
Chapter 2553: Acquisition_1

At this moment, the Federation members who had been hiding in the shadows, anxiously awaiting the return of Qiangu Qingfeng, were growing increasingly restless...

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, one of them blurted out, "The Vice Chairman hasn't come back yet. Could it be that something has happened to him inside the Spirit Pagoda?"

Another person, hearing this, declared with certainty, "Definitely. It has already been four or five days since the Vice Chairman entered the Spirit Pagoda. If he were still alive, he would have informed us at the first opportunity!"

"Damn it, the Vice Chairman might already be dead inside the Spirit Pagoda. There are so many strong Soul Masters and ferocious beasts in there!"

"So what should we do now? Enter the Spirit Pagoda to look for the Vice Chairman?"

No sooner had these words been spoken when they were rejected by the man leading them, "That's not possible. According to what the Vice Chairman said, if he doesn't come out of the Spirit Pagoda alive, it proves that the Spirit Pagoda is indeed preparing some unspeakable plan!!"

"So, the most important thing now is to follow our initial agreement and tell the politicians of the Federation about this!!"

Upon hearing this, they looked at each other and all agreed...

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's return to the Federation right now!"

But just as they were about to set off, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by a large number of Spirit Pagoda Members...

Bi Ji stepped forward, her face showing a cold intent, "The master was right after all; Qiangu Qingfeng did send some people to hide in the vicinity!!!"

If they were allowed to return to the Federation, the fact that the Spirit Pagoda was secretly creating soul beasts could very well be exposed!!

The leader of the men swallowed hard, his voice trembling as he said, "What... what are you planning to do? We are people of the Federation!"

"If you know what's good for you, let us leave at once!"

Bi Ji, as if she had heard a joke, replied indifferently, "Leave? I'm sorry, but it seems you won't have that opportunity!"

These humans really couldn't see the situation clearly, could they? Having been discovered, how could they possibly be allowed to leave safely!

After all, only the dead keep secrets!

She immediately waved her hand and ordered, "Members of the Spirit Pagoda, attack! Capture them all!!"

How could the Federation's people just surrender? They all released their Martial Souls and Battle Armors...

"It looks like we have to fight. As long as one of us can get the message back to the Federation, our deaths will not be in vain!"

"Despicable Spirit Pagoda, do you really think we are pushovers?"

"If you want to kill us, you will have to pay the price!!!"

However, overwhelmed by the numbers against them, they couldn't even last ten minutes before they all lost the ability to act and were forcibly taken back into the Spirit Pagoda...

Death awaited them!!


After completing the mission, Bi Ji immediately went to find Gu Yuena and respectfully reported, "Master, your guess was indeed correct; Qiangu Qingfeng really did hide a lot of Federation members in the dark!"

"But they have all been captured and dealt with!"

Gu Yuena showed no surprise, only calmly acknowledged with a "Hmm"...

From the beginning, she had known that Qiangu Qingfeng was cautious by nature and would not rashly break into the Spirit Pagoda!

He would definitely have considered the possibility of not returning!

And these Federation members were clearly his contingency!

However, it was too bad that even though Qiangu Qingfeng may have uncovered the fact that the Spirit Pagoda was secretly creating soul beasts, without anyone to bring the news back to the Federation, whatever he did was worthless!!

Seeing her reaction, Bi Ji further inquired, "Master, the number of Soul Masters who want to join our Spirit Pagoda has not decreased. Should we stop?"

Gu Yuena dismissed the suggestion, "No... keep admitting as many Soul Masters who wish to join as come. With the resources of the Spirit Pagoda, we can fully afford the consumption in the meantime!"

The more Soul Masters the Spirit Pagoda had, the better!

Even if they were of low soul power rank, as long as they could use soul tools or Mechas, they would have a certain level of combat strength!

Bi Ji naturally had no objections, "Yes, Master!"

"Do you have any other instructions? If not, I'll take my leave!"

However, Gu Yuena suddenly stretched out her tender palm and pressed it against her shoulder...

"Wait, there's another matter I need your help with!"

Bi Ji looked puzzled, "What would you have me do, master?"

It was only then that Gu Yuena continued, "Send someone to the Blacksmith Association at once, to purchase a large number of Mechas and various weapons!"

Bi Ji hesitated for a moment, "Master, although I have no objections, doing so could likely cause dissatisfaction among other forces and prevent the transaction, right?"

Stockpiling so many weapons, one doesn't need a brain to guess what the Spirit Pagoda is planning to do next!

Gu Yuena, however, lifted her head, her entire being exuding intense confidence, "No... no one can stop this, after all, the President of the Blacksmith Association is my teacher!"

No matter the purpose, he would certainly stand by her side!

Bi Ji pursed her lips, gave a small signal, and then quickly left...

Watching her leave, Gu Yuena slowly walked over to the desk, sat down, picked up a pen, and started to write elegantly...

"Just to be safe, I should still write a letter to my teacher!"


Soon, the Blacksmith Association received the news...

"Report to the President, I have an important matter to report!"

The member responsible for communication stared intently at Zhen Hua, who sat on the sofa, exuding an air of deadly stillness...

The latter slowly turned his head, his deeply weathered cheeks showing a few traces of vigor, "What could possibly be so important now?"

The man explained, "Just now, the Spirit Pagoda's master personally ordered a massive purchase of weapons and Mechas from our federation!"

Zhen Hua finally showed a trace of concern, "Oh? Why would Gu Yue do such a thing?"

The former shook his head, "I'm not sure, but there's also a letter for you!"

With that said, he handed over a letter personally penned by Gu Yuena...

After taking it, Zhen Hua quickly opened the letter and read it attentively...

After he finished reading, he laid the letter down on the table...

His expression grew more solemn...

The man hesitated for a moment before asking, "Uh, President, should we sell to the Spirit Pagoda?"

Zhen Hua decisively refused, "No! I will personally visit the Spirit Pagoda first! Then I'll make a decision."

Gu Yue's sudden desire to purchase so many Mechas and weapons definitely had no simple purpose!

Although she was his disciple, he didn't want her to stray onto the wrong path!

The former nodded slightly, "I understand, President. I'll go prepare at once."

He had not expected the President to refuse the Spirit Pagoda's purchasing request...

One should know that this was a substantial deal, enough to revitalize the currently dismal state of the Blacksmith Association!!

With those words, he decisively left the place, leaving Zhen Hua alone...

Muttering to himself, "Gu Yue, you must absolutely not collaborate with those ferocious beasts; otherwise, there will be no good outcome!"


