ear. The Irexerra principal's attention shifted towards the location of Hongpuhui University, and a sinister smile crept onto his face. He then began walking towards Peng Gui and his team.

Principal Luo smiled and nodded his head as he recognized Peng Gui, the principal of Hongpuhui University. "Peng Gui, my comrade. Fancy seeing you here."

"Why wouldn't we. Today is the opening of the Xuanwu realm, and I am hoping that my students will encounter an opportunity inside," Peng Gui replied.

"Of course, but don't you think they are somehow... lacking? Don't get me wrong, I'm just giving you advice. Perhaps you are pushing your students to their untimely death, just like what happened in the past," Principal Luo cautioned, his voice dropping to a whisper.

Peng Gui raised an eyebrow. "I am confident that my seven students will not encounter any misfortunes inside."

As they spoke, Juanxiu from Hongpuhui University kept a low profile, standing apart from the group. Principal Luo didn't seem to notice that Juanxiu belonged to this group.

Yao Yaozu, a teacher from Irexerra University, interjected. "Seven? But there are only six of them..."

Peng Gui chuckled, realizing his mistake. "Oh! Kid." He called out to Juanxiu. "Come here and greet Principal Luo."

As Juanxiu approached, Principal Peng Gui's expression grew into a wide smile. Principal Luo, on the other hand, was baffled. He tried to sense the cultivation of the young student, and to his surprise, found that it was at the peak of the Expert rank. He couldn't help but be impressed, as it was rare to see someone from Hongpuhui University achieve such a high level of cultivation with limited resources. Moreover, he's qi is solid and heavy. it was unlike anything he had ever felt.

"Good morning Principal Luo," Juanxiu greeted with a nod.

Principal Peng Gui noticed Luo's surprise and spoke up. "This is Juanxiu, our newest student. He has been making great strides in his cultivation recently."

Yao Yaozu, another teacher from Irexerra University, smiled and approached Juanxiu. He saw this as an opportunity to leave a good impression on the student, hoping to convince him to enroll in their university. However, little did Yaozu know, Juanxiu had no plans of enrolling and was simply doing a favor for Principal Peng Gui.

Yao Yaozu turned to Juanxiu and said, "After this Xuanwu realm, and if you want better opportunities, you can always seek us. Isn't that right, Principal Luo?"

"Of course," replied Principal Luo, "we always welcome genius students in our rank."

Juanxiu almost laughed at the word "genius." If they only knew how long he had cultivated to reach his current level, they would consider him the "trashiest of the trash." Principal Peng Gui played along as if amused by what he was seeing.

Peng Gui asked Principal Luo, "What is the meaning of this? Don't tell me you are trying to steal one of my students."

Yao Yaozu interjected, "Principal Peng, we are simply offering him a better option."

Principal Luo added, "Yes, and what do you mean by stealing? We only want to make him realize that he made a mistake coming into your school."

"Isn't that right?" Principal Luo looked around at the other principals in the area, seeking allies.

There were mumbles and noises of agreement from the other principals, eager to show their support for Principal Luo.

"Anyway, let's focus on the task at hand," Principal Luo continued, regaining his composure. "The Xuanwu realm will soon open, and we have to prepare for it. All schools can send in at least ten of their representatives." He then gazed towards Hongpuhui University, and the air in the room suddenly grew tense.

"Except for Hongpuhui, who can't seem to even produce ten students," Principal Luo finished, his voice dripping with disdain.

There were snickers and laughter from the other principals.

"Now, as we move forward with the preparations, it's important to note that each student will be given a ring to wear. This ring will ensure that the students from the same university will appear in the same location within the Xuanwu realm. Any students who are not wearing the ring will be sent to a random location within the realm, making things much more dangerous for them. Remember that you only have two weeks to spend inside the tower, then you will be automatically ejected. If you die inside, your remains will remain inside."

The principals nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of such a measure.

As the group of principals and students made their way to the entrance of the Xuanwu realm, they were greeted by a row of pillars that looked as though they had been forgotten by time. Their surfaces were etched with deep grooves and cracks, and the paint that had once adorned them had long since peeled away.

Despite their worn appearance, the pillars emitted a faint glow that hinted at the powerful magic they contained and that something is about to burst open. The principals approached the pillars with reverence, each one producing a small pouch filled with energy crystals.

As they poured the crystals into the pillars, the air around them began to shimmer and twist. A deep rumbling sound filled the air, growing louder and more intense with each passing moment. The ground beneath their feet began to shake as the entrance to the Xuanwu realm began to open.

The students watched in awe as the once-inconspicuous pillars suddenly came to life with a burst of energy, revealing a glowing portal that beckoned them inside.

Juanxiu approaches the pillar, his eyes scanning the portal as he draws closer. As he gets nearer, he notices the faint outline of a sigil etched into the stone. He recognizes it immediately as a type of formation, a powerful warding magic that limits the age of those who pass through it.

A sense of worry grips him as he realizes he has stayed inside the Tower of Primordial Era for over a hundred years. Will the sigil recognize him as too old to enter the realm beyond? Will he be trapped forever inside the realm, cut off from the rest of the world?

With a deep breath, he steps forward and touches the sigil. A bright light envelops him, and he closes his eyes, feeling his body being pulled forward. After a moment, the light fades, and he opens his eyes to find himself inside the realm.

To his relief, there seems to be no problem. He feels no ill effects from his extended stay inside the tower. Perhaps it is due to the pure energy that permeates the tower, preventing those inside from aging or suffering any other ill effects. Whatever the reason, Juanxiu is grateful to have made it through the sigil unscathed, and he looks forward to exploring the realm beyond.

The students of Hongpuhui were greeted by a breathtaking sight. They find themselves standing in the middle of a dense forest, with towering trees reaching high into the sky above. The canopy overhead filters the sunlight, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.

The air is rich with the scent of pine and damp earth, and the sounds of birds and insects fill the air with a soothing symphony of natural music. The ground beneath their feet is soft and springy, covered in a thick layer of moss and fallen leaves.

As he looks around, Juanxiu notices that the trees here are different from any he has seen before. They are tall and slender, with smooth white trunks and delicate leaves that shimmer like silver in the sunlight. The branches are adorned with delicate flowers and buds that seem to glow with an inner light. These are trees that existed on period younger than the Primordial Era- the Lost Era.

In the distance, he can hear the sound of a river flowing, and he sets off in that direction, eager to explore this beautiful new realm. As he watch this environment, he takes in the sights and sounds of the forest, feeling a sense of peace and wonder wash over him. It is clear that this is a place of great beauty and mystery, and he can't wait to see what other wonders await him in this enchanted realm.

As Juanxiu continues to observe the Xuanwu realm, he feels a sudden twinge at his chest. Looking down, he notices that his pendant has begun to twist and turn of its own accord. Before he can react, the pendant transforms into a creature, and he is momentarily startled to see his beast the Chaos Striker hovering before him.

"You are awake," he says, relieved. "You had me worried."

The Chaos Striker communicates with him telepathically, its voice echoing in his mind. "I can sense a treasure here," it says, its eyes glinting with excitement.

Juanxiu nods, feeling a sense of curiosity and anticipation building inside him. He trusts the instincts of his pet, knowing that it has magnificent background.

He knows that there is much to discover in this enchanted land, and he is eager to share his knowledge and experiences with others.

With this in mind, he decides to reach out to his fellow students at Hongpuhui University, hoping to lead them on a journey of discovery and adventure. He gathers the six other students, each with their own unique skills and talents, and begins to guide them through the forest. Actually, it was the Chaos Striker guiding them.

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