
Chapter 50

Under the dim glow of the base's interior, Kage, now on a critical mission, stood surrounded by familiar faces: Breaker, Scarlett, Heavyduty, and General Hawks. Their silhouettes etched against the backdrop of a high-tech briefing room, awaiting the impending revelation.

With a nod from General Hawks, Breaker activated a holographic display. A face materialized, its features sharp and menacing—Mollaka Danso. There was huge burn scars on his face.

"Mollaka Danso," General Hawks began, his voice stern. "A terrorist and bomb-maker. Our team, led by Flint, Scarlett, and Lady Jaye, pursued him. The chase ended fatally, denying us crucial intel about his network and group that is backing him."

Kage's gaze intensified. "Any leads from his belongings?"

Breaker intervened, "A bomb and a phone. One message received." He manipulated the hologram, revealing detailed activity logs.

Breaker did not stop, his fingers danced through the lap as holographic image zooms into the three pulsing cellular zones the phone passed through on the Bahamas. He calls up a 3D MAP, zooming closer on those zones: a road passes through them, leads to only one place. a country club.

"Tracked to a country club in the Bahamas." Breaker added, presenting CCTV footage.

Kage took the CCTV video feeds from Breaker and takes out CCTV camera labelled JULY 06, feeds it into a machine and jumps to 7:13 pm.

Simultaneous feeds from several cameras through the footage as people come and woman, a kissing couple, then a classic up. A beautiful woman with we will come to know as Solange climbs out of the passenger side A man we'll call Alex Dimitrios steps out the driver's door. He flips closed his cell phone.

Kage freezes the image and looks at the time stamp -7:14,22. He checks the cell phone called ended at 7:14:22pm.

Kage muttered"So this is the guy.ALEX DIMITRIOS, officially listed as a government contractor in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechneya , Rwanda, Nicaragua, El Salvador, going back to the 70s. Dealer in arms, information, ties to death squads and right wing paramilitary groups."

General nodded and said"Yes, we believe he is just mediator.So we want to send you on solo mission to find out about more about this group."

Kage hummed and asked"Does Alex Dimitrios now known associates."

Breaker nodded and brought up multiple images, but all most of all of them were dead.But soon it stopped on one old image, it was Albanian white male with bright black, short hair and his eye were brown (right), blue (left).They had distinct feature, which was Scarred left eye.

His name was Le Chiffre, listed along with a dozen aliases.

Scarlett then spoke up"Le Chiffre is a greedy criminal who would do anything to make a profit, he financed multiple terrorist attacks for his personal profit. But we were never able fully pin point him without evidence and he has a lot of connections."

General then spoke up"So you have your targets and make sure to bring enough information to take this group down."

Kage nodded and replied"I will get on it, now."

Kage went to take the equipment he needed for the mission like some of his normal weapons like shuriken, Arashikage sword a damascus steel blade with double fuller grooves, etched emblem, and a leather and rayskin wrapped grip. 

Then some gadgets he created like Kingsman watch...etc.

Kage informed Gisele about the mission, she hummed and questioned"To get more information about Alex Demetrios and his dealings, you probably need to get close to his wife Solange."

Kage sighed, but nodded.

Kage muttered"She is the key."

Gisele gave a subtle nod, her confidence unwavering. She understood Kage's methods; seduction was often his tool for extracting information. With Solange potentially entering their circle, Gisele remained unfazed. Having adapted to Ana's recent inclusion, the addition of Solange would merely be another ripple in their intricate dynamics.